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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rumor - Next Call of Duty Title To Be Next-Gen Exclusive, No WiiU

"Next Call of Duty Title To Be Next-Gen Exclusive, No WiiU"

That title sounds really trollish.

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zumnupy10 said:
Maybe Activions is repeating the same strategy of Call of Duty 2 in 2005.

There was a version for XBOX/PS2/GC called COD2:Big Red one. While COD 2 was released for X360.

This was my thought too.


I can't imagine activision is willing to take that much of a sales loss just to kickstart next gen, but who knows. Maybe they will take a hit this year so they can get the next gen install base up for the next seven years of COD.

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

This is a pretty absurd rumor given that Activision would lose millions if the game was next-gen only at this stage.  I fully expect the CoD franchise to be cross-generational for the next two years at least to recoup costs of development.  It'll see it's highest sales on the X360 and PS3, and then decent sales on the Wii U, PS4, and Durango.  


Every current-gen CoD title, except Black Ops II, was released on the Wii and many had versions on the DS.  This next-gen only rumor is pretty stupid.

They might as well shoot themselves in the foot if they all of a sudden dump the PS3/360 fanbase and force them to buy the next consoles for the next COD while they had just launched.

If it was true that it's not coming to wii u, that would've been foolish too. You still have idiots thinking Nintendo is going to choke under pressure and sink because of lackluster sales. They may be not be as big as the other two, but they can definitely pulls some strings to bring back their sales.

By then, their sales would've improved for Activision to bring the game to Wii U. Even if they did release it, and it only made a million or 2 in sales, I don't think Activivision is going to walk away from more money going into their pockets.

Again, it's another example of "our software doesn't sell well on Nintendo's consoles." Developers need to get their asses in gear or else its going to be the Wii all over again.

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If this is true the moneyhat from MS and Sony needs to be insanely huge for Activision to justify the exclusivity. Seriously this doesn't makes any sense to me. 

Nintendo and PC gamer

Highly doubt this... I expect Activision to release COD games on current gen consoles for at least 5+ years.

They'll probably release on current and next gen. Maybe next gen will have improved graphics or something like that, not sure about the wii u version though. If it is profitable, I don't see why not.

bertlsenix said:

People on the WIiU don't have to be angry cause in this case it isn't about not enough power to handle NextGen games
A Smartphone could handle CoD cause it is using such an outdated Engine.No comparison to a pushing Developer like DICE with Battlefield 3 and upcoming 4 that is even a lot more intense than BF3. - Its just not even Black Ops 2 sold on the WiiU and that is strange.CoD is managing to sell with little to no change every year 25 Million units one home consoles.

no way in hell would a cellphone manage to run call of duty like a console. just because it doesnt look pretty doesnt mean there isnt so much power required to run the game

brendude13 said:
"Next Call of Duty Title To Be Next-Gen Exclusive, No WiiU"

That title sounds really trollish.

lol the article said "next gen call of duty to be next-gen exclusive" then the guy says it wont release on WiiU, i didnt want people to think i was trolling the WiiU and acting like its not next gen, so i just added it to the tittle