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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony fans getting over confident?

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Are sony fans getting over confident?

Yes 292 55.94%
No 229 43.87%
Ji99saw said:
As usual, same thing happened with the PS3 and Vita (look how those turned out). And once again Microsoft and

Nintendo are going to place their boot right back up Sony's ass with Samsung and Apple to support with an orbital

strike lol. But lets be fair Sony has been bleeding money for 6 consecutive years and recently had to sell

their home just to survive it's kind of sad but let the have their fun before reality strikes. Because like Sony said

they are going to buy Samsung and Apple, just like the homeless man by my job swears he's going to be king of


But the PS3 is doing really good selling the best week after week, infact if it wasn't for the 1 year late start $600 price tag this gen would have been the same as the 2 gens before it, you know PS completely dominating. You have some weak jabs if all you can critizice is financial problems and not the actual things the console is used for like games and free online.

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I don't think the Sony Boys are over confidant. I think they are just getting excited.
Next MS will release the Nextbox specs, then Xbox Boys will be excited.
Both will continue to bash each other endlessly, while us Ninty Boys try to keep the peace.


                                  Gaming Away Life Since 1985

Not more then Nintendo fan wii u doing very poorly and think because Nintendo struggle everything sould struggle.

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

theshonen8899 said:

Third place? Last I checked the PS3 was released one year after the Xbox 360, and yet their sales are nearly equivalent. Logic much?

Yes 3rd place. You can read. Ill give you some good numbers.

Wii - 99,019,640
360 - 74,519,356
PS3 - 73,206,500

See. The PS3 has sold less than the Wii and less than the 360. Its currently in 3rd place.


maximrace said:
@ Max; if sony beats msft all the time than why is it still second...

It´s not second, it´s third.
And Microsoft it´s not first, it´s second.
Nintendo was, is, and will be the first and leader of the past/current gen (7th gen).

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Carl2291 said:
theshonen8899 said:

Third place? Last I checked the PS3 was released one year after the Xbox 360, and yet their sales are nearly equivalent. Logic much?

Yes 3rd place. You can read. Ill give you some good numbers.

Wii - 99,019,640
360 - 74,519,356
PS3 - 73,206,500

See. The PS3 has sold less than the Wii and less than the 360. Its currently in 3rd place.


I wouldn't say we Sony fans are over confident. We are just confident. If anything, I would say it may be a lack of confidence from the fans of Nintendo and MS.

It's pretty obvious why Nintendo fans are worried. The Wii U started selling like a dying console only two months after release. This means that Nintendo fans rushed out and bought it, but the majority of the general gaming public aren't exactly interested in it. More games and a $199-249 price tag will help, but I doubt it will push it to #1.

For MS fans, they have seen the direction MS has been taking the last 2 or so years (focusing more on Kinect/casual games, while giving the core gamer just a game or two per year), and rumors are suggesting that the NeXbox will probably have the same focus. Not as powerful as the PS4 and Kinect in every box. Rare just revealed that they plan to announce a big Kinect game in the near future and Jonathan Blow stated MS seemed more focused on the multimedia aspects of the console when he spoke with them. The problem with this focus is that it seems that casuals may not be there in the same numbers as they were this gen (Wii U sales) and it is also going to drive some 360 core gamers to Sony.

For Sony, people are seeing that they have learned from their mistakes. Powerful system that's easy to develop on this time, so quality multiplats and exclusives from the get go, but will cost less than the PS3's $499. The Share features are also peaking people's interest. We all know what happens when Sony has a strong launch. Heck, Sony had one of the weakest launches ever this gen and they are going to finish a close 2nd to the Wii.

Ooooh some serious venom spitting from my fellow Ninty Boys on here.....very sassy indeed!

                                  Gaming Away Life Since 1985

POE said:
Carl2291 said:
theshonen8899 said:

Third place? Last I checked the PS3 was released one year after the Xbox 360, and yet their sales are nearly equivalent. Logic much?

Yes 3rd place. You can read. Ill give you some good numbers.

Wii - 99,019,640
360 - 74,519,356
PS3 - 73,206,500

See. The PS3 has sold less than the Wii and less than the 360. Its currently in 3rd place.


Lol. You guys.

CGI-Quality said:
360 - 74,519,356
PS3 - 73,206,500

Didn't realize it had gotten that close. :O

Also Nintendos latest info showed ps3 and 360 being undertracked here. However, its undertracked more so for the ps3... so gap is closer than that. and thats just for Europe.