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Forums - General Discussion - The bans in Jaywood's thread are laudable

theprof00 said:

well, see, I see a lot worse, so in my mind, comparitively, these seem minor, but if these are just regular infractions, then that would mean the others are much worse than I thought, but nothing happens to them still, so however you want to quantify it, there are a lot of people getting away with so much. I'm for the mods sticking to their rules, so long as they stay fair. This thread is about making sure the mods understand that we want to see a level field from now on.

I see you and others make references to worse posts. Could you be so kind and post some links, so that we all know what it is about. So  far all these references look like veiled claims that the mods are biased without showing proof: "You know, these threads were things are even worse, I don't need to post links, as everyone knows what I'm talking about."

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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I can see why the Mods were cracking down on those posts, but what if I just strolled in there (while the OP didn't say anything about how differing opinions would be moderated), read the OP, and said, "I still think it's too expensive. Personally, I wouldn't pay for Online." Would this get me moderated? If so, I find that to be slightly ridiculous.
That is an out and out opinion. I don't even know how this could be taken as offensive/trolling.

Off Topic: It's slightly awkward/weird how obsessed Akvod seems over those graphs.

DirtyP2002 said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
kain_kusanagi said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
well obviously, its an xbox thread so Sony fans say stupid things and get banned. in the Ps threads Ms fans run riot and no one get banned lol this was obviously going to happen.

also anyone wanting proof of this go to: Forums > Sony Discussion > any thread

So I clicked on the first two top threads in the Forums > Sony Discussion

Anyone you might label as a MS fan seems to be pretty civil, on topic, and even friendly. BTW, that second link is to a parody thread designed to make fun of Jaywood's thread. The MS fans in it just seem to be disapointed in the thread's purpose, but they don't seem to be irate about it.

i was obviously just stating it happens alot in sony threads and despite reporting nothing happens. 

but tbh pal you need to get a hobby or something.. like... who really has time for doing this? arnt you on your 30's? jezzz 

talking about stricter mods: I would ban you for 2 days for insulting other community members.

He proved you wrong by posting examples that contradict your post and you are like 'Get a life!!!!111'.
You know how bad this makes you look?

I look bad on the Internet in a forum full of strangers? Oh no! 

A. I don't look bad and B. your not a mod I dont care what you would do. I have seen many posts by you in the past which are bananle so get of your high horse. 

Mnementh said:
theprof00 said:

well, see, I see a lot worse, so in my mind, comparitively, these seem minor, but if these are just regular infractions, then that would mean the others are much worse than I thought, but nothing happens to them still, so however you want to quantify it, there are a lot of people getting away with so much. I'm for the mods sticking to their rules, so long as they stay fair. This thread is about making sure the mods understand that we want to see a level field from now on.

I see you and others make references to worse posts. Could you be so kind and post some links, so that we all know what it is about. So  far all these references look like veiled claims that the mods are biased without showing proof: "You know, these threads were things are even worse, I don't need to post links, as everyone knows what I'm talking about."

I'm not going to go looking through posts to find things. I will catch them as they happen and you'll be the first to know, promise.

KylieDog said:
Seem to be some double standards by mods in that thread, Jaywood himself has called someone worthless as well as trashed XBL himself and called it worthless.

Yet he is not banned.

Preach it brother. 

Alrhough I like Jaywood just agreeing about the double standards. 

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RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:

I don't believe there is any argument I could make to sway the mods. Even Axum says he supports what I'm doing, signalling the very likely intransigence I'd find on that route.

But it's like I said earlier, the report button doesn't work for me, but it seems to work for others just fine. Like I said, I really only report blatant ones but nothing ever happens. I think that is my biggest beef at the moment, and why I want to do this.

Fine, just don't overdo it. As they say, what goes around comes around. (Meaning that you shouldn't be surprised if people start to watch your posts more closely now that you've decided to make bigger efforts to clean up.)

JayWood2010 said:

Personal opinion but I think you should become a moderator.  You seem to be very but you can also joke and have fun too

Thanks, but it's probably better if I remain a regular user. Also, I am very what?

Very fair and reasonable


I think it's nice for the mods to respect the rule of the OP of the thread, it's like if I ask for a thread lock, they'll just lock it. That means they are doing their jobs and as long as it's not some overboard dumb rule they are setting up the thread to be, then it's all good. XBL pricing really had nothing to do with it.

Nsanity said:
these bans were needless.

i avoided the thread for many reasons. my response may have been "i'm still having a hard time finding a reason paying for an online service, when some of the features i can get without the service $40 cheaper, meaning not paying for live to have netflix ect"

of course that would have been me opening up discussion expanding on the topic, but the bann feast shows i'd have been banned.

i didn't post because i thought it a fare deal, but $19-29.99 fits my price rang better. but it's also nice to know a none troll like myself could have got'n bannd for trying to create discussion.

He was given a warning and then decided to post this:

i'm on the fence, but then again. we (you do one hell of a job) provide content for vgc, so wouldn't we have to go looking for deals like this to make threads?

yea i'd ban him again.

pezus said:
NintendoPie said:
I can see why the Mods were cracking down on those posts, but what if I just strolled in there (while the OP didn't say anything about how differing opinions would be moderated), read the OP, and said, "I still think it's too expensive. Personally, I wouldn't pay for Online." Would this get me moderated? If so, I find that to be slightly ridiculous.
That is an out and out opinion. I don't even know how this could be taken as offensive/trolling.

Off Topic: It's slightly awkward/weird how obsessed Akvod seems over those graphs.

Probably not, since you're not a PS fan and are therefore not looked at as a competitor

i don't know man. this guy has an Xbox and got bannd


if you can't bash the company you support, then whats the point in posting period? 

lol at the "revenge" thread not having the amount of trolls this one has just proves my point!