The OP should mention that you are offering VGC members free PSN service.
I am the black sheep "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson
The OP should mention that you are offering VGC members free PSN service.
I am the black sheep "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson
Tagged game is fitting yet ironic. Nintendopie Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)
As a PS3 owner since launch, I can safely say that PSN has been worth every penny.
PSN gave me $10 to spend in the PSN store for free.
PSN has the best service ever.
axumblade said: My only complaint is that my hard drive on my PS3 filled up too quickly with games from PSN+. I'm going to end up having to buy a new one because I keep having to delete games. And my Vita is having the same issue (but luckily I got a few memory cards for Christmas. :( |
I know your pain. All 320 gigs full. And my Vita is full too after I got the amazing Persona 4.
I am the black sheep "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson
PSN or SEN, as it's called now, is a great platform with much to offer for the amazing cost of 0 euros/dollars! What's not to love?
axumblade said: My only complaint is that my hard drive on my PS3 filled up too quickly with games from PSN+. I'm going to end up having to buy a new one because I keep having to delete games. And my Vita is having the same issue (but luckily I got a few memory cards for Christmas. :( |
Rejoice in the ability to buy any cheap sata drive of any capacity you want and use it.
I don't know what to say in this thread because I can be banned .
OP. I think it is a nice strategy to five us a online service for free... and the paid part (PSN+) is really a great deal... I expect something similar to PS4.
Carl2291 said: As a PS3 owner since launch, I can safely say that PSN has been worth every penny. |
as a PS3 owner and avid user of PSN, I can confirm this.