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pezus said:
NintendoPie said:
I can see why the Mods were cracking down on those posts, but what if I just strolled in there (while the OP didn't say anything about how differing opinions would be moderated), read the OP, and said, "I still think it's too expensive. Personally, I wouldn't pay for Online." Would this get me moderated? If so, I find that to be slightly ridiculous.
That is an out and out opinion. I don't even know how this could be taken as offensive/trolling.

Off Topic: It's slightly awkward/weird how obsessed Akvod seems over those graphs.

Probably not, since you're not a PS fan and are therefore not looked at as a competitor

i don't know man. this guy has an Xbox and got bannd


if you can't bash the company you support, then whats the point in posting period?