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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I don't understand how anyone could ever trust MS's Next after this gen :/


Do you still trust MS enough to get their Next Console?

Yes 265 34.06%
No 512 65.81%

If you are worried about hardware failure rates buy Nintendo....
I had RROD with 360, but also had to replace PS1, PS2 and PS3 during their lifespan - and I look after my shit... On all 3 occasions Sony did nothing to replace them. At least Microsoft replaced the console, and my original XBOX still works to this day.....
Nintendo? I have all their consoles back to the NES and they all still work.....

Around the Network
forevercloud3000 said:
kopstudent89 said:
You're saying that about a console that's dominating the US and UK. That's a lot of people's opinions that don't agree with you :/

well I guess I'm speaking for the other 80% of the world where the 360 is not dominant and is actually in last place.

There are more 360's than PS3's...

tripenfall said:
If you are worried about hardware failure rates buy Nintendo....
I had RROD with 360, but also had to replace PS1, PS2 and PS3 during their lifespan - and I look after my shit... On all 3 occasions Sony did nothing to replace them. At least Microsoft replaced the console, and my original XBOX still works to this day.....
Nintendo? I have all their consoles back to the NES and they all still work.....

Nintendo has consistantly offered durable consoles that rarely break, can't take that away from them.

My personal experience with Playstation has been mostly positive in this regard. My PS1 was a monster, the thing still works even today(the open button is a bit sticky tho). PS2 Fat worked fine for the first 3 years, then the lens died on me, sent it in to sony for free, but I did pay for shipping and handling. Got that console back and it died again another year later. Thats when I upgraded to the PS2 slim, which worked like a dream, never any hitches. The only faulter of quality for me was the Fat version, and I never really blamed Sony for that cuz my nephew dropped it off a high shelf and it was constantly in use. 




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

forevercloud3000 said:

Nintendo has consistantly offered durable consoles that rarely break, can't take that away from them.

My personal experience with Playstation has been mostly positive in this regard. My PS1 was a monster, the thing still works even today(the open button is a bit sticky tho). PS2 Fat worked fine for the first 3 years, then the lens died on me, sent it in to sony for free, but I did pay for shipping and handling. Got that console back and it died again another year later. Thats when I upgraded to the PS2 slim, which worked like a dream, never any hitches. The only faulter of quality for me was the Fat version, and I never really blamed Sony for that cuz my nephew dropped it off a high shelf and it was constantly in use. 

That's everything that matters, Cloudy (May I call you like that? :3). My personal experiencie with Microsoft may has not been the best of the best, but hey, I'm positive with them. I like the 360, even if it RROD me once.

kopstudent89 said:
forevercloud3000 said:
kopstudent89 said:
You're saying that about a console that's dominating the US and UK. That's a lot of people's opinions that don't agree with you :/

well I guess I'm speaking for the other 80% of the world where the 360 is not dominant and is actually in last place.

There are more 360's than PS3's...

360 HAD sold more systems than PS3, from its year head start, but PS3 is SELLING more than 360 every year. 360 has not been in the lead in sales for years now, every year the PS3 out performs it. That 7million gap is closing rapidly (its like 1.4mill left I think). Also, only UK and US have 360 as lead platform, everywhere else in the world PS3 does better than it. The UK is usually lumped in with EU and over all PS3 has sold more there. Japan is self explanatory.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

Around the Network
forevercloud3000 said:
kopstudent89 said:
forevercloud3000 said:
kopstudent89 said:
You're saying that about a console that's dominating the US and UK. That's a lot of people's opinions that don't agree with you :/

well I guess I'm speaking for the other 80% of the world where the 360 is not dominant and is actually in last place.

There are more 360's than PS3's...

360 HAD sold more systems than PS3, from its year head start, but PS3 is SELLING more than 360 every year. 360 has not been in the lead in sales for years now, every year the PS3 out performs it. That 7million gap is closing rapidly (its like 1.4mill left I think). Also, only UK and US have 360 as lead platform, everywhere else in the world PS3 does better than it. The UK is usually lumped in with EU and over all PS3 has sold more there. Japan is self explanatory.

Are you being serious or just trying to troll?


First of all, how could the PS3 be selling more every year, yet still be behind the Xbox 360 in global sales?  That /= logic.

Second of all, if you take even 3 minutes of your time to do some research you'll see that the exact opposite is true (heck, even the charts on this website say so!).  Xbox 360 has been leading the sales almost every year up until about January of 2013, where the PS3 has finally caught up.  Although that may also change starting in March, since the PS4 has been announced (and most likely will hurt PS3 sales going forward).

Landsharkk said:

Are you being serious or just trying to troll?


First of all, how could the PS3 be selling more every year, yet still be behind the Xbox 360?  That /= logic.

Second of all, if you take even 3 minutes of your time to do some research you'll see that the exact opposite is true (heck, even the charts on this website say so!).  Xbox 360 has been leading the sales almost every year up until about January of 2013, where the PS3 has finally caught up.  Although that may also change starting in March, since the PS4 has been announced (and most likely will hurt PS3 sales going forward).

You need to learn how to VGChartz.Go here and unselect everything but PS3 and 360

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Wright said:
forevercloud3000 said:

Nintendo has consistantly offered durable consoles that rarely break, can't take that away from them.

My personal experience with Playstation has been mostly positive in this regard. My PS1 was a monster, the thing still works even today(the open button is a bit sticky tho). PS2 Fat worked fine for the first 3 years, then the lens died on me, sent it in to sony for free, but I did pay for shipping and handling. Got that console back and it died again another year later. Thats when I upgraded to the PS2 slim, which worked like a dream, never any hitches. The only faulter of quality for me was the Fat version, and I never really blamed Sony for that cuz my nephew dropped it off a high shelf and it was constantly in use. 

That's everything that matters, Cloudy (May I call you like that? :3). My personal experiencie with Microsoft may has not been the best of the best, but hey, I'm positive with them. I like the 360, even if it RROD me once.

Sums up the entire thread really.

OP has some issues with MS, others either don't agree they are as big a deal as he thinks they are or believe they are not issues at all.

Landsharkk said:
forevercloud3000 said:
kopstudent89 said:
forevercloud3000 said:
kopstudent89 said:
You're saying that about a console that's dominating the US and UK. That's a lot of people's opinions that don't agree with you :/

well I guess I'm speaking for the other 80% of the world where the 360 is not dominant and is actually in last place.

There are more 360's than PS3's...

360 HAD sold more systems than PS3, from its year head start, but PS3 is SELLING more than 360 every year. 360 has not been in the lead in sales for years now, every year the PS3 out performs it. That 7million gap is closing rapidly (its like 1.4mill left I think). Also, only UK and US have 360 as lead platform, everywhere else in the world PS3 does better than it. The UK is usually lumped in with EU and over all PS3 has sold more there. Japan is self explanatory.

Are you being serious or just trying to troll?


First of all, how could the PS3 be selling more every year, yet still be behind the Xbox 360 in global sales?  That /= logic.

Second of all, if you take even 3 minutes of your time to do some research you'll see that the exact opposite is true (heck, even the charts on this website say so!).  Xbox 360 has been leading the sales almost every year up until about January of 2013, where the PS3 has finally caught up.  Although that may also change starting in March, since the PS4 has been announced (and most likely will hurt PS3 sales going forward).

What he's saying is on a year by year basis the PS3 has outsold the 360 most years its been on the market.

Of course, what that has to do with this thread is beyond me. So Japan doesn't like buying an American console. Doesn't make his OP any less lulz.

forevercloud3000 said:
Dmick90 said:
forevercloud3000 said:


The only valid argument you have is the RROD. Microsoft abandoned the hardcore gamer?  Here is the equivalent list for the PS3:

1. Many people were suckered into a $599 game console that did little but play movies.

2. The blockbuster titles like Uncharted, Gran Turismo were few and far in between. The good games didn't come until a few years into the PS3's life cycle.

3.The Playstation network trophy system and Playstation Plus online services were whipped up at the last minute to try to lure back Xbox Live customers. The PSN hacking debacle was an epic PR disaster. It struck the company off guard and really made the company look clueless and foolish.

4. Sony gave up too many exclusives to Microsoft that made the PS2 and PS1 hits like Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, GTA games, and many, many other games.

5. Sony getting rid of backwards compatibility of PS2 games really did hurt them big time, which is part of the reason gamers were slow to adopt the PS3. There was no reason to buy a PS3 if people could still buy PS2 games. Sony failed to seal the deal with the PS3 and convince PS2 owners.

6. People were not fooled by the Playstation Move, which was obviously a Wii remote ripoff.

7. The Sixaxis controller was useless and it was scrapped for the Dualshock 3, and the Sony really needed to change that controller design. Even hardcore PS3 fans have to admit that the Xbox 360 controller was a better quality, more ergonomic controller.

8. Sony still beating a dead horse decides to release the PS3 Slim and Super Slim which was a backwards step in design, and degradations of the original and they tried to rehash past marketing efforts, lol. Microsoft answered back with their own "Slim" version which wasn't just a cheapened version of the original like the PS3 Slim but an all around better, sleeker, upgraded Xbox 360. 

Sony screwed up more and had more damage control measures this gen than Microsoft.



1. in the begining, I would say thats true

2. Yes, in the first 2 years

3.  Sony definitely was playing catch up with everything related to online. They had really no experience in it, while 360 had the first Xbox as a template on what to improve. They eventually caught on tho.

4. Yes, they lost them...wouldn't say they gave them up tho. They just refused to throw money at devs(money they didn't have anyway) in order to secure their exclusivity. They refused to play MS's game of who's checkbook is bigger. I think Sony learned a very valuable lesson from this tho. Don't put too much faith in 3rd Parties. Nintendo knew this already. Since then Sony has cultivated a massively powerful collection of 1st Party Studios.

5.Hated the fact they got rid of BC too, I did understand it tho. It was an expendable expense, in a time where they needed to slash price to be more competitive. They found a better way of letting people still get their PS2 fix tho, one that would lead them to more profits as well. I'm not completely condoning this practice tho. Yet many who whined about no more BC didn't really wanna play PS2 games, they just didn't like the idea of it losing features. I think their is an important inverse to this that should also be pointed out. PS3 started with a hefty plethora of functions(hardware wise) with BC, rechargeable controllers, HDMI ports, Wifi, BR Functionality and later cut a few things to gain a pricing advantage. 360 omitted several inclusions just so they could resell much better versions at a later day.So basically PS3 was built to appeal to tech gadget fanatics and then later issued dumbed down versions for those who didn't care for such things and just wanted it to be cheaper. 360 made a gimped product from jump, and added expected features later to get existing owners to rebuy yet another console.

6. Agreed. But the Move is not a failure. It sold 15million, the Kinect is a bit above 20million by comparison and that is with a 50+million dollar budget. Now the Move's game library is actually sprinkled with a few really inventively well made ones....but they got zero marketing and released with zero fanfare and floped in sales by default.

7. There were a few games that too very good advantage of the Sixaxis functions. Heavenly Sword and Folklore come to mind. The rest made it way too gimicky, and it of course was a rushed addition to answer to Wii. The only thing really wrong with the controller was the damn back triggers which were very slippery. The form factor is really a regional game. If you are a 6ft, 200+ pound man then yea, the PS2 controller might feel puny and uncomfortable. Yet to the general public of JP, and people with more average sized hands find no issue with it and often times prefer it. I saw some surveys that said it was really a 50/50 split on which controller style they prefer. The inclusion of a mic jack in the controller was ingenius tho.

8. You do know the PS3 outsells 360 every month tho right? You say it as if the 360 is doing better than it sales wise which is actually the opposite. Just because NPD totes how great the sales of 360 is in th US, they fail to aknowledge that these are WW companies, and the 360 suffers virtually everywhere else(pretty much anywhere where english isn't the dominant language). PS3 tops sales on the reg as can be seen on the VGC homepage.

I'm a 5' 7" Italian with very small hands and the PS3 controller is still uncomfortable for me to hold. The difference between the Xbox 360 controller and PS3 controller is like night and day. Plus the sticks are too close together, it just feels unnatural in your hands. The triggers are convex, and the whole controller just feels like cheap plastic.

And the Xbox 360 still has the lead worldwide, and has been leading in the US for the past couple years. The United States is the biggest market, and that is where the sales really count.