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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Have you already picked your primary console for Next-Gen?


What will be your Primary Console Next-Gen?

Wii U 132 18.67%
Orbis (PS4) 360 50.92%
Durango (720) 126 17.82%
Don't know yet 78 11.03%
SR 11 1.56%


Sony is putting a lot of effort in its library.
We know most of their teams are working on NextGen Games and all of them are spread out over a lot of different genres.
You get new IPs with probably interesting concepts and new innovations besides the sequels of their best and well known franchises.
The PS4 architecture is closer to a PC this time like Microsoft is used to do it and its probably the stronger console.So Multiplatform Games should run without any problems and tears from the developers(i don't care anyways cause of GamingPC).
Japanese Developers won't make the same mistake as they did in the beginning of the PS360 Gen.Hard to understand architecture is gone and the PS4 won't release 1 year later.And after this Gen they have seen the money from Microsoft isn't worth to take the risk of getting hate from your fanbase and low sale numbers.They will probably spread out over Sony and few of them on Nintendo.
PSN+ right now is far superior to XboxLive and more customer friendly...I think Sony will keep this up.

At the end i will own all 3 consoles but i will get the WiiU and the NextBox when they are damn cheap.

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PS4 day 1, will probably get an xbox at a later stage, especially if Alan wake 2 comes out for it.

I really haven't got on with MS this gen with their paid online system... I am wholly against such practices (I pay my ISP to get online i dont feel i have to pay again to play games)... yes i know they have servers to maintain and stuff, but provide other methods of people playing multiplayer together... PC users have been able to do that forever.

I am not a fan of kinect, and dont want it. I really like move, but because its controller based. I want accuracy and buttons, not waving my arms around with very thinly designed game mechanics.

Exclusives - I really think Sony are amazing when it comes to making such a wide range of different gaming experiences and they really do like to try new ip, which should be supported greatly in this industry. I am not a fan of halo or forza... so am not in a rush to try out MS console on day 1.

Roma said:
I follow the games I love most not the graphics so WiiU of course

That's what most Xbox 360 and PS3 owners are doing as well. My main interest in the PS3 was the games Sony produce. The 360 began to capture my interest when Lost Oddysey released and not the othe flashy games like Gears of War.

PS4 day one if it releases sooner or at the same time as the next xbox. Then two years later i will probably buy a new PC again.

Also if the PS4 would support the Oculus Rift VR headset i would probably buy 3 ps4's just out of joy and grattitude.(or buy a boatload of games if they sell the system at a loss).

Yes, I'm going Wii U on the Home Console front, 3DS on the Portable.

I already have (half) a Vita but it's used very infrequently, and I will likely get the PS4 a year or so after launch, so I don't get screwed over by early adopters.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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pezus said:
I will stick with my PC and then buy a PS4 some time into the generation most likely. Unless it will be irresistable...

It will be irresistable, sorry.

Imma stick with Sony, I have the vita and enjoy it very much and each generation they have never really let me down. Maybe the Wii U (i like the idea of it) and the 720 if Microsoft get it together (u know so that there console doesn't break on a 1 out of 3 ratio). But i had all 3 this generation and only the PS3 is still being used, my 360 broke and the Wii really don't have any games that intrigue me. With all of this said i'm still sticking with the PC as my Main :P

I'll get the PS4 but don't know when. I'll have to get another PS3 in the meantime as my old fat one probably won't last too long. Will depend on BC and how they implement it, because I'd rather be without a PS4 than an ability to play my PS3 games.

Horrorfest said:
Dmick90 said:
dharh said:
Dmick90 said:
dharh said:

That's your opinion. I'm not really a big RPG fan anyways, but I thought the Fable series was great. Microsoft just got its foot in the door with Xbox and once it established a fanbase they went all out and put all their resources behind the 360. Xbox 360 is like wine, the games keep getting better with time. You can't say you haven't got your moneys worth out of it because we're getting some of the best games near the end of its life cycle. 

LOL? Xbox desperately needs more exclusive games. It really just has Halo and Gears. Fable has dissapointed its fans with every release and now its probably gone anyways after Journey flopped. Forza is cool and that's really all there is. Sure there is some live games which is cool if you like playing arcade style games but Microsoft really really needs more games...desperately or they are finished. You can't fucking tell me Microsoft has spent wisely. Instead of investing in new games they have thrown away money with timed exclusive bullshit which doesn't do anything at all. COD games and Bethesda games sold more on xbox to begin with and so Microsoft gives them money for dlc when they already sell better on xbox to begin with? Absolutely fucking retarded. 

Seriously. Microsoft has Halo and Gears...that's it. It needs to change.

That's like saying the PS3 only has Uncharted and Gran Turismo. Of course they have other great exclusives worthy of mention but just because they didn't put up sales numbers like Uncharted or GT, doesn't mean that's all they have. Just Halo and Gears? I guess you never heard of Fable, Forza, Shadowrun, Ace Combat 6 (which used to be a PS exclusive), Alan Wake (my favorite), Ninja Gaiden, Mass Effect, Crackdown, Deadrising, Star Ocean, Blue Dragon, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero, Banjo Kazooie, Viva Pinata, and many more great hidden gems on the Xbox 360. And some great Kinect games on top of all that. 

Also GTA 4 (former PS exclusive), Devil May Cry 4 (former PS exclusive) Metal Gear Solid (former PS exclusive), Final Fantasy XIII (former PS exclusive), Assassins Creed (former PS exclusive), Tekken 6 (ex PS exclusive), Crash Bandicoot (ex PS exclusive). The PS3 has lost more exclusives than it gained this gen!

Darth Tigris said:
Yeah, looking at these results makes me think it might be time for me to move on from here. I voted Don't Know Yet and expected that to be far higher than it is. We know virtually nothing concrete about next gen and people have already cast their votes. This is as futile as most political elections here in the US.

And yes, I know many of you will justify with terms like 'brand loyalty', but just be honest and call it what it is.


I already said Wii-U & PC combo so I win......^.^