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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Have you already picked your primary console for Next-Gen?


What will be your Primary Console Next-Gen?

Wii U 132 18.67%
Orbis (PS4) 360 50.92%
Durango (720) 126 17.82%
Don't know yet 78 11.03%
SR 11 1.56%

I have a Wii U but I think my ps4 will be my main console just because currently my ps3 is my main console now and Sony are my favourite company out of the 3.

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I'm going to do the same thing I did this gen, which is a Nintendo console + one of Sony OR MS's console. I chose MS this gen initially because of Rare support, cheaper price, and stuck with it because of the Gears series and the superb online system, but I could opt for Sony next gen if they play their cards right and MS decides to screw us over with increased live costs or blocking used games or something. Especially now that I have a good gaming PC which most of MS's next gen games will probably be released on, I am actually leaning towards going Sony next gen, as a Wii U + PS4 + gaming PC would cover as much ground as possible while saving some money. I don't think I will have a "primary" console though, Wii U and PS4/720 will probably be split pretty evenly.

Ps4, followed by wii u (if they remake resident evil 2-3 like they did with the origional)

Unless it's a disaster, PS4. Probably at launch if I can get it for £350, latest next feb. If I don't get it for whatever reason then that money will probs be spent on my PC instead... Xbox will have to really impress with those new studios to get me to buy one.

I've wanted a Wii U for a while now. ZombiU not being awesome and a generally meh launch (for me) kind of steered me away, but I want to get into some old Zeldas and the WW remake is looking nice. Maybe at its first price cut.

PS4 is my priority. If WiiU starts receiving more JRPGs than ps4, I could buy it.

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PS4 for sure and then a WiiU. I really want a WiiU now, but I think i'll just wait till more games come out for it. I also have a pretty good PC.

I follow the games I love most not the graphics so WiiU of course

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

My primary console will be my 3DS, however, I seeing how this thread has gone I will then say the Wii U.
This gen I will most likely own a 3DS, Wii U and maybe some other system, like PS4 or PSV.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

PS4 for VersusXIII, the numerous exclusive JRPGs and multiplats.

PS4, due to the diverse portfolio of 1st party titles plus great 3rd party support, and Wii U for 3D Mario, Mario Kart,Smash, Bayonetta 2 and whatever Retro is developing.