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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Vote: Top 5 New IP's of the generation

pezus said:
JayWood2010 said:
pezus said:

As I was saying...CoD and Gears can not be compared. CoD is a monster for a reason, and everyone wants to be that monster.

im not argueing that call of duty isnt as influential as gears and never have.   They both have been and you can argue the two all day. You are making an argument out of nothing.  I said gears is more influential than uncharted.  

Wut, no you didn't. You began by saying Gears was the most influential game this generation. Then you said Gears and CoD were comparable when people mentioned CoD being far more influential.

I do feel that gears is the most influential but I can see the argument behind call of duty as it is hugely influential as well and Ive said that multiple times i believe.  I mean i could go back in check that, but Im pretty sure ive said that multiple times in this thread.  That is why i said it is arguable as you can make a case for both games.  Other than that Ive been mostly been talking about uncharted and gears and I hate doing that kind of stuff since they are both my two favorite games this generation.  I cant really say bad about either one of the games but I have a hard time sitting here listening to people say that uncharted had more influence than gears. 

And as others mentioned you can argue the same about wii sports.  I think you may have been one of them actually? 


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CGI-Quality said:
the2real4mafol said:
1. Heavy Rain
2. LA noire
3. Uncharted
4. Sleeping Dogs
5. Little Big Planet

#1. Really now? 

I put at number 1 as it's the most unique game i ever played, i loved how the game's story had so many different endings and how my own actions truly affected them. no other game even now can do that. Plus the QTE's didn't bother me too much. Also, it was my first platinum trophy :) 

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch will sell better than Wii U Lifetime Sales by Jan 1st 2018

1) Uncharted
2) LBP
3) Mass Effect
4) Dead Island
5) Heavy Rain

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

Heavy Rain is such a masterpiece Imo.  So glad that I could get the platinum Trophy for this game.

L.A Noire and HR are so unique.

1)Xenoblade (best JRPG this gen)
2)Dead Space (Very cool "horror" games, both of them xD)
3)Left 4 Dead (Best coop game this gen)
5)The Last Guardian (Possibly best vaporware this gen :P)

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1. Mass Effect
2. Dead Space
3. Gears Of War
4. Alan Wake
5. Assassin's Creed (Only because I couldn't think of any new IP's that I enjoyed or interested me)

JayWood2010 said:
Anybody who says that Gears hasn't been one of the most if not the most inluential games this generation knows very little.  TPSs have changed because of this game and to see so many people not vote for this game makes me once again question people on this site.  Games like Mass Effect and Uncharted wouldn't even be the same without Gears.Even if you dont like the game I cant see people argueing the strengths to this game.

People aren't voting for Gears simply because they didn't enjoy it as much as games Mass Effect or Uncharted. Sure, Gears may have influenced a few elements in those games. But it's the overall experience that counts, and for many people, Uncharted/Mass Effect beats Gears in that department. That's why so many people are voting for other TPS instead of Gears.

1) Mass Effect
2) Uncharted
3) Souls ( Demon's Souls, Dark Souls,...)
4) Assassin's Creed
5) Borderlands

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

green_sky said:
007BondAgent said:
1. Uncharted
2. Assassins Creed
3. La Noire
4. Dark Souls
5. Red dead redemption

007. New M reporting. I think Read Dead started last generation with Red Dead Revolver. Since it is totally new and different it might still count. You may keep your 007 status since you like such an awesome game but next time check your smartphone while drinking green bottle beer.

Other dudes please keep calm. There is no denying that Gears of War was a pioneer in a lot of things. The cover system, horde mode can now be found in all games. Plus big heavy dudes sprinting so fast is enough of a revolution. I've only played half of Gears 1 and 2's horde mode. That is why it didn't make the list. 


Isn't red dead redemption a spiritual successor though? kinda like dark souls

It's confusing though aha

007BondAgent said:


Isn't red dead redemption a spiritual successor though? kinda like dark souls

It's confusing though aha

Yea even Rockstar wants to forget the first game. It got mediocre reviews (74% Metacritic). I think each one will have its own story like GTA games so technically Red Dead brand started last gen but they perfected it with Redemption. Exited to see what they do with the next one. Red Dead Revolution maybe.