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Forums - Sales Discussion - Which nextgen home console will sell the most in 2014?

so many amazing posts.. who would have believed that the PS4 might outsell the WiiU in 2013.. insane

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Will the op surface for the crow eating?

areason said:
Will the op surface for the crow eating?

I don't think so. In case he does, maybe we should offer him a serving of that delicious crow.


OP lost

Wow can you be any more arrogant Phenom. I love how in this thread he was saying "do you have no faith in the next xbox?" etc. Well who's the one that doesn't have faith in the Wii U now?

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areason said:
Will the op surface for the crow eating?

No, he never does. He leaves the site for a few days or gets banned when he lashes out at someone. It's like domestic abuse; when in doubt of how to express yourself; proceed to hit.

I called him out on his BS in another thread and he hasn't been online since. He will keep denying everything and he will be back to his old tricks in no time, as if nothing happened. He also removed his sig with a quote he took from me in it, I've been asking him to bring it back but he doesn't appear to want to.

Usually, I don't participate in things like this, necroing and pointing in peoples faces but some deserve to be called out, especially if they're being rude, childish and contradicting the entire time. If you spend your times making ridiculous claims or being generally silly, don't get offended when someone calls you out on it.

It's okay to be wrong, for me it's more about how one goes about being wrong, both when making statements/predictions and when how you face their failure.

For more, hilarity; watch how certain people run from discussions in this thread;

Another example of being wrong in a bad way.

Screamapillar said:
Wii U will, with Smash and Zelda coming out next year, as well as the legs of the 3D Mario coming out this year, and whatever else they announce at E3.

bet you must be hard regretting that comment

im gonna play safe and say PS4

I just realized phenom08 is one of the most interesting users on this site.

PS4 > X1 > Wii U

I think PS3 globally will outsell the Wii U in 2014 as well.