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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why would I ever want to purchase a neXtBox 720?

Wander_ said:
JayWood2010 said:
Wander_ said:

im pretty sure the 3 gears are on pc unless im wrong?

No Gears of War 1 got released like 1 or 2 years after they originally released it on 360.  No other gears game is on PC.

Gears of War is the best X360 franchise why put it on pc? Microsoft i dont get you.

Because they wanted people to use Windows Live.  It was marketed to get Windows Live going and it was a good strategy other than people not liking windows live.  PC is not Xbox 360's competitor considering that I think 80% of the PC market is using Windows.

It is the same reason they've allowed games like Halo 2 Alan Wake, fable 3 on PC.  It's not their competitor.  but notice they dont put the entire franchise on their.  This is in the hope that if you like those games enough you will buy and xbox to play the rest of the series.  They also never release those games at launch.  They always rerelease them about a year or 2 afterwards when the sells have stagnated


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Completely agree... being a PC gamer I have very little interest in the next Xbox.

JayWood2010 said:
Wander_ said:
JayWood2010 said:
Wander_ said:

im pretty sure the 3 gears are on pc unless im wrong?

No Gears of War 1 got released like 1 or 2 years after they originally released it on 360.  No other gears game is on PC.

Gears of War is the best X360 franchise why put it on pc? Microsoft i dont get you.

Because they wanted people to use Windows Live.  It was marketed to get Windows Live going and it was a good strategy other than people not liking windows live.  PC is not Xbox 360's competitor considering that I think 80% of the PC market is using Windows.

It is the same reason they've allowed games like Halo 2 Alan Wake, fable 3 on PC.  It's not their competitor.  but notice they dont put the entire franchise on their.  This is in the hope that if you like those games enough you will buy and xbox to play the rest of the series.  They also never release those games at launch.  They always rerelease them about a year or 2 afterwards when the sells have stagnated

Awesome strategy.

BenVTrigger said:

Well if you arent interested in Halo, Gears, Forza, Fable then yes there is no reason to own a 360.  How on Earth that is reflective with what MS will offer with their next gen console is beyond me since you and I have zero idea what exclusive IP are coming and whether they will ever go to PC or not.

Again your entire argument is flawed.  You know nothing about the 720 yet act like you do.

1.  You have no idea what services it offers

2.  You have no idea what exclusive new IP is coming

3.  You have no idea what 3rd party exclusive IP is coming

4.  You have no idea if any of that will be ported to PC.

1) It will be a gaming and smart TV device running on a skinned Win8. Not really that hard to guess.

2) Halo, Gears, Forza and a small handfull of other titles.

3) Very likely no 3rd party content will be exclusive. Too costly at this point. This gen alone had very very few, next will be more so.

4) #2 is the only stuff that has a potential to really not be on PC. However, I'd wager MS will likely make it so its all one platform, Win8, and Xbox is simply their own entertainment device for the TV.

I may not have specifics, but its not too hard to look at what MS is and has been doing and then connect out the dots.

mrstickball said:
Primarily, I use my Xbox for 3 reasons:

1) Gaming on my 50" plasma screen
2) Exclusives like Forza
3) Media center activities

2 are technically possible on a PC, but I'd rather just deal with an Xbox than a PC when it comes to setting up a media center.

That's a good piont. The media center stuff may be easier on the Win8 flavor on the neXtBox.

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superchunk said:

I was reading up on some PC builds today and thinking about my next build. I then started considering all the new stuff in Win8 in regards to Xbox and Live. Then it hit me... why the fuck would I ever want to buy any future "Xbox" console?

  • Steam and OnLive will allow nearly every single 3rd party game in at least the same capacity as any Xbox would.
  • Many of the Xbox exlusive titles, still come to PC at some point and in reality only Gears matters to me and I thought that did go PC eventually anyways.
  • I can use a kb/ms OR a wireless Xbox controller, so there is actually a far better controller option than Xbox offers.
  • I would have full access to Live in the same fashion as an Xbox would for digital games and other entertainment.
  • Plus, when it comes to the other entertainment, a PC with Win8 can do all of that without Live subscription anyways, so really I save on the subscription fees.
  • In addition to that savings, a PC is far more useful than any gaming entertainment console that the next Xbox will become.

Same games, same controls, more control options, free online, better non-gaming applications, etc etc.

The only downside I can think of would be initial price. I'm sure the neXtBox will be $350 to $450 and it would take up to $900 or so for a PC I'd want to build. However, that is a non-issue as I would build the PC anyways. Only difference, is I'd ensure I had it in a nice case I'd want to see near my TV.

So again, I ask, why would anyone want to buy a neXtBox over simply adding a nice Win8 PC to their TV?

The nexbox hasnt even been announced!  You dont even know what microsoft is doing with it, so why make this thread?  You dont know enough right now to say if the nexbox is worth it or not.

for somebody that has been super citical of those bashing the wii u, this thread seems pretty hypocritical...

When I was deciding between a 360 and a PS3, the fact that I already had a gaming PC certainly played a part. I concluded that I would miss out on far more games if I went the 360 route, as I already had much of the 360 base covered. As I don't care for Gears, my only major loss is Halo. On the other hand, going PC+Sony and/or Nintendo would net a lot more exclusives.

green_sky said:
BenVTrigger said:
This thread is a pretty close minded way of looking at things

Why would ANYONE buy ANY console when you could always build a better PC. The answer is simple, many people especially those that arent "hardcore gamers" like the ease of use a console offers. If you go to the store to buy a 360 or PS3 game you know you can go straight home, stick it in your console and it will run perfectly fine. You also know there is zero need to worry about upgrading parts and compatibility issues until the next console releases.

For many core gamers like us PC gaming isnt that difficukt to figure out but we are the minority. The vast majority of gamers who play on console dont know anything about how to build a rig, how Steam works, or how to even gauge system requirements


Also as others have stated lot of japanse games don't make to the PC. It's starting to change a little bit but still far off. Also games like Red Dead Redemption are still not available for pc. Convenience and desire to play console exclusives makes one get a certain console. Same reason you got a Wii U superchunk.

This... Also ignoring Halo just because you find it boring is just showing how this thread is already close minded.

Basicaly you are ignoring the fact that a good majority of console gamers prefers consoles for a lot of different other reasons than being able to play PC games, like the ease of use, no need to upgrade for years, no need to worry about compatibility issues, no need to know anything about computer, very specialized operating system oriented to gaming and multimedias, Xbox Live integration (I'm missing a lot of other good reasons but those are mainly mine) etc... I'm using my PC to play games like World of Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, Eve Online etc... but I prefer my Xbox 360/controllers versus PC/mouse/keyboard for any other game by a mile....

I honestly can't take anyone seriously who praises and or criticizes or decides to buy or not buy a next gen console BEFORE THEY ARE EVEN ANNOUNCED! We know nothing about them. At least try to keep an open mind!

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Signalstar said:
I honestly can't take anyone seriously who praises and or criticizes or decides to buy or not buy a next gen console BEFORE THEY ARE EVEN ANNOUNCED! We know nothing about them. At least try to keep an open mind!

This 100%

We litteraly know nothing about the new Xbox.  Not even 1 single game has been announced for the console and hes already writing it off.  For all we know next gen Xbox is going to be loaded with new exclusive IP.

We litteraly know nothing about it other than a few random rumors