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superchunk said:

I was reading up on some PC builds today and thinking about my next build. I then started considering all the new stuff in Win8 in regards to Xbox and Live. Then it hit me... why the fuck would I ever want to buy any future "Xbox" console?

  • Steam and OnLive will allow nearly every single 3rd party game in at least the same capacity as any Xbox would.
  • Many of the Xbox exlusive titles, still come to PC at some point and in reality only Gears matters to me and I thought that did go PC eventually anyways.
  • I can use a kb/ms OR a wireless Xbox controller, so there is actually a far better controller option than Xbox offers.
  • I would have full access to Live in the same fashion as an Xbox would for digital games and other entertainment.
  • Plus, when it comes to the other entertainment, a PC with Win8 can do all of that without Live subscription anyways, so really I save on the subscription fees.
  • In addition to that savings, a PC is far more useful than any gaming entertainment console that the next Xbox will become.

Same games, same controls, more control options, free online, better non-gaming applications, etc etc.

The only downside I can think of would be initial price. I'm sure the neXtBox will be $350 to $450 and it would take up to $900 or so for a PC I'd want to build. However, that is a non-issue as I would build the PC anyways. Only difference, is I'd ensure I had it in a nice case I'd want to see near my TV.

So again, I ask, why would anyone want to buy a neXtBox over simply adding a nice Win8 PC to their TV?

The nexbox hasnt even been announced!  You dont even know what microsoft is doing with it, so why make this thread?  You dont know enough right now to say if the nexbox is worth it or not.

for somebody that has been super citical of those bashing the wii u, this thread seems pretty hypocritical...