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Forums - Sales Discussion - Prediction: Wii U will sell under 7m in 2013



No chance. The Wii U will... 415 53.34%
I agree, the Wii U will s... 363 46.66%

Mazty said:

peachbuggy said:

While it may be amazing for you to believe, most gamers aren't interested in this "tiny increase" you are talking about, which i'm assuming you mean processing power. A lot of gamers will buy the Wii u for its Nintendo franchises, others will buy it for its innovations, something you won't find elsewhere.

Actually you just backed up what I said - the people who want the wii u are existing die hard fans of nintendo, not jimmy-who-lives-on-CoD.
Innovations? What innovations? Don't forget about smartglass and the vita/ps3 hybrid...
End of the day, the controller setup is tried, tested and now tired. We need something radically different. Motion controls are not radically different - they are just baseless joysticks. If we are to have motion controls, we need sensory feedback so that you feel as if you are holding something and feel your sword rebound off of a solid surface. Adding a 2nd screen is just nothing special whatsoever. 

This is where you are showing your ignorance. The smartglass and tablet ideas are indicative of what always happen in the games industry. Nintendo innovates then the other companies try to shamelessly rip the ideas off.
Have you even held the Wii u gamepad? It is an amazing idea for a controller and holds so many possibilities with its multi input capabilities. I am positive Nintendo will find many ways to innovate with this setup, not so sure about 3rd parties. You just wait till 1st party games start coming regularly, Wii u will be fine.



In my opinion the N64 was not just the best console of the 5th gen but, to this day the best console ever created!

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maybe under 7m is too low. i think wii u will sell anywhere from 7-10m units.

peachbuggy said:

This is where you are showing your ignorance. The smartglass and tablet ideas are indicative of what always happen in the games industry. Nintendo innovates then the other companies try to shamelessly rip the ideas off. 
Have you even held the Wii u gamepad? It is an amazing idea for a controller and holds so many possibilities with its multi input capabilities. I am positive Nintendo will find many ways to innovate with this setup, not so sure about 3rd parties. You just wait till 1st party games start coming regularly, Wii u will be fine.

You need to work on how quoting works...

Ignorance? When did I say that MS or Sony were not copying Nintendo? Please do not throw terms around so incorrectly as I never claimed originallity or used it in my argument. I simply said it is not a unique feature of the Wii U, which is a fact.

Wii U will not be fine. It's power draw is too low and puts it squarely in this generation; there has been no "PGR3" for the wii u. Therefore when the next-box is revealed, if it has a significantly higher power draw, the wii u will be left with the 7th gen, and not seen as an 8th gen console, as it won't be able to keep up with the other consoles. Joining the 7th gen party 7 years late is a very big mistake. Most gamers are not going to get a wii u when most of their friends/franchises are already on their existing console(s).

Honestly if the Wii U sells under 7 million for the entire year in 2013, Mr. Iwata should step down and be replaced with someone more market savvy. 

I know that may sound harsh, but seriously that would be a disastrous follow up to Nintendo's most successful console, and coming on the heels of the 3DS problems launch-wise ... it's time for a change.

To me if the Wii U does that badly, Nintendo's leadership ultimately has to take the blame. Honestly even at 8 million ... I would say Iwata is on a short leash.

i think its gonna sell over 9000000!!!!!!

Around the Network

not under 7m but close, 8/9 m my bet

We haven't seen what they have in store for e3 2013 so I disagree for now.

Seems unlikely to me, more like 9-10 million is my guess.
If I had to pick a number, I'd say 10 million for 2013.

Mazty said:
Cheebee said:

Mario Kart 8, Wii Fit U and the next 3D Mario, all of which will be marketed to insanity, will ensure it'll take off like crazy later this year, setting it on the path to sustained great sales. I'm pretty sure of it.

Depends. If it looks like Mario Kart Wii, then it won't. In fact it'll make more people think that the Wii U is just a pad for wii games. We have all seemed to have forgotten that the Wii U launched with one of the biggest selling franchise games of the Wii, and yet sales have yet to take off. I don't see why other less popular franchises will work if NSMBU didn't.

Mario Kart sold better than NSMBWii.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

Pavolink said:
Mazty said:
Cheebee said:

Mario Kart 8, Wii Fit U and the next 3D Mario, all of which will be marketed to insanity, will ensure it'll take off like crazy later this year, setting it on the path to sustained great sales. I'm pretty sure of it.

Depends. If it looks like Mario Kart Wii, then it won't. In fact it'll make more people think that the Wii U is just a pad for wii games. We have all seemed to have forgotten that the Wii U launched with one of the biggest selling franchise games of the Wii, and yet sales have yet to take off. I don't see why other less popular franchises will work if NSMBU didn't.

Mario Kart sold better than NSMBWii.

I stand corrected then. All hope rides on the kart of a fat italian sterotype. Things have never looked so promising...?