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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What was so wrong with Metroid Other M? (with a poll)

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what was so wrong with Metroid Other M?

the simpler exploration 20 11.43%
the characterisation of samus 53 30.29%
fricking adam malkovich 8 4.57%
the gameplay 25 14.29%
nothing it was great :P 68 38.86%
metroidking said:
The game sucks plain and simple, there is nothing I can actually say which is good about it. Anyone who says different is lying to themselves and just psychologically told there mind that they like it. Why do I say that? Whats the best game in the series Super Metroid its the pinnacle of the franchise and Other M does everything opposite to that game.

Exploration - The main center of Metroid and there wasnt any! until the end of the game
Controls - Controlling a character in a 3D environment with a D Pad which is just annoying
Graphics - These are subpar and a step backwards after Prime 3, Also it p!ssed me off that they sexualised Samus and gave her big boobs and this curvacious figure.
Soundtrack - Oh God! Another important part of Metroid games are its atmospheric soundtrack. This soundtrack was terrible the only decent track is the Vs Ridley theme
Story - Horrible Samus is a whiny b!tch. Leave her as a silent protagonist. There doesnt need to be much of a story in Metroid games. Its not that type of franchise.

I really pray they dont do something so stupid like this with the franchise again. Thankfully the game flopped so Nintendo can go back to the drawing board. Word is Miyamoto is involved if there is one person who can redeem the franchise its him.

I can't agree with the graphics. I think the graphics of the game were extremely polished and way above Metroid Prime 3. Also it only sold 500k less than Metroid Prime 3 while being released 3 years later, at a time the Wii was already beginning to die. That's not nearly as horrible as you describe it.

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Grafix subpar?......errrr no...not at all
actually in game cutscenes are superb

KHlover said:
metroidking said:
The game sucks plain and simple, there is nothing I can actually say which is good about it. Anyone who says different is lying to themselves and just psychologically told there mind that they like it. Why do I say that? Whats the best game in the series Super Metroid its the pinnacle of the franchise and Other M does everything opposite to that game.

Exploration - The main center of Metroid and there wasnt any! until the end of the game
Controls - Controlling a character in a 3D environment with a D Pad which is just annoying
Graphics - These are subpar and a step backwards after Prime 3, Also it p!ssed me off that they sexualised Samus and gave her big boobs and this curvacious figure.
Soundtrack - Oh God! Another important part of Metroid games are its atmospheric soundtrack. This soundtrack was terrible the only decent track is the Vs Ridley theme
Story - Horrible Samus is a whiny b!tch. Leave her as a silent protagonist. There doesnt need to be much of a story in Metroid games. Its not that type of franchise.

I really pray they dont do something so stupid like this with the franchise again. Thankfully the game flopped so Nintendo can go back to the drawing board. Word is Miyamoto is involved if there is one person who can redeem the franchise its him.

I can't agree with the graphics. I think the graphics of the game were extremely polished and way above Metroid Prime 3. Also it only sold 500k less than Metroid Prime 3 while being released 3 years later, at a time the Wii was already beginning to die. That's not nearly as horrible as you describe it.

Yes that is true its  sold 500K less than Prime 3 but thats only because it flopped so bad and didnt meet Nintendos expectations that they slashed the price and made it ridiculously cheap like here in New Zealand its $20 I mean $20!!! No Nintendo games are ever that cheap. Nintendo rarely ever mark down there games unless it does real bad and I know it wasnt just in New Zealand it was marked down everywhere caused I researched this. So yes its sold 500K less than Prime 3 but Nintendo didnt make much profit off the game compared to Prime 3 and Prime 3 would probably still be selling more now if it hadnt been discontinued in America and Europe which is bizarre have no idea why they did that.

DieAppleDie said:
Grafix subpar?......errrr no...not at all
actually in game cutscenes are superb

I think your missing the point cutscenes are irrelevant. Im talking about in game graphics anyone can make cutscenes look good these days it doesnt add anything to the graphics of the actual game. In game cutscenes are better than some CGI Movie Cutscenes never played a game where it compliments the game its just disjarring when you go back to the game after this ridiculous good graphic cutscene. A game should be one seamless experience but thats a different story, thats why in game cutscenes work.

I thought it was awesome. Especially the little white bunny.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

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mysticwolf said:
I thought it was awesome. Especially the little white bunny.

I never understood why that thing eventually became Ridley :S

Nintendo and PC gamer

metroidking said:
The game sucks plain and simple, there is nothing I can actually say which is good about it. Anyone who says different is lying to themselves and just psychologically told there mind that they like it. Why do I say that? Whats the best game in the series Super Metroid its the pinnacle of the franchise and Other M does everything opposite to that game.

Exploration - The main center of Metroid and there wasnt any! until the end of the game

Controls - Controlling a character in a 3D environment with a D Pad which is just annoying

Graphics - These are subpar and a step backwards after Prime 3, Also it p!ssed me off that they sexualised Samus and gave her big boobs and this curvacious figure.

Soundtrack - Oh God! Another important part of Metroid games are its atmospheric soundtrack. This soundtrack was terrible the only decent track is the Vs Ridley theme

Story - Horrible Samus is a whiny b!tch. Leave her as a silent protagonist. There doesnt need to be much of a story in Metroid games. Its not that type of franchise.

I really pray they dont do something so stupid like this with the franchise again. Thankfully the game flopped so Nintendo can go back to the drawing board. Word is Miyamoto is involved if there is one person who can redeem the franchise its him.

samus has always had a good figure go play the older metroids and finish with good percentage to check that, another thing she didn't whine that much don't exagerate, i agree exploration was gone but come on it's a different metroid , fusion didn't have any and was awesome too the main point here i the combat wich is really good as for the graphics they are great , everything isnice and polished and acompletely different style from prime , it's another game why would it look the same , anyway it's your tastes so okay but don't go saying that nobody should like it just because it's not prime or super metroid

The game play was great out side of the first person portions which were a bit clunky. The biggest issue with the game was the narrative and the characterization of Samus. The game play was fine. The story.....well that needed work.

you're not alone... Metroid other M is one of my favorite game of all time and maybe my favorite metroid game with the prime series. I love the more lineare style of gameplay and the way Samus is present (fragile woman)... For me Other is a huge succes and a reason to buy a wii console

Graphics-8 so no real big complaints. the cutscenes were fantastic, but a few of the gameplay points were a bit dull (bio-mechanical boss's corpse)
story- 8 plot is good and obviously set up a sequel with the missing saboteur, but the vocal direction is lackluster at points. Sometimes the visual was enough, but they still insisted on jessica martin explaining the scene. Speaking of jessica martin some of her dialogue was simply too emotionless. Like she was just reading words and not acting them. But once again i think that was probably the vocal directors fault. I could deal with the weapon authorization deal, but i will say the varia suit instance was rediculous.
gameplay-7 dumbest way to shoot a missile in a metroid ever. everything else worked if you got used to it, but why ask the player to take the effort to get used to such out the box controls? addition of a nunchuck would have boosted this score greatly. On the other hand all the 3rd person controls were much tighter than you would think they would be with a dpad. Melee attacks were great and a welcome edition to a 3rd person metroid game.
Audio-8.75 Everything sounds exactly like it should. Even the voice of samus matches up to how i thought it would sound. Everything was well editited and mixed, but my main quarm here is the music. i would've actually taken off more here, except i was quite pleased with the score for the ridley encounter. overall it was exciting enough, but i just didn't think it was as atmospheric as it has been in the past.
overall-8. solid game that i really enjoyed. Simple changes could've made it much better, but that doesn't mean it was bad to begin with. Just not achieving it's potential.