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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Half-Life 2 is the game of the DECADE!

DigitalDevilSummoner said:
radiantshadow92 said:
DigitalDevilSummoner said:
radiantshadow92 said:
I agree with WOW deserving the title more

WoW is not a real game,

  1. it's an online activity 
  2. a trivial time vampire
  3. it's what killed PC gaming as we knew it 
  4. it's the facebook of gaming
  5. an derivative online platform where a community essentialy tells Blizzard what to do


Just don't call that crap a game.

1 every game is an activity

2 yup every game is a time vampire

3 lol, pc gaming is not dead

4 facebook is the facebook of gaming

5 even if that were true, it apperantly works

don't patronize me sweetheart.

1) so is cycling 2) so is math 3) i said "as we knew it" learn to read 4) facebook was not built as a game 5) i will take that as an apology

wow is not a video game. it's an online activity that incorporates gaming elements

alright cool story...there is no point in arguing if u dont even consider it a video game lol. and dont call me sweetheart its creepy 

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Going to have to go with WoW for this one.

I agree with this. HL2 is one of the best games ever made. The attention to detail in a FPS is just unparalleled and when you combine that with the clever use of physics, great art direction, diverse weapons and enemies, strong atmosphere and a beautiful mix of environments you really have the full package.


pezus said:

DieAppleDie said:
No way!
Cant believe it, its not even the best game released that year!

Which game released in 2004 was better? Here's a list of some of the top rated ones:

From that list
Paper Mario TTYD
Metal gear 3
Metroid prime 2
Silent hill 4
GTA San Andreas


Dallinor said:
I agree with this. HL2 is one of the best games ever made. The attention to detail in a FPS is just unparalleled and when you combine that with the clever use of physics, great art direction, diverse weapons and enemies, strong atmosphere and a beautiful mix of environments you really have the full package.

nothing in that game is special except the gravity gun.

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

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Lol why. A corridor crawl with a non-existent story line wins game of the decade? Halo did HL2 but better - the vehicles didn't handle like poop.

kljesta64 said:
Dallinor said:
I agree with this. HL2 is one of the best games ever made. The attention to detail in a FPS is just unparalleled and when you combine that with the clever use of physics, great art direction, diverse weapons and enemies, strong atmosphere and a beautiful mix of environments you really have the full package.

nothing in that game is special except the gravity gun.

2nd'd. Game bore me stupid until that point. Then it got hilarious. Then it ended with a giant wtf. 

DieAppleDie said:

pezus said:

DieAppleDie said:
No way!
Cant believe it, its not even the best game released that year!

Which game released in 2004 was better? Here's a list of some of the top rated ones:

From that list
Paper Mario TTYD
Metal gear 3
Metroid prime 2
Silent hill 4
GTA San Andreas


None of them even made the nominations

pezus said:
Mazty said:
Lol why. A corridor crawl with a non-existent story line wins game of the decade? Halo did HL2 but better - the vehicles didn't handle like poop.

Are you confusing this game with something else?

The story of Half-Life 2. You wake up, shit's gone down, then travel from point A -> B -> C -> D and some chick gets an inexpliable crush on you. And you're being stalked by a dude in a suit. Story done.
And it is a corridor crawl most of the time. There is no lean mechanic and cover tends to be lacking in most places.

Congrats, I guess. Never the less I feel that the only, truly quality property to come out of Valve is Portal. HL 1 and 2 are IMO both overrated.

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