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DigitalDevilSummoner said:
radiantshadow92 said:
DigitalDevilSummoner said:
radiantshadow92 said:
I agree with WOW deserving the title more

WoW is not a real game,

  1. it's an online activity 
  2. a trivial time vampire
  3. it's what killed PC gaming as we knew it 
  4. it's the facebook of gaming
  5. an derivative online platform where a community essentialy tells Blizzard what to do


Just don't call that crap a game.

1 every game is an activity

2 yup every game is a time vampire

3 lol, pc gaming is not dead

4 facebook is the facebook of gaming

5 even if that were true, it apperantly works

don't patronize me sweetheart.

1) so is cycling 2) so is math 3) i said "as we knew it" learn to read 4) facebook was not built as a game 5) i will take that as an apology

wow is not a video game. it's an online activity that incorporates gaming elements

alright cool story...there is no point in arguing if u dont even consider it a video game lol. and dont call me sweetheart its creepy