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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 shipments reach 70 million, PlayStation Move ships 15 million

So about:

360: 72 million shipped ( sold by MS )
360: 70 million sold to consumers (VGchartz)

PS3: 70 million shipped (sold by Sony)
PS3: 68.3 million sold (VGchartz)


If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Around the Network
Naum said:
So about:

360: 72 million shipped ( sold by MS )
360: 70 million sold to consumers (VGchartz)

PS3: 70 million shipped (sold by Sony)
PS3: 68.3 million sold (VGchartz)


Xbox shipped numbers have nothing to do with sony shipped. The mod said we can't go off topic. LOL sorry but I had to.

Hey mod, mod this too then. Xbox shipped is not ps3 shipped. We don't want to go off topic.

 JUST LET PEOPLE TALK.  WOW IS THAT TO MUCH TO ASK FOR? No need to reply, I won't be back for a while, just stopped in to  check numbers and remember why people are not coming here and why so many that where great on this site left.

Naum said:
So about:

360: 72 million shipped ( sold by MS )
360: 70 million sold to consumers (VGchartz)

PS3: 70 million shipped (sold by Sony)
PS3: 68.3 million sold (VGchartz)


Very possible.

We are pretty much where we were a month ago, only now we have confirmation that PS3 hit a milestone.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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bannedagain said:
Euphoria14 said:
spaceguy said:
Euphoria14 said:

You might be correct, but still, you're bringing up things that have nothing to do with the topic at hand, which is that PS3 has passed 70M shipped, Move has passed 15M shipped and they have sold ~600M units of software.

Where in the statement by SONY Japan is anything that you just mentioned?

Shipments have to do with sales, sales have to do with earnings. You don't have to make much of a jump . This is a sales dicussion isn't it?

This is the flip of the coin. Sony shipped 70m. Big deal, you lost your a-- doing it.  And you got people jumping up and down in the thread that don't understand there might not be a sony if this continues. 

So you want people to come in here and not talk about how the shipments got there what happened and what went wrong.

Sorry, oh how great, sony reached 70m, o my god I thought it would never happen. Is that the only response you want to hear. Then you should tell on everyone that wants to talk about the math that made it happen.

Shippments have everthing to do with sales a it's earnings. Its the whole point there in business. Not to make sony fans happy that they shipped 70m. Ask the share holders if they only want to talk about shipped numbers. Right because all of it goes hand in hand.

Sorry but there finance's has everything to do with this thread. It completes the story of how they got to 70m shipped.

This is a discussion about current PS3 hardware, software and accessory numbers. Not credit scores or divisions outside of Playstation. What does credit ratings being dropped have to do with how PS3 shipped 70M? How do dimishing TV sales have anything to do with PS3 shipping 70M? Consumer demand and expansion to new markets are what has to do with that.

I already linked to the threads which are on the topics of those you wish to discuss.


I'm not going to continue this though. I stand by what I say and i'm going to try and get back on topic now.

Yep, credit ratings effect all those numbers and also the story of the 70m shipped. funny I can understand that but a mod that has banned me in sony threads can't because he is a sony fan.  I'm going back to work, Spaceguy you have fun with this site. If I where you I wouldn't try to explain you self to people who choose sides and then act as if they are for balance. They are not. It's like making a low level employee of the bears, which is a bears fan, a ref in all the games.

Conflict of interest in this site is at the highest I have ever seen it. All the mods come in flaming and pushing there ideas while others get banned. LOL Have fun

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! sony reached 50m. Thats All I can say, literally. LOL ;)

bannedagain said:

Yep, credit ratings effect all those numbers and also the story of the 70m shipped. funny I can understand that but a mod that has banned me in sony threads can't because he is a sony fan.  I'm going back to work, Spaceguy you have fun with this site. If I where you I wouldn't try to explain you self to people who choose sides and then act as if they are for balance. They are not. It's like making a low level employee of the bears, which is a bears fan, a ref in all the games.

Conflict of interest in this site is at the highest I have ever seen it. All the mods come in flaming and pushing there ideas while others get banned. LOL Have fun

One thing to mention, because I can't stand when people lie about their moderation history: I have warned this guy once for a post that just said "lol" in a thread about Sony getting targetted a third time by hackers under the spamming rules.  

Now back to the topic at hand please.  


Around the Network
bannedagain said:
Naum said:
So about:

360: 72 million shipped ( sold by MS )
360: 70 million sold to consumers (VGchartz)

PS3: 70 million shipped (sold by Sony)
PS3: 68.3 million sold (VGchartz)


Xbox shipped numbers have nothing to do with sony shipped. The mod said we can't go off topic. LOL sorry but I had to.

Hey mod, mod this too then. Xbox shipped is not ps3 shipped. We don't want to go off topic.

 JUST LET PEOPLE TALK.  WOW IS THAT TO MUCH TO ASK FOR? No need to reply, I won't be back for a while, just stopped in to  check numbers and remember why people are not coming here and why so many that where great on this site left.

You missed the point entirely. The issue was with making the discussion about credit ratings and overall company losses. If you took the time to read the thread you would have realized that number comparisons between the consoles were going on from the start without issue.

You're both just embarassing yourselves now.


By the way, looking at the bottom of my screen we have 182 members online and 1,969 lurkers. Sure, it ain't NeoGAF numbers, but who is?

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


Got a retro room? Post it here!

Good job Sony and the ps3. The amount of butt hurt in this thread is amazing. Why can't you people be happy or just discuss your hate for everything Sony some where else. Are you mad the ps3 isn't the next dreamcast? And they remain relevant in video games?

Euphoria14 said:
bannedagain said:
Naum said:
So about:

360: 72 million shipped ( sold by MS )
360: 70 million sold to consumers (VGchartz)

PS3: 70 million shipped (sold by Sony)
PS3: 68.3 million sold (VGchartz)


Xbox shipped numbers have nothing to do with sony shipped. The mod said we can't go off topic. LOL sorry but I had to.

Hey mod, mod this too then. Xbox shipped is not ps3 shipped. We don't want to go off topic.

 JUST LET PEOPLE TALK.  WOW IS THAT TO MUCH TO ASK FOR? No need to reply, I won't be back for a while, just stopped in to  check numbers and remember why people are not coming here and why so many that where great on this site left.

You missed the point entirely. The issue was with making the discussion about credit ratings and overall company losses. If you took the time to read the thread you would have realized that number comparisons between the consoles were going on from the start without issue.

You're both just embarassing yourselves now.


By the way, looking at the bottom of my screen we have 182 members online and 1,969 lurkers. Sure, it ain't NeoGAF numbers, but who is?

Pretty sure he said he left.

Oh yea I'm embarassed. GFYS!!!! do you know what that means buddy. Figure it out.

Hey your off topic. Why are you derailing the thread?

Cause saying, 70m yaaaaa, only last so long.

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What's disturbing both of them guys in their 30's.

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