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bannedagain said:

Yep, credit ratings effect all those numbers and also the story of the 70m shipped. funny I can understand that but a mod that has banned me in sony threads can't because he is a sony fan.  I'm going back to work, Spaceguy you have fun with this site. If I where you I wouldn't try to explain you self to people who choose sides and then act as if they are for balance. They are not. It's like making a low level employee of the bears, which is a bears fan, a ref in all the games.

Conflict of interest in this site is at the highest I have ever seen it. All the mods come in flaming and pushing there ideas while others get banned. LOL Have fun

One thing to mention, because I can't stand when people lie about their moderation history: I have warned this guy once for a post that just said "lol" in a thread about Sony getting targetted a third time by hackers under the spamming rules.  

Now back to the topic at hand please.  
