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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your Top 50 Games: 2012 Discussion Thread: FINISH YOUR LISTS

#3 - Super Mario 64 is the first game that takes a place upon the podium. The third best game is Super Mario 64, and that makes it the best 3D platform game ever made. You can see how the creators that made this game were really exited about the new 3D development, as if they were great explorers discovering places no-one ever been before. The game gives a great 'vibe', it just has 'it'. Whatever 'it' is. The fifteen open world stages, the large hub-world that is Peach's Castle and the big bosses all in glorious 3D were an eye-opener every time. Wow. That's the thought that came around every corner. And then of course, the creators also had time to create incredibly inventive levels and ways to get the 120 Stars. Every level was so vastly different, there is no repetition. Even the objectives for each Star were different, from defeating an enemy to reaching the top of the level to sliding down a slippery slide. Ah, the slides. Wow. It's the best thing this game ever gave me, and why the Nintendo 64 had the greatest launch titles of all consoles of all time even when it only had two. Mario 64 is one of them, that's enough. Wow. No other game gave me this feeling ever again.

#2 - ?
The best game from far, far away...

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Kresnik said:
Scoobes said:

Hmmm.... Final Fantasy VII?

It was devisive for the people that enjoyed the SNES games/Nintendo fans

Aww, close!  I'll give you it because you did guess it in your first try.

It was FF VIII.  Divisive because of the draw mechanics and THAT plot twist.  Generally across the internet I tend to meet people who either love FF VIII (like me!) or hate it.

And now you've met someone who neither loved it or hated it, just enjoyed what was there but recognised the faults

S.Peelman said:
Michael-5 said:

I'm going to be busy the next few days, so I'll leave hints for you to guess at.

4. Best RPG Square Enix has ever made, which is their own IP, not a Final Fantasy game.

3. The Best RPG ever made. A joint colaboration between two companies which hasn't been seen since, and the traditional villain of the series is only the first boss, then later an ally.

2. Best racing game ever made. I see this one on most of your lists. Introduces this new blue spikey thing.

1. Best party game of all time. Sequel to the controller busting iteration.

4. Chrono Trigger? I'm thinking you're not counting the Secret of... series, because those are Final Fantasy spin-offs.

3. ehm...

2. Mario Kart 64, Blue shell was first in 64.

1. Mario Party 2? If Mario Party 1 is the 'controller busting iteration', which it was. This would win the originality prize as a 'Best Game ever' though. I agree though, MP2 is best of the series.


EDIT: Half-Ninja'd

100% Right!

To me Mario PArty 2 is the best game ever. I still get together with my friends, have a few beers, and play Mario Party 2. This to me, is the game that defines video games to me. There are better single player games, both my #3 and #4 were funner to play then my #1 and #2 while they lastest, but MK64 and MP2 has so much replay value, and it never gets repetetive....somehow.

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KHlover said:
Michael-5 said:

I'm going to be busy the next few days, so I'll leave hints for you to guess at.

4. Best RPG Square Enix has ever made, which is their own IP, not a Final Fantasy game.

3. The Best RPG ever made. A joint colaboration between two companies which hasn't been seen since, and the traditional villain of the series is only the first boss, then later an ally.

2. Best racing game ever made. I see this one on most of your lists. Introduces this new blue spikey thing.

1. Best party game of all time. Sequel to the controller busting iteration.

4. Secret of Mana?

3. Super Mario RPG

2. Mario Kart 64

1. Mario Party 2

Except for #4, they are all correct. Seems like people have a positive view on Secret of Mana, maybe it should be the next game on my to own list. Have a bit of a backlog already though, still haven't beaten FFVI or VII, but I'm about halfway through each.

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Mr Khan said:
Michael-5 said:

I'm going to be busy the next few days, so I'll leave hints for you to guess at.

4. Best RPG Square Enix has ever made, which is their own IP, not a Final Fantasy game.

3. The Best RPG ever made. A joint colaboration between two companies which hasn't been seen since, and the traditional villain of the series is only the first boss, then later an ally.

2. Best racing game ever made. I see this one on most of your lists. Introduces this new blue spikey thing.

1. Best party game of all time. Sequel to the controller busting iteration.

4. Taking a stab at Chrono Trigger

3. Super Mario RPG

2. Mario Kart 64

1. Taking a stab at Super Smash Bros Brawl

Except for #1, all right! How did Melee bust controllers? Mario Party 2 was my #1 game.

What is with all the hate? Don't read GamrReview Articles. Contact me to ADD games to the Database
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get out of my thread you fools.

S.Peelman said:

#2 - ?
The best game from far, far away...

This is obviously a Star Wars reference, but it could be one of two games. KOTOR or Star Wars: Rogue Squadron.

What is with all the hate? Don't read GamrReview Articles. Contact me to ADD games to the Database
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2) God of War II

It actually surprises me somewhat that this game is so high on my list, but when I compare it to the other games in my top ten and ask whether I prefer it... yes, I do. It is simply the smoothest game I have ever played, even more so than the game above it. It's incredibly visceral and yet never disgusting, because everything fits so perfectly within the setting. I love Greek mythology, and GoW bastardises it a a little bit but it still tells a highly original story within it. The environments are beautiful, the puzzles are surprisingly cerebral, and the combat is simply fantastic like all God of War games. I think it's the characters that really put it above the first and third game in the series for me, but I love everything about it.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

After much prompting and poking from thread mediators, I've finally gotten my top fifty up (did them all one time) although I find I'm still tweaking the list as I remember old (or new) favorites.

Many may be surprised by the omission of many of Wii's (and 360's - I do own one although no 360 titles made top 50) 'best' titles. Frankly, I found many of them really good to downright disappointing but none of them (from Mario Galaxy to Halo 4) held my interest long enough to warrant inclusion. Many others (Xenoblade, Fatal Frame, Pandora's Tower, Batman Arkham City) I haven't had time to invest in properly but they very well may be added once I do. I suspect The Walking Dead would rate very highly, but I've yet to buy/play the game but it's on my to do list.

The titles listed are one's that hooked me enough to finish or to play many times over and/or sucked up many hours of my life either alone or with my kids.


Michael-5 said:

100% Right!

To me Mario PArty 2 is the best game ever. I still get together with my friends, have a few beers, and play Mario Party 2. This to me, is the game that defines video games to me. There are better single player games, both my #3 and #4 were funner to play then my #1 and #2 while they lastest, but MK64 and MP2 has so much replay value, and it never gets repetetive....somehow.

That is so true on MK64 and MP2 (or the other MK's and MP's for that matter). I doesn't matter which one of those I play, each one never get's old!