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After much prompting and poking from thread mediators, I've finally gotten my top fifty up (did them all one time) although I find I'm still tweaking the list as I remember old (or new) favorites.

Many may be surprised by the omission of many of Wii's (and 360's - I do own one although no 360 titles made top 50) 'best' titles. Frankly, I found many of them really good to downright disappointing but none of them (from Mario Galaxy to Halo 4) held my interest long enough to warrant inclusion. Many others (Xenoblade, Fatal Frame, Pandora's Tower, Batman Arkham City) I haven't had time to invest in properly but they very well may be added once I do. I suspect The Walking Dead would rate very highly, but I've yet to buy/play the game but it's on my to do list.

The titles listed are one's that hooked me enough to finish or to play many times over and/or sucked up many hours of my life either alone or with my kids.