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#3 - Super Mario 64 is the first game that takes a place upon the podium. The third best game is Super Mario 64, and that makes it the best 3D platform game ever made. You can see how the creators that made this game were really exited about the new 3D development, as if they were great explorers discovering places no-one ever been before. The game gives a great 'vibe', it just has 'it'. Whatever 'it' is. The fifteen open world stages, the large hub-world that is Peach's Castle and the big bosses all in glorious 3D were an eye-opener every time. Wow. That's the thought that came around every corner. And then of course, the creators also had time to create incredibly inventive levels and ways to get the 120 Stars. Every level was so vastly different, there is no repetition. Even the objectives for each Star were different, from defeating an enemy to reaching the top of the level to sliding down a slippery slide. Ah, the slides. Wow. It's the best thing this game ever gave me, and why the Nintendo 64 had the greatest launch titles of all consoles of all time even when it only had two. Mario 64 is one of them, that's enough. Wow. No other game gave me this feeling ever again.

#2 - ?
The best game from far, far away...