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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your Top 50 Games: 2012 Discussion Thread: FINISH YOUR LISTS

Hint for #4: This popular game introduced a new foe that was unseen afterwards until this very year thanks to a new sequel. The name of this foe happens to be shared by a crude teddy bear.

EDIT: Hm... seems this foe appeared in another game before this year, but in my defense he was in another dimension.

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my last 9 heh. I'm a bit lzy.

9. Metal Gear Solid 2 (PS2)

Stories a bit wonkey. But it has my favorite gamplay in the series.

8. Dark Souls (PC)
7. Mech Warrior 2: Mercenaries (PC)
6. Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission(ZOH YAH! PS2) :P
5. Mario 64 (N64)
4. Deus Ex: Human Revolution + Missing Link (PC)
3. Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
2. Final Fantasy VIII (PC)
1. Deus Ex (PC)

Smeags said:

Hint for #4: This popular game introduced a new foe that was unseen afterwards until this very year thanks to a new sequel. The name of this foe happens to be shared by a crude teddy bear.

EDIT: Hm... seems this foe appeared in another game before this year, but in my defense he was in another dimension.

Not gonna give it away, just gotta say I didn't even know he was considered a different emeny from B.B. :x

You guys are all really slipping.

Eddard Stark's youngest daughter is Arya. You don't fuck with Aria T'Loak, the crime lord of Omega in...

4) Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2 is a curious sort of game, a hybrid of third person shooter and RPG, more the former than the latter. I don't even generally like TPS, but I adore this game like I have adored very few others. It's enormously fun to play, and lasts a solid 40 hours per playthrough - and then you can play again with a different class and get a completely different experience. The characters and teammates are amazing, and there are plenty of them. The story has some amazing moments, like all Mass Effect games, and your decisions really do drive how it unfolds to a certain degree. Most importantly, however, it is one of the most enjoyable games I have ever played. It is simple and yet not easy. It is smooth and controls great. It has incredible amounts of polish. It is quite simply outstanding in every way.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Clue for #3: Chosen one or not, nobody steals my sweetroll.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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shogia said:

5. Final Fantasy VI (1994)

Dropping slightly from 3rd is the end of the two dimensional numeric entries in the Final Fantasy series which went out with a bang.  Ultimately the transition to the third dimension meant a short lived setback, both graphically and otherwise.  The game breaks itself up into two sections, at the start trying to prevent the world from being destroyed and later dealing with the results of your actions.  The second section means regrouping your party through a series of events based around the individual characters.  Largely the characters you bring back into your fold may be done at your leisure and you get the option of who you want.  Blitzes were a more involved version of the limit type attacks seen in later games and varied amongst the different characters.  The customization level in equips led to a bunch of flexibility up to the point where you can attack 8 times or quadruple cast ultima and allows the enemies to throw more potent attacks at you.  The story in the game remains one of the more epic entries in the series as well.

Hey, same number 5! :)

My #4:

A new take on an established franchise which brings back one of the heroes from the second game.

Kantor said:

Clue for #3: Chosen one or not, nobody steals my sweetroll.

Slippage problem solved!

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

5th - Circle of the Moon


When I was younger I was always scared of playing this game, for some reason I do not know. It may have been that I died after 5-10 minutes, all the time or it might have been the enemies that frightened me. Last year, I decided to pick up this game again and beat it. All I can say is that it's the best 2d action plattformer to date. This entry had amazing soundtrack and gameplay. Right in the beginnning the game welcomes you with my favorite Castlevania track and soon there after there after the gameplay starts show its true self. I have no more words for this title, but I can say it has been a hell of a journey playing though a fair chunk of Castlevania games as this franchise is in my top 5 favorite franchises of all time. Like with Ace Attorney 5, I can't wait till the release of Mirror of Fate.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

#04 - LittleBigPlanet (PS3)

As guessed, of course, by Kantor :P

2008 was a good year to buy a PS3.  After holding onto my PS2 for longer than the generation lasted (with a little bit of last-minute help from Gamecube), I invested in a PS3 in 2008 for it finally getting 3 big games I wanted - Metal Gear Solid 4 was the big daddy, WipEout HD Fury was a factor, and in amongst these two giants was LBP, a game I didn't really know much about but was hopeful would be 'quite good'.  As you can see from its place in this list, it far, far surpassed those expectations.

LittleBigPlanet is just... it's just great.  I'm really not too big a fan of 2D platformers and I've heard many a complaint about LBP's 'floaty' controls, yet I think they actually work in its favour to make the game more accessible.  No jump feels too impossible.  In any case, the story mode for the game is one of the sweetest I've ever played.   I mean, how the hell do they make me feel emotionally attached to a stuffed teddy bear who has lost his family?  It's short, but there are plenty of unforgettable levels on your first play through that really make this shine over the other LBP games.  And there's just so much interactivity with your environment - grabbing things, pulling things, sliding down things, jumping on things, putting stickers everywhere, it's just fantastic.

But the campaign is just the tip of the iceberg.  The community levels are what really made this game for me.  Every week from when I bought it to when LBP2 came out I would check the community levels to see some great new uploads.  There's some seriously fantastic stuff on there.  From original series of levels, to tomb raider clones, story level clones, RPG's, pretty much any kind of platforming level you can think of is on there.  And it's all thanks to the wonderful community which got built up because of LBP's fantastic creation tools.  Which I won't get into in too much detail for now, but suffice to say they're tricky to learn but fantastic to use when you finally make a functional, working level.

Everything about this game is just fantastic.  Easily my biggest surprise, favourite new IP and even favourite game of the current generation.  I can see why Sony turned this into one of their main IP's, it's just far too good not to expand upon.

Instead of a screenshot finishing my post, here's a video of my favourite LBP1 level in action: