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Forums - Politics Discussion - Who won the debate? Biden or Ryan?


Who won the debate?

Vice President Joe Biden 218 52.03%
Congressman Paul Ryan 123 29.36%
Nobody/Tie 73 17.42%
theprof00 said:
BenVTrigger said:
Biden seemed like an angry over defensive shouting man.

Either way terrible debate. I give it to Ryan simply for not being a complete head case.

And the moderator was simply pathetic, one of the worst Ive ever seen. She let her personal opinion show FAR too much. This woman should never be allowed to do this again.

She asked the tough questions. Sorry that didn't jive with you. He wasn't answering questions. She asked "what are you plans, specifically, for fixing the economy" Ryan gives his 5 points. "yes, but what are the specifics"

Mod wasn't being mean, or biased, she asked him to answer questions.


Either way, if Ryan wins, they already planning to cut WGBH, so he can fire her personally if he wants.


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Kasz216 said:
Honestly too... I don't get why people like Biden's position on Abortion.

I mean... he says his belief is the same as the Catholic Church's belief but he doesn't want to impose his views on others.

The Catholic Church's belief is that life begins at conception... and a baby is formed then.

So Joe Biden was essentially saying "I believe that abortion is the killing of babies, but I would never think to stop people from killing babies because of my own personal belief.

I swear, people like that and the "Fetus are babies, therefore I want no abortions except for rape and incest... because if your dad is a rapist it's totally fine to murder a baby... for some reason.

Either think it's not a baby and be Pro Choice, or think it's a baby and be pro life.

Don't say it's a baby then also say "the hell with baby killing in certain cases."

Whoever wrote this, or helped him prepare this response deserves a medal. It appeases both sides. Perfect political statement.

On the subject Biden won. The Romney campaign seems to just bitch about how Obama's plans and actions aren't good enough, while they give no specific plans. Vague answer after vague answer.

sperrico87 said:
Both held their own very well. There wasn't a clear winner like last week's debate with Obama and Romney. Biden interrupted a lot, smirked and laughed a lot, and was generally rude and not respectful. Whether or not you like that style of debating will likely decide for you who "won". On substance, they seemed pretty even. Biden delivered a very good show for the left's base. Ryan delivered a good show for the right's base, even if it was a tad on the moderate side of things.

The only part of the debate I really had a hard time with was the abortion segment. Why didn't Ryan make it clearer that there isn't much Romney could as President to limit abortion? He could do very little, other than Supreme Court nominees and over-turning that international funding that can be used for abortion. Ryan could have made his party's point much clearer I thought. It's not like if Romney is elected all the sudden women are going to have more difficulty getting abortions. That's not the case at all.

If Romney or Ryan come out and say there isn't much they can do about abortion, they are going to lose the socially conservative base that is pro-life.  They are invested in the GOP, because the GOP panders to them with promises of ending abortion.  Say they can't do anything about it and they will lose the base.  If you end up mentioning the Supreme Court resolving things, then you make the Supreme Court an even larger political issue.

And on the abortion issue, there is a degree of irony that those who are pro-choice and those who say they are pro-life (but want to gut welfare) end up crying out about "meanness" and "compassion".

steelabhold said:
Kasz216 said:
Honestly too... I don't get why people like Biden's position on Abortion.

I mean... he says his belief is the same as the Catholic Church's belief but he doesn't want to impose his views on others.

The Catholic Church's belief is that life begins at conception... and a baby is formed then.

So Joe Biden was essentially saying "I believe that abortion is the killing of babies, but I would never think to stop people from killing babies because of my own personal belief.

I swear, people like that and the "Fetus are babies, therefore I want no abortions except for rape and incest... because if your dad is a rapist it's totally fine to murder a baby... for some reason.

Either think it's not a baby and be Pro Choice, or think it's a baby and be pro life.

Don't say it's a baby then also say "the hell with baby killing in certain cases."

Whoever wrote this, or helped him prepare this response deserves a medal. It appeases both sides. Perfect political statement.

On the subject Biden won. The Romney campaign seems to just bitch about how Obama's plans and actions aren't good enough, while they give no specific plans. Vague answer after vague answer.

Oh I agree.  It appeases both sides.

It just makes no fucking sense if you think about it for more then 5 minutes.  Which nobody does because abortion is such a red button issue.

I would say Biden won, but dang could he be any ruder?

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This won for me.

This won what though?

badgenome said:
Wagram said:
I do think it's pretty funny though that some of the same people who are criticizing Biden for interrupting Ryan were supportive of Romney interrupting Obama, and even the Moderator.

Maybe because Obama spoke about 5 minutes longer than Romney did, so Romney was fighting for equal time, whereas it was much closer this time. Biden only spoke about a minute longer than Ryan did.

If you look at Obama's speech time during that debate it was mostly filled with "uhh" and "ummmms" so if you're implying that the 5 minutes extra that he got were to elaborate his positions more, I doubt it. If I had to access if each candidate was given the time necessary to flesh out their idea's, I'd say it was equal, but only because Obama was so off his game and was stumbling through the whole thing. Romney made his points more succinctly. 

Babble babble bitch bitch rebel rebel party party sex sex sex and don't forget the violence. Blah blah blah got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely stick your stupid slogan in. Everybody sing along. 

comawhite94 said:

If you look at Obama's speech time during that debate it was mostly filled with "uhh" and "ummmms" so if you're implying that the 5 minutes extra that he got were to elaborate his positions more, I doubt it. If I had to access if each candidate was given the time necessary to flesh out their idea's, I'd say it was equal, but only because Obama was so off his game and was stumbling through the whole thing. Romney made his points more succinctly. 

No, I'm just saying that if you actually got substantially more speaking time than your opponent, then you can't really complain just because you didn't use it well. And, for instance, in the first segment Obama kept talking about Romney's non-existent "$5 trillion tax cut for the rich". Romney only interrupted Lehrer to insist that get to respond to this false claim as it was his right to get the last word since Obama had gone first on that topic.

Whereas Biden and Ryan got basically the same time (Biden only got a tiny bit more), so there was no reason for Biden to keep interrupting just to say, "C'mon, man! Malarkey!" The Obama team has convinced themselves that Obama lost because he was "too polite", so Biden's entire strategy was to be as rude as possible and just try to big dog the young feller.

Biden won...
