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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Whats with grown adults acting like fanboys

Just tell him that you didn't want to buy a Wii U but Nintendo forced your hand by money hatting Bayonetta 2. Or, you could just look for friends who don't act like 12 year olds.

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

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Sad thing is, this isn't confined to video game consoles.

If video games if done one thing well...
They've managed to create a fantastic sense of consumer loyalty...
But it definitely has some negative consequences...
The main one being "fanboyism"...
It's ridiculous...
Imagine if you met somebody who refused to buy a musician's album simply because they were signed to Interscope records as opposed to Virgin...
You would think they were an idiot...
The same could be said for movie studios and book publishers...
It's one thing to have preferences, but video game fans take it to a stupid level...
This would be unacceptable in any other form of entertainment...

Have a nice day...

dsgrue3 said:
Sad thing is, this isn't confined to video game consoles.

Bingo. For topics that people are into, feelings like this have always existed regardless of age. Examples: sports teams, video game consoles, car manufacturers, beauty care products, clothing brands, etc.

OP, that's the kind of response I dealt with all throughout college since I wanted a PS3 and wasn't willing to make the jump from Xbox to 360 for a variety of reasons. It wasn't from fandom though, it was peer pressure to get the same system as everybody else because Call of Duty was so popular that it was practically the only game everyone had. Why get it on another console? Everyone has a 360. PS3 is too expensive. That last part is where the denial support for a consumer product comes in because I would mention XBL subscription and that 360 is actually the most expensive console for online players. Took a long time for some friends to start buying PS3s, but we were in college, I didn't even have the money for it till the year after graduation.

People are against getting a Wii U because of the situation with the Wii, not being in line with what might be a more powerful generation. People care about power, and their current systems aren't too far behind the Wii U in the first place and they have a lot of friends on their current console already. Not everyone is a willing early adopter, especially without a large enough confirmed friend base. As far as the adult thing goes, if a console has an image of being for younger people, which the Wii created heavily for Nintendo, then its a hard sell for a grown person who isn't into casual games.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

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MegaDrive08 said:
A friend of mine has recently come back off of holiday, I just informed him by txt message I pre-ordered a Wii U while he was away, to which he replied back.. Gay, get a ps3, I replied back I like innovation and that I got it with zombi u and he hasn't replied back, why do grown adults act like childish fanboys, when i had a wii a another guy sniggered and said dont talk to me, this over a games console??

Think about the reply your friend might send back, and then reply with that.  Could play the game of guess the inane fanboyness reply.

Anyhow, a good reply to "don't talk to me" is "Thanks.  I am not in the mood to speak to a small child anyhow".

I think this gen has been one of the worst for fanboyism, not helped by the internet and the fact that such trolls and fanboys can hide behind keyboards and just spout bile and hate against things they dont like. I mean if you dont like Nintendo for instance, why visit a Nintendo website or forum? if i dont like something i ignore it.

I'm happy to have friends you aren't overtly fanboyish. In high school no less.

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MegaDrive08 said:
Porcupine_I said:
So, are you informing everyone that you have pre-ordered a Wii U ?

Why? Is that fanboyish of me ;)

well, let me put it this way, answering a question with a question may not be what grown adults do.

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

Watch this video and you will understand why the weak minded get fooled into joining brand cults.