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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Non Nintendo fans, what do you think of the WiiU now?

Not much change for myself, as never been a fan of Nintendo's 1st party games like Mario etc.

But there opening up to core games is a step in the right direction - but admiteddly pointless as most gamers will buy multi-plats on either ps3 or 360 where all there friends are. Like all Nintendo consoles it's the 1st party what shine - but as they don;t hold much interest to me by that very fact this console just would become unused in my household :(

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chocoloco said:
SirPainsalot said:
chocoloco said:

Do not like Nintendo's current policy on hardware and I like Nintendo's 1st party the least of the big 3. They really have a lot more to do to get me back as a customer. Basically, exactly what Kantor wrote.

I reiterate on here that it is about 5 years late to the game.

... Hold on.

I understand Playstation exclusives.

But you really think Xbox's Halo + Gears of War is superior to the multitude of Nintendo first party games? Puh-lease.

2D platformers are not my type of game even if I do enjoy them for breif periods. The only IPs I still some what enjoy from Ninty are Pokemon, Zelda and Mario Kart and Pokemon is only on hanhelds. Halo is more fun than all those alone. Gears is a solid IP as well as well as fable. 2nd party exclusives are way better from left for dead, the witcher 2, and Mass Effect.

As much as it may sound preposterous for hardcore Nintendo fans to hear, to me, games like Uncharted, Fable, Zelda, Metroid, Mario, Mass Effect, Batman Arkham, MGS, Final Fantasy, and many others all play in the same ballpark. They're all extemely good games in their respective genre. And I think it's a shame that anyone would dismiss any such good games just because they're not on their worshipped console manufacturer's console.

There are too many gamers out there who refuse to acknowledge that not only Nintendo (or Sony, or Microsoft, depending) make great games. But I believe Nintendo is held in an over the top high regard compared to the other developers. Even if they did work hard to get to that reputation, and that they continue to provide gamers with highly polished and creative games even to this day, deserving the reputation, many other developers have caught up to them in those regards and many Nintendo fans should open their eyes to them. But that's me. I like gaming as a whole (although... mobile isn't really for me... yet), and it's sometimes difficult for me to understand the reasoning behind blind fanboyism. Be it for Nintendo or any other console makers (I'm just saying. I'm not aiming this at anyone in here.).

No interest at all. Besides Mario I have no interest in their first party games, and the tablet controller really throws me off. I'm guessing you could use a classic controller or wiimote or whatever, but the fact that the tablet is the new main focus isn't my thing.

I don't think much of it, graphical its the same thing. Might end up getting one next year.

I think I will trade my Wii with Xenoblade and some other gamer for the Wii U with Zombi U.

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Hynad said:

This thread isn't really meant for me, since I am a Nintendo fan. But I have to say that it's really annoying to see the reactions of certain persons on the net, crying over the fact that Nintendo managed to get some top notch exclusives from third parties. Saying that Nintendo only does kiddy or family oriented stuff, and that they're the only ones succeeding on their hardware as an argument against AAA exclusive titles is a really ridiculous argument.

I mean, Nintendo know that they have to do something to get third parties on board with products catering to core gamers. People complained during the Wii's life cycle because third parties wouldn't provide them with serious gaming experiences... Haters were hating on Nintendo because "the Wii had no core games" and the likes. And all core game exclusives were on either or both of the HD twins... Now that Nintendo is showing hints that they've learn some, they hate them because their new console will get games that won't be available to them...

Being a gamer of all platforms, this doesn't affect me personally. But I think the situation is quite ironic when you think about it.

I do hope Nintendo secures more third party exclusives for the Wii U. Even if their first party offerings are more than enough reasons for me to get their systems.

I personally can't wait to play ZombiU and maybe try Bayonetta 2 (if they toned down the orgy of sexual innuendos a notch...).

No one is complaing that Nintendo got top notch third party games on board with the Wii U. The problem people are talking about is the FACT that its too little too late to create a fanbase for most of these games. You'll find out the hard way by the sales of most of these titles. If Nintendo is aiming for the core they aren't expanding anything. If thy wanted to do the job right of stepping infront of the competition with a core-friendly console they should have next gen games running on it before the next consoles hit the ground. This is the way the Xbox 360 took a portion of the PS2's gamers. For most non-nintendo hardcore gamers the selling point will be exclusives since the multiplats can be played in basically the same graphical level with better online and achievements. This is the point.

Mr Khan said:

Not hypocritical. There's a difference between saying "this lineup should be compelling to current PS360 owners" and just saying "this is a good launch lineup." You're right that the former statement is false, but the latter is true, because console launch window lineups usually suck: first six months of 360 the best game was probably Project Gotham Racing 3 (with Kameo and Perfect Dark Zero being solid enough), first six months of PS3 the best thing was probably Resistance, and in the cases of both consoles it was heavy on ports (like Black and CoD2 for 360, or Oblivion and CoD3 for PS3) On a pound-for-pound basis, Wii U has a "better" launch window lineup than pretty much any console dating back to the GameCube (which saw games like Smash Bros Melee in the first six months)

Oddly enough, I had this fight with some guy on youtube.  He was trashing the Wii U for not having a killer app at launch.  I was saying that the last console that had a killer app on day one was the original Xbox.  Then the whole thing devolved into "Twilight Princess was a killer app", "No, Twilight Princess was on the Gamecube so it was a multi-plat.", "No, a game made by the same company can't be a multi-plat, even if it's on MULTIPLE PLATFORMS!"

God, I hate youtube.

d21lewis said:
Mr Khan said:

Not hypocritical. There's a difference between saying "this lineup should be compelling to current PS360 owners" and just saying "this is a good launch lineup." You're right that the former statement is false, but the latter is true, because console launch window lineups usually suck: first six months of 360 the best game was probably Project Gotham Racing 3 (with Kameo and Perfect Dark Zero being solid enough), first six months of PS3 the best thing was probably Resistance, and in the cases of both consoles it was heavy on ports (like Black and CoD2 for 360, or Oblivion and CoD3 for PS3) On a pound-for-pound basis, Wii U has a "better" launch window lineup than pretty much any console dating back to the GameCube (which saw games like Smash Bros Melee in the first six months)

Oddly enough, I had this fight with some guy on youtube.  He was trashing the Wii U for not having a killer app at launch.  I was saying that the last console that had a killer app on day one was the original Xbox.  Then the whole thing devolved into "Twilight Princess was a killer app", "No, Twilight Princess was on the Gamecube so it was a multi-plat.", "No, a game made by the same company can't be a multi-plat, even if it's on MULTIPLE PLATFORMS!"

God, I hate youtube.

seriously youtube? that's a place where you troll people, not talking sense into them :P

Heavenly_King said:

The only thing that surprised me was Bayonetta 2 for the WiiU only. Not because of the exclusivity per se, but because the developers are treating like crap the gamers that supported their first game.

The WiiU can have all the exclusives they want, and I wont give a damn, as long as any other companies don't follow this nonsensical stupidity. Releasing a new IP on certain consoles, and make the sequel exclusive for another one, in which gamers don't give a damn about that genre, and don't know what the fuck the franchise is about; is just brilliant (not).....LMAO

Now this franchise does not exist for me anymore, nor any other "Platinum games + Sega" title, because they may end up doing the same thing again. If they don't show me, as a costumer, respect; then I wont have any respect to show them, and they wont get my money. I know it is bit radical, but what Sega allowed this time is pure crap.

The other news about the specs, and the other exclusive games and ports are unimportant for me, because I dont give a damn about mario, zelda, pokemon, metroid, etc. For me the 1st party exclusives Sony develops are the games I need, and enjoy. And I am sure, that the games 360 users get, are what they enjoy the most, and most dont give a damn about nintendo franchises.

I think that the console will fail, because it´s main "appealing" factor is the gigantic controller, that I find it quite annoying if you need to look at 2 screens at the same time if you want to get "the whole" experience of the game. And for those who say..."you can play the games with the other controller", so according to them it is just a PS3/360,....... why would I be interested in that, if I already have one?


-Mr Khan

@bold. Don't worry, you're not a big loss to them. I don't think they give a damn about fans of your type, so I don't expect to see your boycott work, personally.

o_O.Q said:
BluGamer23 said:
o_O.Q said:
BluGamer23 said:
... "Ill wait for true nextgen system".. in the mean time ill go keep crying about bayonetta2 .. im hardcorz yo! ..




you must of visited a Bayonetta 2 article forum.. butt hurt soo guuuudd...  =)

nah i was talking about your post... which when you think about it makes a lot of sense because anyone who was not impressed with what has been showed so far also complained about bayonetta 2 right?

You're right, in that Bayonetta 2 forum there was a lot of Butthurt, it was soo guuud. XD And that picture fit it perfectly haha.

Since when are you on Nintendo's side, and can see the obvious?