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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Non Nintendo fans, what do you think of the WiiU now?

chocoloco said:

Do not like Nintendo's current policy on hardware and I like Nintendo's 1st party the least of the big 3. They really have a lot more to do to get me back as a customer. Basically, exactly what Kantor wrote.

I reiterate on here that it is about 5 years late to the game.

... Hold on.

I understand Playstation exclusives.

But you really think Xbox's Halo + Gears of War is superior to the multitude of Nintendo first party games? Puh-lease.

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
Xxain said:
I do think Bayonetta 2 being Wii U exclusive is being over dramatized. Its a cool series, but it aint Metal Gear, FF or MH or something. Hopefully Nintendo can change that though

I doubt Nintendo will touch the art direction of the game. Based on the core installed base on the Wii buying third party exclusives I feel really bad for Bayonetta 2. Maybe Nintendo is trying to draw Japan back into large scale consoles rather than the handhelds. I dunno.

i think the wii sucked at third party sales because of the third party developers themselves, many people and when I say many a mean millions including me bought the wii as the only home console in mind but when great third party games launched (AC, bioshsock, borderlands etc...)  skipping the wii, we were forced to buy  new consoles. And when a great or decent game arrived the wii, we bought it for the new consoles or simply skip it.  Sure it’s also Nintendo’s fault because o the weak wii specs making impossible or tedious to port an hd game.

  sorry for the english :D

Mr Khan said:
forevercloud3000 said:
What I am seeing with WiiU right now is Nintendo giving competitive hardware, good price, but yet again the games lack any "standout" exclusives for me. Its PS3 launch all over again except this time the WiiU has like 70+ games coming early..........but more than half of them are available on PS360 right now and for less. The fact hardened NIN fans/media are saying this is a great line up is a tad hypocritical seeing the flack PS3 and Vita got for so long.

Just like PS3 early on, the hardware is there, but the list of enticing exclusives that would break me to get one aren't there. The 2GBs of ram that WiiU has though is mouth watering, with 1G dedicated to OS stuff there should not be any issues implementing many snazzy features like cross game Vid Chat, ect.

Not hypocritical. There's a difference between saying "this lineup should be compelling to current PS360 owners" and just saying "this is a good launch lineup." You're right that the former statement is false, but the latter is true, because console launch window lineups usually suck: first six months of 360 the best game was probably Project Gotham Racing 3 (with Kameo and Perfect Dark Zero being solid enough), first six months of PS3 the best thing was probably Resistance, and in the cases of both consoles it was heavy on ports (like Black and CoD2 for 360, or Oblivion and CoD3 for PS3) On a pound-for-pound basis, Wii U has a "better" launch window lineup than pretty much any console dating back to the GameCube (which saw games like Smash Bros Melee in the first six months)

The hypocritical arguments I speak of are as follows: For those who owned a 360 already "No need to get PS3, if most of the games are already available to me" and for those against getting Vita "No need to get it, not enough original content". All the while the WiiU is 2/3rds Multiplatform games that are already found on PS360. These arguments are legit reasons to hold off on something, it will forever be exclusive content that drives Console sales(because if it is even across the board, might as well buy the cheapest one).

The question I pose Nintendo is "How are you going to convince me, a hardcore gamer who prefers artsy/serious games, to buy the WiiU when I already own(or was never interested) in majority of their Multiplatform titles?" The only thing they could do is convince with features(the hardware is spot we know of) and exclusives(not so much).

So far for Exclusives I have seen ZombieU(cool),Mario(constant),Bayonetta2(cool), and.......Lego City?! I hear mufflings of some JRPGs coming their way which if that happens, I might be swayed more, but until then I cannot say it offerers any good/great exclusives to warrent a purchase from me.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

MegaDrive08 said:
The thread seems pointless, why would a non-Nintendo fan (so someone who is a fan of not liking Nintendo) buy a wii u!! The thread is set up for negative feedback.

because at heart we are gamers :D

am a nintnedo fan since SNES and i dont know why i hate Sony but i can admit when they do great things, i lovee playing FFvii-FFix in Ps1 and right now i own a Ps3, i bought it to play uncharted demons souls heavy rain Metal gears etc... and while some of those games are great others awesome and sadly some are overrrated, i wanted to play those games because a sony fan boy loved them as mcuh as  i love zelda or metroid.

FrancisNobleman said:

I wonder how many in here waited in line back in the time to get the N64, the "true next gen system", instead of buying a PSone or Saturn, which were kind of half a gen behind.

When the PSone and Saturn came out they were new console hardware that could deliver top of the line 3D graphics. WiiU on the other hand pretty much so far delivers the same graphics quality that the PS360.

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It is all about the games. Always has been and always will be.

So far the WiiU does not deliver what I want in a console, but I will never rule out that one day it will.

Until then, I am still not interested.

at d21lewis: Thanks for the links. Now i can understand your post. At first it sounded like a joke to me. Well it is a good reason if you want a new console and the games appeal to you but for me its not enouh reason because most of the games i can buy for my PS3 too and i havent enough space in my living room for another console.
Also the exclusive games are not apealig to me personally so i would rather wait for a PS4 with exclusive games i like or wait for purchasing a Wii u if it truly had atleast three must have games for me.

And between one reason why i own new consoles is the graphical leap. From Playstation to playstation 2 to playstation 3. All those 3 consoles had improved graphics. Right now i havent seen any game on the Wi U which look better than the PS3 games. So right now there isnt any reason for me to buy one.

This thread isn't really meant for me, since I am a Nintendo fan. But I have to say that it's really annoying to see the reactions of certain persons on the net, crying over the fact that Nintendo managed to get some top notch exclusives from third parties. Saying that Nintendo only does kiddy or family oriented stuff, and that they're the only ones succeeding on their hardware as an argument against AAA exclusive titles is a really ridiculous argument.

I mean, Nintendo know that they have to do something to get third parties on board with products catering to core gamers. People complained during the Wii's life cycle because third parties wouldn't provide them with serious gaming experiences... Haters were hating on Nintendo because "the Wii had no core games" and the likes. And all core game exclusives were on either or both of the HD twins... Now that Nintendo is showing hints that they've learn some, they hate them because their new console will get games that won't be available to them...

Being a gamer of all platforms, this doesn't affect me personally. But I think the situation is quite ironic when you think about it.

I do hope Nintendo secures more third party exclusives for the Wii U. Even if their first party offerings are more than enough reasons for me to get their systems.

I personally can't wait to play ZombiU and maybe try Bayonetta 2 (if they toned down the orgy of sexual innuendos a notch...).

Lyrikalstylez said:
I havent bought a nintendo console during a gen since the n64 and it looks like it will continue!
Why would I pay $350 for a new console when I could play similiar games(graphically also) on my 360 and ps3?
For Mario? but I already have a SNES with the legendary Mario3!

I think I'll be waiting till ps4 and xbox 720 are released to get the next gen really started

ohhhh mmmyyyyyyy gggooooodddddd!!!! you should be given an award for most awesome signature on the interent!!!!

SirPainsalot said:
chocoloco said:

Do not like Nintendo's current policy on hardware and I like Nintendo's 1st party the least of the big 3. They really have a lot more to do to get me back as a customer. Basically, exactly what Kantor wrote.

I reiterate on here that it is about 5 years late to the game.

... Hold on.

I understand Playstation exclusives.

But you really think Xbox's Halo + Gears of War is superior to the multitude of Nintendo first party games? Puh-lease.

2D platformers are not my type of game even if I do enjoy them for breif periods. The only IPs I still some what enjoy from Ninty are Pokemon, Zelda and Mario Kart and Pokemon is only on hanhelds. Halo is more fun than all those alone. Gears is a solid IP as well as well as fable. 3rd party exclusives are way better from left for dead, the witcher 2, and Mass Effect.