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at d21lewis: Thanks for the links. Now i can understand your post. At first it sounded like a joke to me. Well it is a good reason if you want a new console and the games appeal to you but for me its not enouh reason because most of the games i can buy for my PS3 too and i havent enough space in my living room for another console.
Also the exclusive games are not apealig to me personally so i would rather wait for a PS4 with exclusive games i like or wait for purchasing a Wii u if it truly had atleast three must have games for me.

And between one reason why i own new consoles is the graphical leap. From Playstation to playstation 2 to playstation 3. All those 3 consoles had improved graphics. Right now i havent seen any game on the Wi U which look better than the PS3 games. So right now there isnt any reason for me to buy one.