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Mr Khan said:
forevercloud3000 said:
What I am seeing with WiiU right now is Nintendo giving competitive hardware, good price, but yet again the games lack any "standout" exclusives for me. Its PS3 launch all over again except this time the WiiU has like 70+ games coming early..........but more than half of them are available on PS360 right now and for less. The fact hardened NIN fans/media are saying this is a great line up is a tad hypocritical seeing the flack PS3 and Vita got for so long.

Just like PS3 early on, the hardware is there, but the list of enticing exclusives that would break me to get one aren't there. The 2GBs of ram that WiiU has though is mouth watering, with 1G dedicated to OS stuff there should not be any issues implementing many snazzy features like cross game Vid Chat, ect.

Not hypocritical. There's a difference between saying "this lineup should be compelling to current PS360 owners" and just saying "this is a good launch lineup." You're right that the former statement is false, but the latter is true, because console launch window lineups usually suck: first six months of 360 the best game was probably Project Gotham Racing 3 (with Kameo and Perfect Dark Zero being solid enough), first six months of PS3 the best thing was probably Resistance, and in the cases of both consoles it was heavy on ports (like Black and CoD2 for 360, or Oblivion and CoD3 for PS3) On a pound-for-pound basis, Wii U has a "better" launch window lineup than pretty much any console dating back to the GameCube (which saw games like Smash Bros Melee in the first six months)

The hypocritical arguments I speak of are as follows: For those who owned a 360 already "No need to get PS3, if most of the games are already available to me" and for those against getting Vita "No need to get it, not enough original content". All the while the WiiU is 2/3rds Multiplatform games that are already found on PS360. These arguments are legit reasons to hold off on something, it will forever be exclusive content that drives Console sales(because if it is even across the board, might as well buy the cheapest one).

The question I pose Nintendo is "How are you going to convince me, a hardcore gamer who prefers artsy/serious games, to buy the WiiU when I already own(or was never interested) in majority of their Multiplatform titles?" The only thing they could do is convince with features(the hardware is spot we know of) and exclusives(not so much).

So far for Exclusives I have seen ZombieU(cool),Mario(constant),Bayonetta2(cool), and.......Lego City?! I hear mufflings of some JRPGs coming their way which if that happens, I might be swayed more, but until then I cannot say it offerers any good/great exclusives to warrent a purchase from me.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)