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Mr Khan said:

Not hypocritical. There's a difference between saying "this lineup should be compelling to current PS360 owners" and just saying "this is a good launch lineup." You're right that the former statement is false, but the latter is true, because console launch window lineups usually suck: first six months of 360 the best game was probably Project Gotham Racing 3 (with Kameo and Perfect Dark Zero being solid enough), first six months of PS3 the best thing was probably Resistance, and in the cases of both consoles it was heavy on ports (like Black and CoD2 for 360, or Oblivion and CoD3 for PS3) On a pound-for-pound basis, Wii U has a "better" launch window lineup than pretty much any console dating back to the GameCube (which saw games like Smash Bros Melee in the first six months)

Oddly enough, I had this fight with some guy on youtube.  He was trashing the Wii U for not having a killer app at launch.  I was saying that the last console that had a killer app on day one was the original Xbox.  Then the whole thing devolved into "Twilight Princess was a killer app", "No, Twilight Princess was on the Gamecube so it was a multi-plat.", "No, a game made by the same company can't be a multi-plat, even if it's on MULTIPLE PLATFORMS!"

God, I hate youtube.