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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Gamers bombard Platinum Games with hate-filled messages over Bayonetta 2 on Wii U

Poor souls. Their game is not on their console of choice. The horror. The end of the world.

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"Literally fuming with disappointment right now.. Watching the death of an amazing series. It's like the ME3 ending all over again"


Well, all in all, this is a pretty reasonable example as to why a lot of folks see gamers as a bunch of fanatical, overzealous, self-divided pricks.

It's not too hard to just accept that different games and experiences come with different consoles, but impressive that even here, a reasonably calm area, there's folks who, somehow, see that sort of idiotic behaviour as 'valid'. Just wow. The sheer bile that comes with something like Nintendo getting a friggin' game is pretty amazing, but not even SLIGHTLY unexpected, considering the usual responses of people and their completely insane ideas of what is a 'valid argument'. Though if said 'argument' has no argument and is instead a frothing ball of curses and accusations? Not an argument.

But, flame on, psycho gamers. You drag us all down with you.

Is WiiU using BD sized discs? If so, they should package Bayonetta onto the same disc along with B2.

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Euphoria14 said:
Is WiiU using BD sized discs? If so, they should package Bayonetta onto the same disc along with B2.

25 gb per disc

And yes, they should. Or at least rerelease the first game with extra thingies.

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edited by SethNintendo... was a drunk rant....

KylieDog said:
KungKras said:
KylieDog said:
KungKras said:

You're the one with the double standard. What if this game would have been Vita exclusive, would you argue the same way?

I've made no double standard, if going to throw around silly accusations and least have them be truthful.  What you are suggesting is like when Valkyria Chronicles jumped ship from PS3 to PSP.  I loved VC, one of my fav games this gen.  I wasn't going to to go buy a PSP just for the sequel though and if anything it just turned me off the series with SEGA doing that to VC fans, and I don't even hate the PSP like some Bayonetta fans clearly hate the WiiU.   I'm not the only VC fan who feels that way.

VC2 also got graphically downgraded on the PSP. Wasn't that a bigger issue?

Would you rahter have no VC2 at all?

While I love the visuals of VC, that is a far way from the requirements of me classing a game as one of my fav games.  I don't have a VC2, either, making it PSP only, a console that fails to offer me much else that is similar and so I will never buy is as good to me as there not being a VC2.

I'll give another example then.

What if it came out exclusively on Orbis, a brand new console with zero install base. Would it get the same complaints?

Wii U is next gen. Complaining about about a nex gen system getting a previous gen sequel is like NES owners complaining that the Mega Drive got exclusive EA games.


It's a good deal for Nintendo to have this game as an exclusive.

But Does it make sense for Platinum games ?

I donNow that PS3/X360 owners fill confident to get bayonneta 2 because of the good impression left by the first game, they decide to introduce the game to a

VicViper said:
Euphoria14 said:
Is WiiU using BD sized discs? If so, they should package Bayonetta onto the same disc along with B2.

25 gb per disc

And yes, they should. Or at least rerelease the first game with extra thingies.

extra... thingies... yes

Fucking broken image links breaking my pervy jokes. Gah.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

oniyide said:
happydolphin said:
Mr Khan said:

Chef: Well, look at it this way: if you want to make a baby cry, first you give it a lollipop. Then you take it away. If you never give it a lollipop to begin with, then it would have nothin' to cry about. That's like God, who gives us life and love and help just so that he can tear it all away and make us cry, so he can drink the sweet milk of our tears. You see, it's our tears, Stan, that give God his great power.


I like it. If only people weren't babies, they could have the power of Job. That's like us Nintendo fans who lost Final Fantasy, Megaman, Castlevania, and all the great new games all at once with the N64, and we kept it to ourselves mostly and went on to play what Nintendo had to offer, until we realized there was a better way, and that was to comply and buy the PS anyways. Tough sacrifice as a die-hard Nintendo fan longing for the supremacy of a company that made everything right for the industry at the time. A shame what had to happen, but now we have a better Nintendo, one that is more meek, more friendly with 3rd parties, AND that gives the industry the life it needs.

umm, there was a Castlevania and Megaman game released on N64 so you didnt lose anything. and no you guys didnt keep it to yourselves i had alot of friends that were pissed, just cause the internet wasnt that big back then lets not act like people werent mad. But everything else you say is correct

I know there were castlevania games and a Megaman game, but not the follow-ups to the games we were expecting. We didn't get Symphony of the night, we didn't get Megaman X, and we didn't get the companys' support in general.

I'm not saying people weren't pissed, but they defo didn't behave like OP, and mostly kept it to themselves on the long run.