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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why do X360 exclusives sell more than PS3 exclusives?


Top 10 highest selling PS3 and X360 exclusives:


PS3 Exclusives: X360 Exclusives:
Gran Turismo 5 - 7.81m Kinect Adventures - 16.85m
Uncharted 2 - 5.69m Halo 3 - 11.57m
Metal Gear Solid 4 - 5.67m Halo: Reach - 9.12m
LittleBigPlanet - 4.96m Gears of War 2 - 6.52m
Uncharted 3 - 4.53m Halo ODST - 6.07m
God of War 3 - 4.44m Gears of War - 5.96m
Uncharted - 4.26m Gears of War 3 - 5.51m
Gran Turismo 5: Prologue - 4.10m Forza Motorsport 3 - 5.09m
Resistance - 4.07m Fable 3 - 4.83m
MotorStorm - 3.74m Kinect Sports - 4.42m


Fun facts:

--> PS3 top 10 total: 49.27m, X360 top 10 total: 75.94m.

--> PS3's top 10 contains 7 different franchises, X360's top 10 contains 6 different franchises.

--> X360's 6th highest selling exclusive sold more than PS3's 2nd highest selling exclusive.

--> Both PS3 and X360 have exclusives with the initials GOW3 (aka I can't think of any more interesting facts).






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I'd like to see vs. Wii exclusives...

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

WTF is Motorstorm doing up there? Also why no inFamous? That game is funner than a healthy commited relationship.

I'm always surprised that some of these exclusives sold as well as they did, the main offenders being Resistance 1 & Fable 3.

Resistance 1 was just an average FPS (and this coming from a big Insomniac fan) that I never saw the appeal of.

Fable 3 was just an average WRPG. Perhaps it played better on 360 than PC or something, but it's far from Lionhead's best work.

I guess the HD market just likes games that I don't see the attraction of!

Anyway, if we're playing this game then Wii Sports > either of these lists, lol.

HulkWasRight said:
Also why no inFamous?

It only sold 2.23m, which isn't enough to make the list

Around the Network
BasilZero said:
Too bad I never played any of the games in either list...

Not even Forza: Motorsport 3? :o

pezus said:
Fable II should replace Fable III and Forza 2 replace Gears1

You can't play them on PS3 or Wii so it's exclusive. Should LittleBigPlanet get dumped because it's also on PSP? No because you can't play it on Xbox 360 or Wii.

The console "war" is between the consoles, the PC is over in PC land all by itself.

kain_kusanagi said:
pezus said:
Fable II should replace Fable III and Forza 2 replace Gears1

You can't play them on PS3 or Wii so it's exclusive. Should LittleBigPlanet get dumped because it's also on PSP? No because you can't play it on Xbox 360 or Wii.

The console "war" is between the consoles, the PC is over in PC land all by itself.

1 it says in the OP 360 exclusive as in exclusive to 360, but two of those games are not exclusive ot 360 so they should be removed and replaced with games that are in fact exclusive to 360. And LBP for PSP is not the same game as LBP for PS3, its funny that in 2012 people are still ignorant to that fact

How about you make a top 30!? You know that Gears 1, fable 2, 3, Left 4 Dead 1, 2 and Splinter Cell: Conviction is not X360 exclusives.

pezus said:
Fable II should replace Fable III and Forza 2 replace Gears1

They are exclusive, PC doesnt count. Besides, using your logic LBP shouldnt be on the list either