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Forums - Website Topics - VGChartz Female Community Thread

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There is female as my avatar (my daughter). Does that count?

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BasilZero said:
Where dem female members, we need more females other than NintendoPie ;(

Well then I guess you're in an even worse position since I'm not female...

LivingMetal said:
There is female as my avatar (my daughter). Does that count?

Get her to join VGChartz...

I tried to get your mother to sign up, but she was so fat should couldn't make it through the login portal.

this has been attempted before and it didnt work so well.

i'm not in the forums to have girlie talk anyway for that i have friends i can talk to.

i'm here to talk about games and i've been sticking mostly to the vita thread even though i dont post much because of work, cause there's way too many vita hate in these forums and if they catch me pms'ing i might say something that will get me banned.

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I think the posts in this thread have shown quite clearly that this thread does not need to exist.

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