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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Former Vigil dev calls Wii U a "$400 360 seven years late" - UPDATED!!


Is he right?

Yes 135 41.54%
No 190 58.46%

He never touched the console. So, no credibility.
Just another hater.

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theARTIST0017 said:

I've been thinking about everyone who has sympothy for this guy and whatnot and say, okay, but there's always two sides to a story. Would Vigil really just leave his name out of the credits for no reason? He must of had issues... BAD ONES!

Did you not read their reply? It is policy to not include poeple who quit or were fired etc before the game went gold, tho they did their best to include everyone who was cut due to the downsizing after DMO was canceled. 

The guy is clearly a drama queen who is playing this up for publicity, he also aparently leaked info on twitter about the game and should have known that this was what was going to happen anyway. He was also payed for his work and is free to use it in his portfolio (tho I am not sure why he would want to use such a unpolished priject).

But some of the conditions people work under in AAA development are shitty and not being credited is pretty shitty as well.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

Irony is calling out someone with more access to video games and developers than you and saying the guy doesn't know what he is talking about while defending a system that you too, know nothing about while having no access to developers. I've read "unemployed loser". The guy owns his own studio. The Modern Warfare guys were canned for "poor performance" and everyone jumped to their defense because everyone hates Activision. I'm not saying this guy is right mind you, however, no one in here can call anyone else out either, especially when the guy is in the industry and has friends in the industry. Just man up and call yourselves Nintendo fan-boys with a disclaimer before you jump on this gravy train to bash the guy. He is not the only one to bash Big N for the Wii U nor will be the last. Nor does the lack of new games for a "new" system should be understated because you "like" Nintendo. For Christs sake, Nintendo marketed the Wii U as a easy port system for the 360 to try to get developers on. It "borrowed" the 360 control design (a very un Nintendo thing to do) and while the GPU is updated, the CPU is still small a more than likely it will have bandwidth issue when developers decide to max out the raw power of the PS4 and 720 with their PC counter parts. They won't be jumping head over heels to make another version of the game that they coded for three different times. Not to mention that you are delusional if you believe that Microsoft and Sony won't press the push the graphic boundaries with each other leaving the Wii U out in the cold. If I tell the reality that makes me a hater too? Some of y'all sound just like people in my justice classes, butt-hurt when someone gives you a critique.

Just because you chose to quote a famous dead person does not mean that you are some type of intellect nor does it mean that the quote in question is correct.

theARTIST0017 said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Wii U looks to be a well designed system......for this generation. Once again I think Nintendo has opted to have one foot in this gen and a toe in the next. It doesn't seem to be the "Next Big Thing" I am expecting of NG. Its Wii 2.0 which simply makes it on par with what is already offered with PS3 and 360.
-Most of the games I saw for it....ports.
-Gimmicky just like the Wii, this is not to say it won't be popular just like Wii.
-Graphics barely above current gen
-Not an over all fan of Nintendo franchises from jump and not seeing a new, more adult IP for it that is going to change that any time soon.

The basis for your argument is using ports, for you said that is most of the games you saw for it. You say the graphics are barely above current gen but what are you basing this off? Ports? Or a game built ground up for the Wii U that uses it to its full potential? However, if these are your opinions then you are entitled to your opinion.

My basis is on what Nintendo has shown me at E3. I saw Lego City and a few other things and none of them look remotely good. I saw them spend way too much time on the Port/MP games like Batman and harp about how the armor is different. I barely saw a difference graphically. I realize this is skewed by the fact these are ports...yet NIN doesn't really have much else at the moment(to my knowledge).

If you think there are serious games of interest worth taking a look at on the platform (I am into RPGs, Action games,some puzzle/platformers) that I haven't mentioned please point them out to me. Rayman at least should be Decent.

And regardless none of this is indicative of sales. I am pretty sure it will sell like hotcakes to the Nintendo faithful even without a single AAA original title(which new platforms supposedly need to have to be relavent ala Vita).

What Wii U looks like to me....

Move and Kinect are to the Wii's Motion Controls

as Wii U are to the PS3 and 360's HD capabilities

Just doesn't feel like a generation jump yet. Wii already felt a gen behind and NIN is catching up in that regard, with a slight head start on nxt gen.Maybe the disjointed NxtGen console releases are a good idea to bring a certain level of focus to each one without completely devouring each other's sales. This might be an expert plan for them, time will tell...




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

2 Gamecubes taped together all over again lol

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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klumminati said:

Irony is calling out someone with more access to video games and developers than you and saying the guy doesn't know what he is talking about while defending a system that you too, know nothing about while having no access to developers. I've read "unemployed loser". The guy owns his own studio. The Modern Warfare guys were canned for "poor performance" and everyone jumped to their defense because everyone hates Activision. I'm not saying this guy is right mind you, however, no one in here can call anyone else out either, especially when the guy is in the industry and has friends in the industry. Just man up and call yourselves Nintendo fan-boys with a disclaimer before you jump on this gravy train to bash the guy. He is not the only one to bash Big N for the Wii U nor will be the last. Nor does the lack of new games for a "new" system should be understated because you "like" Nintendo. For Christs sake, Nintendo marketed the Wii U as a easy port system for the 360 to try to get developers on. It "borrowed" the 360 control design (a very un Nintendo thing to do) and while the GPU is updated, the CPU is still small a more than likely it will have bandwidth issue when developers decide to max out the raw power of the PS4 and 720 with their PC counter parts. They won't be jumping head over heels to make another version of the game that they coded for three different times. Not to mention that you are delusional if you believe that Microsoft and Sony won't press the push the graphic boundaries with each other leaving the Wii U out in the cold. If I tell the reality that makes me a hater too? Some of y'all sound just like people in my justice classes, butt-hurt when someone gives you a critique.

Developers have often proven themselves frightfully ignorant (and not without their own agendas) throughout this generation.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
klumminati said:

Irony is calling out someone with more access to video games and developers than you and saying the guy doesn't know what he is talking about while defending a system that you too, know nothing about while having no access to developers. I've read "unemployed loser". The guy owns his own studio. The Modern Warfare guys were canned for "poor performance" and everyone jumped to their defense because everyone hates Activision. I'm not saying this guy is right mind you, however, no one in here can call anyone else out either, especially when the guy is in the industry and has friends in the industry. Just man up and call yourselves Nintendo fan-boys with a disclaimer before you jump on this gravy train to bash the guy. He is not the only one to bash Big N for the Wii U nor will be the last. Nor does the lack of new games for a "new" system should be understated because you "like" Nintendo. For Christs sake, Nintendo marketed the Wii U as a easy port system for the 360 to try to get developers on. It "borrowed" the 360 control design (a very un Nintendo thing to do) and while the GPU is updated, the CPU is still small a more than likely it will have bandwidth issue when developers decide to max out the raw power of the PS4 and 720 with their PC counter parts. They won't be jumping head over heels to make another version of the game that they coded for three different times. Not to mention that you are delusional if you believe that Microsoft and Sony won't press the push the graphic boundaries with each other leaving the Wii U out in the cold. If I tell the reality that makes me a hater too? Some of y'all sound just like people in my justice classes, butt-hurt when someone gives you a critique.

Developers have often proven themselves frightfully ignorant (and not without their own agendas) throughout this generation.

There's a point where you have to realize someone is off the deep end, and no amount of helpful reasoning you try to give will help them become any more knowledgable or wise. As much as we wish we could help - for some, there is nothing we can do.

Looks like someone's gonna be stuck on unemployment for the foreseeable future lol.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

Mr Khan said:
klumminati said:

Irony is calling out someone with more access to video games and developers than you and saying the guy doesn't know what he is talking about while defending a system that you too, know nothing about while having no access to developers. I've read "unemployed loser". The guy owns his own studio. The Modern Warfare guys were canned for "poor performance" and everyone jumped to their defense because everyone hates Activision. I'm not saying this guy is right mind you, however, no one in here can call anyone else out either, especially when the guy is in the industry and has friends in the industry. Just man up and call yourselves Nintendo fan-boys with a disclaimer before you jump on this gravy train to bash the guy. He is not the only one to bash Big N for the Wii U nor will be the last. Nor does the lack of new games for a "new" system should be understated because you "like" Nintendo. For Christs sake, Nintendo marketed the Wii U as a easy port system for the 360 to try to get developers on. It "borrowed" the 360 control design (a very un Nintendo thing to do) and while the GPU is updated, the CPU is still small a more than likely it will have bandwidth issue when developers decide to max out the raw power of the PS4 and 720 with their PC counter parts. They won't be jumping head over heels to make another version of the game that they coded for three different times. Not to mention that you are delusional if you believe that Microsoft and Sony won't press the push the graphic boundaries with each other leaving the Wii U out in the cold. If I tell the reality that makes me a hater too? Some of y'all sound just like people in my justice classes, butt-hurt when someone gives you a critique.

Developers have often proven themselves frightfully ignorant (and not without their own agendas) throughout this generation.

Last generation as well. Remember all of the devs who said the GC couldn't do normal mapping or bloom when it was done in release games. Some people don't understand that being a dev doesn't make one a god that knows everything there is to know about making games and working on different hardware.

Most of them know very little beyond there own work and training.

theARTIST0017 said:

He may be right, but to be fair I've never owned a PS3 or a 360 and was planning on buying a couple of those games you mentioned, and this can be true to Nintendo's audience who only had Wii. So yes PS360 may have had those games, but it's new to us. The 7 years things is a bit exaggerated because games like AC, Batman and Mass Effect 3 have not been out for even half that long.

Now if these publishers create a direct port without support for gamepad then I hate to admit it, but he's right. But its not what he said, it was the way he said it that made me kind of look at it like , WhAT? But I think we can all agree that some of these ports use the gamepad in smart, and meaningful ways right? Batman for example.

One more food for thought and this just came up to me as I am typing, it may not be an expensive 360 late because of the 1st/2nd party  (Nintendo) games, a very unique thing 360 never had so I guess that right there makes it all worth it!!!

I think you're right, the Wii U is going to be a nice upgrade for people who only have a Wii and for those getting a console for the first time.  It's even going to be a nice option for people replacing a broken system.  There will also be a fair number of people who own a PS3 or 360 who will buy a Wii U for the sake of Wii U exclusives.  The Wii U will sell fine based off just that if nothing else.

 I don't think we'll see another Wii phenomenon, though.  That was probably an anomoly, a product of circumstance just like the PS2.  Not that it matters, successful is successful, despite the importance fanboys place on the order of total units sold.  I just think a lot of casuals bought the Wii who won't be looking to upgrade, and a fair number of 360/PS3 owners won't buy a Wii U because it won't offer enough value for them personally.

I'm in the latter group, though I wish the Wii U well.  Most multiplatform games aren't going to be markedly better for the Wii U and I'm not a Mario fan.  I'd like to have one but it likely won't be worth the price of buying another system, not unless I start making a lot more money.