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theARTIST0017 said:

He may be right, but to be fair I've never owned a PS3 or a 360 and was planning on buying a couple of those games you mentioned, and this can be true to Nintendo's audience who only had Wii. So yes PS360 may have had those games, but it's new to us. The 7 years things is a bit exaggerated because games like AC, Batman and Mass Effect 3 have not been out for even half that long.

Now if these publishers create a direct port without support for gamepad then I hate to admit it, but he's right. But its not what he said, it was the way he said it that made me kind of look at it like , WhAT? But I think we can all agree that some of these ports use the gamepad in smart, and meaningful ways right? Batman for example.

One more food for thought and this just came up to me as I am typing, it may not be an expensive 360 late because of the 1st/2nd party  (Nintendo) games, a very unique thing 360 never had so I guess that right there makes it all worth it!!!

I think you're right, the Wii U is going to be a nice upgrade for people who only have a Wii and for those getting a console for the first time.  It's even going to be a nice option for people replacing a broken system.  There will also be a fair number of people who own a PS3 or 360 who will buy a Wii U for the sake of Wii U exclusives.  The Wii U will sell fine based off just that if nothing else.

 I don't think we'll see another Wii phenomenon, though.  That was probably an anomoly, a product of circumstance just like the PS2.  Not that it matters, successful is successful, despite the importance fanboys place on the order of total units sold.  I just think a lot of casuals bought the Wii who won't be looking to upgrade, and a fair number of 360/PS3 owners won't buy a Wii U because it won't offer enough value for them personally.

I'm in the latter group, though I wish the Wii U well.  Most multiplatform games aren't going to be markedly better for the Wii U and I'm not a Mario fan.  I'd like to have one but it likely won't be worth the price of buying another system, not unless I start making a lot more money.