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theARTIST0017 said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Wii U looks to be a well designed system......for this generation. Once again I think Nintendo has opted to have one foot in this gen and a toe in the next. It doesn't seem to be the "Next Big Thing" I am expecting of NG. Its Wii 2.0 which simply makes it on par with what is already offered with PS3 and 360.
-Most of the games I saw for it....ports.
-Gimmicky just like the Wii, this is not to say it won't be popular just like Wii.
-Graphics barely above current gen
-Not an over all fan of Nintendo franchises from jump and not seeing a new, more adult IP for it that is going to change that any time soon.

The basis for your argument is using ports, for you said that is most of the games you saw for it. You say the graphics are barely above current gen but what are you basing this off? Ports? Or a game built ground up for the Wii U that uses it to its full potential? However, if these are your opinions then you are entitled to your opinion.

My basis is on what Nintendo has shown me at E3. I saw Lego City and a few other things and none of them look remotely good. I saw them spend way too much time on the Port/MP games like Batman and harp about how the armor is different. I barely saw a difference graphically. I realize this is skewed by the fact these are ports...yet NIN doesn't really have much else at the moment(to my knowledge).

If you think there are serious games of interest worth taking a look at on the platform (I am into RPGs, Action games,some puzzle/platformers) that I haven't mentioned please point them out to me. Rayman at least should be Decent.

And regardless none of this is indicative of sales. I am pretty sure it will sell like hotcakes to the Nintendo faithful even without a single AAA original title(which new platforms supposedly need to have to be relavent ala Vita).

What Wii U looks like to me....

Move and Kinect are to the Wii's Motion Controls

as Wii U are to the PS3 and 360's HD capabilities

Just doesn't feel like a generation jump yet. Wii already felt a gen behind and NIN is catching up in that regard, with a slight head start on nxt gen.Maybe the disjointed NxtGen console releases are a good idea to bring a certain level of focus to each one without completely devouring each other's sales. This might be an expert plan for them, time will tell...




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)