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Forums - General Discussion - Syrian Rebels execute pro Assad supporters in public

Kenology said:
leatherhat said:
Kenology said:
2Rare2Die said:
Damm right fuck Syria... savages like the criminals in Somalia during the whole black hawk down crisis.. why help these clowns.

The Somali's were trying to kick the Yankees out.  There's nothing savage about defending your homeland and the Americans got what they deserved.

Haha. Might want to learn some history. The UN (not just the us) was there to provide humanitarian aid and kill or capture warlords who were stockpiling said aid forthemselves. Now don't get me wrong, I would have let them starve before I let an American die- but don't try to pretend that the somalia warlords were somehow in the right here. 

The Somali's need to sort it out themselves - which is exactly what happened in 2006.  The Americans don't need to involve themselves in every conflict.  I know very well what happened there.... believe me.

They apparently didn't do a very good job sorting things out considering they are in the middle of a civil war

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

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I don't see any proof showing that these people were executed simply because of their religious views?

FattyDingDong said:
sarmad said:


@OP, you are such a pathetic lier. You should be ashamed of yourself. Let me guess, you are either a supporter of Assad, or a supporter of Romney trying to undermine Obama with pure lies and making use of the fact that your fellow citizens don't understand Arabic to be able to confirm what's in the video.

Guys, the video is an execution of an Assad's militia man (Shabbih), whose name is "Mohammed Memet". I did not know that Christians name their sons Mohammed.


No I am simply mad at my country for supporting these barbarians. How are you gonna explain the second video? make another excuse? go ahead. 

And let me guess. You are probably a sunni arab muslim.  no there is nothing wrong with that. but im guessing you are because other wise why owuld you support the actions of these murderers? 

Yes, I am an Arab muslim, and I don't support these actions. But I condemn you for making a pure lie about the religion of those being killed. There is absolutely no mention of Christianity or anything related to it in any of the two videos. The second video is similar to the first, men are shouting "Execution of the Shabbih (Assad's militia)"

anyone speak Arabic like me will know this video is not related to any religion matter and its all about shabiha so who translate the video for you FattyDingDong ??

Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:Thats... why? Why do this? 

An american soldier burns the koran... Protests and outcry ensues.

Jihadists innocently kill christians... No one responds.

Doesnt the islamic religion also teach love and peace. 

i think you will find that it does teach love and peace, it just doesnt with a minority segment of wahabist extremists whom are fully backed and utilised by US UK & OTHERS.

i believe those akin to syrian rebels and more recently lybian rebels to be tantamount animals i wish them a dogs death for what they have done.

who on earth calls on foreign bombardment of their own country to dispose of current government? only a traitorous animal, these sickening dogs need to be defeated but thats a far stretch now as they are backed by powerfull states. you dont see much negativaty re:rebels on UK media.

i hope for a crushing victory for syria and the syrian people's against the rebel extremists whom wish to tear their own country apart for the benefit of foreign powers.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

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Other mods feel free to unlock this if you like, but I feel that this thread is causing too much tension and hatred among members of the community.

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Lets just say for sake of argument that these were Christians and they were targeted by rebels because of that. Does that mean all the rebels agree with this action? Most likely not. Every time a country is in some state of rebellion, it isn't just one collective against the government. It's usually several factions against the government. Several people who don't agree with one another agree that the current government has to go. I'm sure some of the rebels are crazed religious fundamentalists. Most of them however are probably good people who just want their current leader gone.

If you look at all revolutions throughout history, none of them were simple, nor could they be defined by simple terms. Look at the American Revolution. Was everyone in that conflict on the same page? No. They wanted democracy, but they couldn't agree on a form of government. Hell, some of those people fighting for freedom even offered Washington the chance to be a King himself. Then there's the French Revolution. Did everyone agree with all the unnecessary executions? Of course not. Was the Russian Revolution a Communist victory? No, it wasn't. The country fell into a civil war afterwards. So, I'm sure plenty of people in the west are looking at the Middle East right now and they're saying "they don't do revolutions like we do". Sadly enough, there isn't very much of a difference at all.

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radishhead said:
Other mods feel free to unlock this if you like, but I feel that this thread is causing too much tension and hatred among members of the community.

You forgot the part where you actually lock it. Lulz

I agree this is possibly misleading. We know little about the video and just watch it as "muslims killing christians". It could be that, but it could be some other politically caused violence. Who knows.

The guy shot in the first video is named Mohammed, basically a Muslim. They're killing him cause he's pro-Bashar. does this justify the killing? My balls it does! But it just shows you how deep Syria has fallen. These guys are terrorists who have to be stopped, anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded.