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Forums - General Discussion - London 2012 Olympic Games-The Paralympics begin, opening ceremony on now!

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Just one last late-night news story about the Olympics:

-Up to 400 people have taken to the streets to protest about the "Corporate" Olympics. Note that a similar protest was held outside the Olympic Ceremony, but in this case, they were arrested:

So, after the first day, what did you think about the games? Good? Bad? Too early to decide? I liked it!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Around the Network
Conegamer said:
Just one last late-night news story about the Olympics:

-Up to 400 people have taken to the streets to protest about the "Corporate" Olympics. Note that a similar protest was held outside the Olympic Ceremony, but in this case, they were arrested:

So, after the first day, what did you think about the games? Good? Bad? Too early to decide? I liked it!

They can go fuck themselves, how else do they think the Olympics will get funded? 

Loving the games so far, only downside is no medals for GB

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Bad day for team GB

Can someone please give the script to no-hope Turkey (women) in the Volleyball please so they will realise they are meant to get soundly beaten by Brazil aka the defending champs not drag the match out to a final set decider, it's 12:30 am and people have homes to go to!!

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Epic gold medal for Brazil .

First in the history for that category.

Second brasilian woman to do that.

Around the Network

So, we arrive at day 2...

Team GB's real hopes for today are Nicole Cook (who won our first medal, Gold, last time), and Rebecca Adlington. There's others as well (obviously), but these are our two Gold hopes for today!

Also, notice the empty seats in some events? Well, the Olympic committee are looking at that, because it's apparently supposed to have every venue sold out...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

well done italy,great stuff with the medals,the BBC pundits looking silly with all the medal dreaming on the first day,the athletes didn't read their script and GB cycling blaming the aussies for not winning,lol thats a bit desparate isn't it,why would the aussies help ,sounds like the GB cycling got the tactics hopelessly wrong if they couldn't work out cav might not be there for the sprint at the end,the BBC coming across as bad losers if you ask me,not much respect there and shame i am forced to pay for their wages,i cannot wait for the day when they are forced to go subcription pay tv

i quite like the ladies hockey,might watch a bit of that,be good one to have tickets for,the olympic park looks great with all the people around,it would be good just to have a ticket for the park for a day

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Conegamer said:
So, we arrive at day 2...

Team GB's real hopes for today are Nicole Cook (who won our first medal, Gold, last time), and Rebecca Adlington. There's others as well (obviously), but these are our two Gold hopes for today!

Also, notice the empty seats in some events? Well, the Olympic committee are looking at that, because it's apparently supposed to have every venue sold out...

really where does it say every event would be sold out,certainly not the football

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zuvuyeay said:
Conegamer said:
So, we arrive at day 2...

Team GB's real hopes for today are Nicole Cook (who won our first medal, Gold, last time), and Rebecca Adlington. There's others as well (obviously), but these are our two Gold hopes for today!

Also, notice the empty seats in some events? Well, the Olympic committee are looking at that, because it's apparently supposed to have every venue sold out...

really where does it say every event would be sold out,certainly not the football

Not the football, no, but all tickets for all events in everything bar football, hockey and Handball were sold out. I.E you couldn't buy a ticket for months, because they were all gone.


And they were complaining about the other countries for not helping, because you need to work together. I'd imagine you don't watch Road Cycling? You can't have 4 people carry the entire peloton all the way. If Germany or Australia (who each had a very strong sprinter) did some pacemaking, rather than leave it all on the Brits, they could have caught up the breakaway and had a bunch sprint. But they knew Cavendish would win, so it was all on Silver and Bronze. 

So the other countries were perfectly happy to let anyone else win, so long as it wasn't Cavendish taking part. That's what he was angry about, and rightly so.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

PDF said:
As the events I care more about are approaching I am getting excited. Every four years all of a sudden I care about running, swimming, womens gymnastics, and beach volleyball =p

That 08 medal count in the first page has tricked me twice now. Look at it thinking how'd so many events happen already. I think you should have the 2012 medal count in the OP. Thats just me being picky though

The 2012 medal count is in the second post, along with a selection of the bigger results of the day. 

But yeah, I like the Swimming, the Archery, the Cycling and the Athletics the most! I could leave the Football and the Handball, though...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.