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well done italy,great stuff with the medals,the BBC pundits looking silly with all the medal dreaming on the first day,the athletes didn't read their script and GB cycling blaming the aussies for not winning,lol thats a bit desparate isn't it,why would the aussies help ,sounds like the GB cycling got the tactics hopelessly wrong if they couldn't work out cav might not be there for the sprint at the end,the BBC coming across as bad losers if you ask me,not much respect there and shame i am forced to pay for their wages,i cannot wait for the day when they are forced to go subcription pay tv

i quite like the ladies hockey,might watch a bit of that,be good one to have tickets for,the olympic park looks great with all the people around,it would be good just to have a ticket for the park for a day

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond