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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Everyone complaining about the lack of 3DSXL second circle pad

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I do think it would be nice to have a second circle pad, but honestly, when i think about it, it isn't necessary. That's why the touch screen is there.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

Nem said:
Its incredible how no one seems to notice the touch screen between the buttons and the analog,

It can become anything thats coded on it. The 3DS can have 5 analog sticks if a developer decided to code them in.

Thinking in Vita terms with the 3DS doesnt really work. That is why the 3DS is a better system. It has flexibility.

Okay, so...wait, what? 3DS is better because of the touchscreen? Is this even about which system is better? Last I checked the Vita has a touchscreen, and is the 3DS touchscreen even multitouch? They could throw 5 touch analogs on the 3DS, a Vita could have 20 or so. But really one touch analog is all that's needed. A second analog could be avoided through touchscreen use, but how accurate is the 3DS touchscreen. Can it pull it off or is it best suited for stylus movement. There is the problem of eliminating the dual screen option from game design, dedcating the majority of gameplay to an analog. Same issue with touchscreen gaming in general, covering screens.

The fact of the matter is Nintendo could have benefited from a second physical analog, leaving it out won't destroy the system or anything, no one is saying that, but it could isolate them from types of gameplay elements and from developer support. It might not affect the system much but encouraging developers is a very important thing for console manufacturers. Nintendo might add it in the future but they could have used this XL as an opportunity to make the 3DS an even better system than it already is.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

I also want to add to the disscusion. Has anyone ever played games that support the Circle Pad Pro? You would probably say they are better. With Metal Gear Solid 3D, it is much better. But, the thing is it doesn't use the L and R buttons, it uses the ZL and ZR buttons! Resident Evil Revelations uses the ZL and ZR buttons! Even, Kid Icarus Uprising uses the ZR button! You see where I'm going with this? That would mean Nintendo would have to add the new shoulder buttons on the system. No way, can you even play those games with CCP support without using the ZL and ZR buttons. Some bring up they just have to add a second stick, but with games that use the CCP already don't just use the second stick, it also uses the new shoulder buttons. And they can't map any controls either, since like I said, some games use a combination of the four.

So that would mean, they would've been forced to add the new shoulder buttons as well. But, that would've made the system even larger and less portable. Then, people would be complaining about that.

If Nintendo added all of these new things, then they might as well made a new console because of all the new input. 2 new triggers and a second stick. That would've made the 3DS XL look completely different from what it is now and cause confusion to the consumer. Also, devs would be confused too. Why even kept the orignial 3DS if the 3DS XL has all of these new things that the original doesn't have? That would've to balance this by making a slim version, since not everyone wants a larger system. But, then it wouldn't be the 3DS anymore, but the 3DS Pro.

This is too much work and confusion just to add a second stick, and they would've been forced to also add the new shoulder buttons in many cases. You could say they could've forced devs to make two control options for now, but some devs don't even want to use the CCP and some devs use the extra triggers.

This is my take on the matter. I'm sure some will try to work around this one.

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

Pokemonbrawlvg said:
I also want to add to the disscusion. Has anyone ever played games that support the Circle Pad Pro? You would probably say they are better. With Metal Gear Solid 3D, it is much better. But, the thing is it doesn't use the L and R buttons, it uses the ZL and ZR buttons! Resident Evil Revelations uses the ZL and ZR buttons! Even, Kid Icarus Uprising uses the ZR button! You see where I'm going with this? That would mean Nintendo would have to add the new shoulder buttons on the system. No way, can you even play those games with CCP support without using the ZL and ZR buttons. Some bring up they just have to add a second stick, but with games that use the CCP already don't just use the second stick, it also uses the new shoulder buttons. And they can't map any controls either, since like I said, some games use a combination of the four.

So that would mean, they would've been forced to add the new shoulder buttons as well. But, that would've made the system even larger and less portable. Then, people would be complaining about that.

If Nintendo added all of these new things, then they might as well made a new console because of all the new input. 2 new triggers and a second stick. That would've made the 3DS XL look completely different from what it is now and cause confusion to the consumer. Also, devs would be confused too. Why even kept the orignial 3DS if the 3DS XL has all of these new things that the original doesn't have? That would've to balance this by making a slim version, since not everyone wants a larger system. But, then it wouldn't be the 3DS anymore, but the 3DS Pro.

This is too much work and confusion just to add a second stick, and they would've been forced to also add the new shoulder buttons in many cases. You could say they could've forced devs to make two control options for now, but some devs don't even want to use the CCP and some devs use the extra triggers.

This is my take on the matter. I'm sure some will try to work around this one.

I got a 3DS, a CPP, and every game you mentioned.  I also have a Vita wich only has the one set of shoulder buttons.

Right now, we only have a handful of games that supports the CPP.  Yeah, the ZL/ZR buttons are used in those games.  At the same time, they also have a decent control scheme (Maybe not KI since I NEVER got used to the control scheme) that lets you play without the CPP.  If Nintendo added a second Circle pad, all they would have to do is:

  • a.) Make the older games compatible via their new found ability to update games (ie: MK7 or Mighty Switch Force)
  • b.) Make the games that use ABXY to control the camera compatible with the right analog (Vita already does this with PSP games)
  • c.) Cut their losses on the five or six games that use the CPP now and say that, from this point onward, a right analog/single set of shoulder buttons control scheme is an option
  • d.)  Give future games the option of choosing from a CPP control scheme, a normal DS control scheme, or a new right analog control scheme (and like games that use the CPP now, they could detect whether or not the CPP is in place OR the right analog setup)

But that's all just hypothetical stuff.  Maybe that's too much work for developers.  All I know is that upgrading the hardware is something Nintendo has done in the past.  They've made Gameboy Color games that work on original Gameboys.  They've made new versions of the GBA and DS that did things the older versions couldn't.  It's never bitten them in the ass before.  As long as the people that own the older 3DS don't lose out on being able to play games, I don't see the problem with giving people a function that they've been begging for.  I have a 3DS and my daughter has a 3DS and I'd gladly buy a new one if it added the right stick.

It's probably too late now, though.  If they released a newer version, the ones on the shelf would lose a tremendous amount of appeal.  People wouldn't even buy the 3DSXL because they'd just wait for the "3DSXL Pro".  For the most part, I think the 3DS we have now is the one we're going to be stuck with.  There will be the usual "new version every year" like we've had with past Nintendo portables but with the CPP being scarce and their being two single analog versions on the market already, I think this whole debate is moot.

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I'd just like to say that the PS1 came out in 1995. It had no analog sticks whatsoever. In 1996-1997, they introduced the Dual Analog/Dual Shock controller. Many games took advantage of the new control scheme. It was all good as long as they offered support for the regular controller, too. The only game that I know of that actually required the Dual Analog setup was Ape Escape. Nobody complained then, did they? Heck, I didn't buy a Dual Shock until 1998 when I got Metal Gear Solid. Up to that point, I didn't mind people having a dual analog setup. I was just happy to play the games I wanted to play.

but really, if they had put in in, it would basically screw over everyone with the original 3DS. and they were already screwed over with the price cut issue. If new games were made to utilize the second circle pad, the early adapters of the 3DS would need to purchase the clunky CPP, which would make the 3DS owners not very happy, because it makes the 3DS less portable, and it wouldn't really fit with it in a 3DS case. I sure as hell wouldn't want to slap on a big CPP every time I wanted to play a game.

However, this issue would certainly stray consumers from purchasing the original 3DS used, which could help Nintendo. But for now, it seems Nintendo has taken the more consumer-friendly route.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

actually the people complaining about it are the ones that dont own or dont care about the system and Nintendo.

KylieDog said:
Nem said:

Seriously, having only one analog is no problem at all if the developer knows what its doing.

resident evil revelations works perfectly without it. you got left shift as a modifier for movement and right shift as a modifier to aiming. When both are pressed the movement one takes priority and the gun aim stays on the last direction it was pointed. It works PERFECTLY! 

That is not perfect, you cannot adjust aim and move at same time.  No dev will bother making a TPS or FPS without that ability.

I think some will, they just will be as crappy as the ones on teh last DS

mysticwolf said:
but really, if they had put in in, it would basically screw over everyone with the original 3DS. and they were already screwed over with the price cut issue. If new games were made to utilize the second circle pad, the early adapters of the 3DS would need to purchase the clunky CPP, which would make the 3DS owners not very happy, because it makes the 3DS less portable, and it wouldn't really fit with it in a 3DS case. I sure as hell wouldn't want to slap on a big CPP every time I wanted to play a game.

However, this issue would certainly stray consumers from purchasing the original 3DS used, which could help Nintendo. But for now, it seems Nintendo has taken the more consumer-friendly route.

But it won't isolate consumers. Compatible controls will be default with a move like that. Developers wouldn't isolate themselves out of the market or bet on everyone buying the CPP. Adding it provides benefit. The 3DS is fine without it but it is a missed opportunity to provide as many gaming experiences as possible, and with it being such a fundamental control scheme in most gamers/developers mind its a huge benefit. Not taking advantage of that is not consumer friendly, though if they implemented it and forced it for some crazy reason than it would be bad, but there is no way that would happen and I have yet to see anyway argue that so why is everyone using this as an excuse?

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(