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Forums - Website Topics - Rules for warnings are WAY too strict -.-"

badgenome said:
That's stupid. PS3 does have no games.

I will not apologize for reporting you, though.

Anyway, many people say it has no gaemz. I don't know why you were picked out of the over 150 posters on this site...

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Uh... No. Definitely not.

I deserve to have like 10 warnings by now, but have zero. I guess I'm either a really good stealth troller or a really bad one...

But yeah, your comment was definitely warning-worthy. Not sure how anyone would consider it a 'joke'.

I know how you feel. I once got a warning for saying that ninpie had warts in his vagina...

It's a rule. And mods always 'pick' more on the newer members, because they just don't know you.

I had 3 warnings from the same mod within 1 month, all for the same sorta thing. I also got a warning for 'spamming', even though I merely posted 3 times in a row (yet I've seen people post 8-9 times in a row in a thread, I've reported them but nothing's happened), but that was a year ago. Nothing for the past 12 months.

Now, I don't know if it's because that mod has gone, or if the rules have become more relaxed, or because I'm generally more careful, or maybe a combination of the three, but the sites mods are too strict in some occasions, and too lenient in others (the site needs more than 4 mods!)


In addition, one of those warnings was for calling teh Wii DOOMED when it fell below 110k (those were the days!), even though it, well, really was a joke. That doesn't happen anymore. Maybe it's because everything IS actually doomed :P


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

The moderators on this site are nothing more then neck bearded basement dwellers. Seriously look at their ages; some are 27 or older. What the hell are they doing moderating a gaming forum? Shouldn't they be doing things like working and raising a family instead? If the moderation was good & balanced it'd be fine, but it's far from that.  As the mods are so socially inept they are unable to determine when fanboys are just whining about a joke and what is actually trolling, leading to this site being filled with fanboys as the moderation supports their complaints.  Why is the moderation of this site left to the socially inept dregs of highschool? Considering there is no way to disupute a ban, as well as the failing servers, well it doesn't look like the cesshole of fanboys shouldn't be around for much longer in it's current form. 

Fanboy test:
The 360 is shit
Microsoft are shit
The PS3 is shit
Sony are shit
The Wii is shit
Nintendo are shit
Master Chief is shit

If any of the above offended you, you are a fanboy because the above is subjective. Learn to deal with people's opnions. If you think I'm wrong, look at your grades, look at your payslip, look in the mirror and ask yourself how far have your ideals actually gotten you in life?

Rudisha said:
would you rather a ban???? be thankful you only get a slap on wrist. ur comment is trolling.

Get a sense of humour; the PS3 obviously has games.

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RolStoppable said:
That was probably a combination of two things:

1) Moderator doesn't know you well enough.
2) Users don't know you well enough, so at least a couple hit the report button and made it look like an issue.

A combination of the two.

OT: Even the fact that you were clearly spouting a cliché and unfunny line was not really enough to moderate you. It was more that there was no conceivable point to your post. It wasn't sarcasm, because the PS3 is in third place, and you weren't really responding to any insult of the PS3 that he made, which leaves only flamebaiting as a reason for making the post.

Which is not to say you were trying to troll, just that you did it, which is really the same thing.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

And hopefully that's clear, so I'm locking this thread because we already have one "complain about moderations" thread and complaining about moderator action in a thread is against the rules.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective