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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Capcom Summer Jam Thread! Monster Hunter 4 Spring 2013 release date! Official Trailer inside! First footage ever for PS3 Resident Evil 6!

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I will not post anything not Capcom summer jam related

Ok 11 61.11%
Ok 4 22.22%

Sony better get MH4 on Vita if they want to survive in Japan. I remember Sony saying they were going to have another Game Heaven for Vita at the end of June, maybe MH4?

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

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I don't quite understand Monster Hunter (aside from that it's huge in Japan).

I believe that PSP was successful in Japan partly because they had MH games - and indeed, VGChartz lists the three best selling games in the series as being on the PSP.

But these are 'freedom' games. Is that anything to do with the main series? Can't Sony just ask Capcom to make another Monster Hunter Freedom game?

Idk. If I'm missing something, feel free to let me know!

Updated with coutdown clock

2 days to go!

Every other Conference except Monster Hunter to be Live? O_o That doesn't make much sense.

NintendoPie said:
Every other Conference except Monster Hunter to be Live? O_o That doesn't make much sense.

Top secret stuff!

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Actually this is the real news, monster hunter is on june 30

"Capcom's Summer Jam event will have playable kiosks for games like Okami and Resident Evil 6. And when attendees aren't playing the games, they'll be able to enjoy stage events offering the latest information on such major releases as Monster Hunter 4.

If you can't make it out to Tokyo Big Sight next Saturday, you're out of luck on the demos, but you can still enjoy the stage events. Capcom said today that it will be live streaming the stages. You can view the live stream here.

Unfortunately, the live streaming is just for the stages on July 1, the second day of the event, so you may miss out on the new Monster Hunter and Resident Evil news as it breaks on the first day.

Key attractions in the second day stage lineup include the Sengoku Basara stage at 10:30, the Street Fighter x Tekken stage at 11:25, the Resident Evil 6 stage at 13:50 and the Monster HUnter stage at 14:40.

In addition to the playable demos and access to the first day's stage shows live, there are other reasons to attend the event for yourself. Attendees who sample the various games will get some sweet swag. Look below for a Resident Evil 6 mouse pad, a Felyne fan, a Street Fighter x Tekken pouch for your Vita, Sengoku Basara fans, and an Okami HD Remaster clear file."

One can never get enough of the over the top sengoku Basara...

Since Iwata announced the Control Pad Pro XL for this year did he indirectly... *drumroll* ...announced Monster Hunter 4 for this year also???


Less than 2 days to know! Can't wait!

I wonder why size it would be after you snap on the circle pad pro XL.

So...when is it? Tomorrow?


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.