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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Best Developers of the Generation?

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Best developer of this generation according to you?

Nintendo EAD 71 26.89%
Naughty Dog 86 32.58%
Blizzard 9 3.41%
Valve 23 8.71%
Sony Santa Monica 31 11.74%
Bungie 11 4.17%
Rockstar 11 4.17%
Another Sony studio 1 0.38%
Another Nintendo studio 3 1.14%
Other (please clarify) 18 6.82%
NobleTeam360 said:
Hmm i get bored of linear games very quickly ( Story ) So UC & GOW wouldn't hold me over except for a few days. I prefer games like Skyrim or pretty much any RPG. For example Final Fantasy 13 was linear but i stilled enjoyed it. I have all three Uncharted games and barely got past the first mission in UC 1. I doubt i will ever get into them. I have Heavy Rain and Dead Island also guess which i finished and the one i dididn't? Every one has a style they enjoy no point in arguing about. If someone doesn't like UC then that's their opinion and they have a right to dislike UC if they want to.

Wait, so why is ND on your list? o_0

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DepthAlly said:

ND is in the lead!? Humanity has crumbled!

You're treading in dangerous waters, my friend.

Valve doesn't get enough credit imo, they should be up there with Ninty and Ndog

Jay520 said:
DepthAlly said:

ND is in the lead!? Humanity has crumbled!

You're treading in dangerous waters, my friend.

Interesting. I've never felt safer.

Food for thought: Shove an apple in your brain

Woah, Hold on...!, it seems you guys took my comment like a personal insult, I now have to read every comment again, its also ironic that you guys ignored Gears Of War since I also said the same thing about that one, and I also talked about Ubisoft, which make the assassins Creed games and Far Cry, which are not linear, so its not that I only dislike Linearity at its core, I dislike the fact that it makes the game way too guided, as if its an on rails game, I dislike Ass Creed for this same thing, its not because its linear but because its very very VERY easy, you can win the game by just standing and countering, and the plot is cliff hanger crap, but thats another issue.

anyways i'm going to read the replies now.

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Jay520 said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Hmm i get bored of linear games very quickly ( Story ) So UC & GOW wouldn't hold me over except for a few days. I prefer games like Skyrim or pretty much any RPG. For example Final Fantasy 13 was linear but i stilled enjoyed it. I have all three Uncharted games and barely got past the first mission in UC 1. I doubt i will ever get into them. I have Heavy Rain and Dead Island also guess which i finished and the one i dididn't? Every one has a style they enjoy no point in arguing about. If someone doesn't like UC then that's their opinion and they have a right to dislike UC if they want to.

Wait, so why is ND on your list? o_0

I loved the jak & daxter games and i have hope for the last of us. I know jak & daxter isn't this gen though but i still respect them for UC even if i don't care much for them millions of other do.

PullusPardus said:
Woah, Hold on...!, it seems you guys took my comment like a personal insult, I now have to read every comment again, its also ironic that you guys ignored Gears Of War since I also said the same thing about that one, and I also talked about Ubisoft, which make the assassins Creed games and Far Cry, which are not linear, so its not that I only dislike Linearity at its core, I dislike the fact that it makes the game way too guided, as if its an on rails game, I dislike Ass Creed for this same thing, its not because its linear but because its very very VERY easy, you can win the game by just standing and countering, and the plot is cliff hanger crap, but thats another issue.

anyways i'm going to read the replies now.

I completly agree with your statement. 

As i am a PS3 gamer Naughtydog easily, Uncharted 1-3 are awesome.

PSP Lifetime more than PSV+3DS Lifetime.

NobleTeam360 said:
Jay520 said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Hmm i get bored of linear games very quickly ( Story ) So UC & GOW wouldn't hold me over except for a few days. I prefer games like Skyrim or pretty much any RPG. For example Final Fantasy 13 was linear but i stilled enjoyed it. I have all three Uncharted games and barely got past the first mission in UC 1. I doubt i will ever get into them. I have Heavy Rain and Dead Island also guess which i finished and the one i dididn't? Every one has a style they enjoy no point in arguing about. If someone doesn't like UC then that's their opinion and they have a right to dislike UC if they want to.

Wait, so why is ND on your list? o_0

I loved the jak & daxter games and i have hope for the last of us. I know jak & daxter isn't this gen though but i still respect them for UC even if i don't care much for them millions of other do.

Look see, I used to love Naughty Dog for Jak And Daxter, and I also used to like Ubisoft for Prince of Persia and Capcom for Devil May Cry, but this is THIS gen , and these companies have changed.

I also used to like ND, when they were doing the Jak & Daxter series. Now I wonder how the Last of Us is going to play out, it's the kind of game that does not seem to be open-world in my opinion.

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