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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PASBR vs SSBB, similarities and differences

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Looking for feedback, how is take 2 compared to take 1?

Perfecto! 5 11.36%
Much better. 15 34.09%
Okay I guess. 4 9.09%
Still needs improvement. 2 4.55%
Just as bad as it was. 17 38.64%
happydolphin said:
Euphoria14 said:
You say you are getting a PS3 right? If so, be sure to add me if you are going to get this game.

I just bought one on Saturday, my PSN is happyd84. I'll add you when I get home. Thanks for participating properly, I really appreciate that.

If I've learnt one thing this far is that real participation is a rarity in this forum. I'm glad I got some from you.

How will you add me when you don't know my PSN username? I bet you can't guess it.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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I was hoping you'd give it to me. Or you can just add me, tomato tamato

And actually I was gonna check your profile, which I just did, so I'll just do it from there.

happydolphin said:
I was hoping you'd give it to me. Or you can just add me, tomato tamato

It's Euphoria14.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


Got a retro room? Post it here!


happydolphin said:
MessiaH said:
Let me tell you why people are complaining about this, people are complaining because of "Self-Entitled Bitch Syndrome". It is a (hopefully) terminal illness that afflicts at least 60% of gamers. If they dislike a certain brand, or love their brand too much, this virus manifests itself in their brains and eats away at the frontal lobe thus eliminating their reasoning ability. It is unfortunately a disease that society is not ready to talk about.

Why gamers have little to no emotional intelligence is beyond me. Why they throw a fuss over something so asinine is beyond me. Why they get so ridiculously defensive or offensive (depending on the situation) is beyond me. Like the video said, every genre in videogames was born from a SINGLE game. Yet that fact does not resonate with these tards. It's a game people, its coming out whether you like it or not, and it will probably sell decently well. Move on brother, there are far more important things in this world to grief about...

If you have issues with the thread, kindly report it. As far as participation goes, you're violating the guidelines of the thread so please leave.

Never said I had issues with the thread. Comparing the games like you did is just fine, I just noticed tons of commentry (on this site and others) of people who are genuinely displeased at this game and that is silly. I am PARTICIPATING by mentioning scientific FACTS of this deadly affliction that I described in my first post. Now, let's put sensitivity aside and discuss this like gentlemen. Nobody needs to leave anywhere.

Here, maybe this will put a smile on your face: I think that PS Battle Royale is clearly inspired by Smash Bros. Sony saw an opportunity with the idea as it has a rather strong lineup of mascots. I am sure they will add some extra nuances and gameplay mechanics to not be an absolute clone (a la gameloft games), yet the similarities are undeniable. What I like is the range of characters from games of all ratings (Everyone - Mature). The idea of seeing a cartoon beat a murderous clown to a pulp is fun. The characters are more diverse than nintendos (who are all cartoonish in nature), so you see a cool blend of dark/cartoony visuals and themes. I give this game a double thumbs up. If it's fun, I am game.

There, I don't want to see a sadface on my happydolphin!

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^Thanks for clarifying. Forgive my sensitivity, I had to close a similar thread yesterday due to someone displaying a similar attitude to the one you posted, but was much more aggressive to users here including myself. I am just defending my thread from being sabotaged again. Your last post and that kind of content is more than welcome.

ClassicGamingWizzz said:

another thread about this again?

Especially when one is neither a fan of Sony nor of Nintendo.

Thanks for leaving my thread alone. I've already had to lock one yesterday because of spam like this.

MessiaH said:
Let me tell you why people are complaining about this, people are complaining because of "Self-Entitled Bitch Syndrome". It is a (hopefully) terminal illness that afflicts at least 60% of gamers. If they dislike a certain brand, or love their brand too much, this virus manifests itself in their brains and eats away at the frontal lobe thus eliminating their reasoning ability. It is unfortunately a disease that society is not ready to talk about.

Why gamers have little to no emotional intelligence is beyond me. Why they throw a fuss over something so asinine is beyond me. Why they get so ridiculously defensive or offensive (depending on the situation) is beyond me. Like the video said, every genre in videogames was born from a SINGLE game. Yet that fact does not resonate with these tards. It's a game people, its coming out whether you like it or not, and it will probably sell decently well. Move on brother, there are far more important things in this world to grief about...

Couldnt have said it better than you. if i always get so upset if some company is copying my beloved God of War than i would have make 20 threads about game xyz is copying my God of War. Thats how the industry worked today.And sometimes even copies of popular games become some heavy competition ( Lords of Shadow which is not as much a copy of god of war as many people think)

And if Sony would make it like a 2d beat em up alla Tekken ect it would be a copy of Tekken, Street Fighter, Dear of Alive, Soul Calibur and so on and so on.

One company make a game, another company make a similar game but better or worser. Thats how the industry worked. You can not make every game unique its not possible. Its like saying all the ego shooters out there are Call of Duty clones. Just stupid thinking.

And it were exactly that gamers you mentioned with your post which write stupid reviews on amazon etc without playing the game just because they can not accept that game x is better or even as good as game y from there beloved company. 

Anyway the more those guys start stupid discussions the more advertising they make for that game. 

I would put the defense systems, or at least the recovers system in your similarities. Both games have the recover from ground, air or walls and the rolling to both sides.

"Default attack reach"
Are you refferint to the time it takes for the attack to land or the total reach of the atack hit box?

And i think the game is copy at the end of the day, but it's differences that are killing th hype for me ironically

Deoz said:

"Default attack reach"
Are you refferint to the time it takes for the attack to land or the total reach of the atack hit box?

Both actually, thanks for asking.