Mmmm meh! As long as the single player is as good as the other ones, Im ok with it. I just wont play the multiplayer.
03/10/09 HUGE day in my life:
Mmmm meh! As long as the single player is as good as the other ones, Im ok with it. I just wont play the multiplayer.
03/10/09 HUGE day in my life:
I honestly don't have a problem with it. Some games may degrade their singleplayer to have multiplayer, but it's not guaranteed in any way. And I personally felt God of War III was a waste of money when I got it on release. The singleplayer was nice, but at that price I would have much prefered to spend my money on games with more content, so some multiplayer is nice. Provided they make it good of course. My main concern is really whether the multiplayer will be refreshing enough to stay interesting.
And you'll still be getting plenty of singleplayer games. Look at how well Skyrim did for example, or Batman: Arkham City for that matter. They're not going anywhere. But more focus on multiplayer will also bring more innovation to make it interesting for singleplayer gamers. Look at Dark Souls and Journey for example, they bring multiplayer to the singleplayer gamers, and do a fantastic job of it.
Ajescent said:
uncharted 2 had multiplayer too, you know.
and they explained why the took it out, when they tried to implement these things, it brought on game breaking bugs and glitches, so they decided to leave them out, as it didnt really effect the quality of the campaign leaving them out or not.
also uncharted 3 is the best game i have ever played and the best multiplayer. and this is coming from an avid xbox halo, and gears player. i hadnt even picked up an uncharte game until a few months ago, when i got a ps3
Thanks God they added multiplayer since thats the only reason for no re-selling a game in Ebay (in case the MP is great ofcourse)
mainly RPGs these days tho even that is changing, there are still games like The Witcher 2, Skyrim, most JRPGs, the last story and Dark Souls may be signalling the end of that tho FFXV will probably have multi. then there are games like Bioshock infinite, Batman: Arkham, Dragon's Dogma, and I don't think DMC has multi yet.
@TheVoxelman on twitter
pezus said:
That's not really a good reason. Online pass is only necessary if you want to play the multiplayer. So, if you want to just enjoy the good ol' GoW single-player, you can buy it used if you wish. | in the future online pass wont effect single player either? I find that suspect. But ok.
To be honest multiplayer modes on single player modes tend to be lackluster and take out from the sigle player quality.
Indeed im of the opinion that single player and online multiplayer should be separated. The content and quality of a game built from the ground up to deliver an engaging online envyronment cant be compared to the barebones, boring offer of single player games multiplayer mode. Without any doubt these modes are just an effort to get more microtransaction money from suckers.
Also, when i want a single player game why the hell am i paying for a crapy multiplayer one? Might aswell separate them and offer quality experiences on both.
Nem said: To be honest multiplayer modes on single player modes tend to be lackluster and take out from the sigle player quality.
Also, when i want a single player game why the hell am i paying for a crapy multiplayer one? Might aswell separate them and offer quality experiences on both. |
and is common that developers are to meet deadlines. I mean look at Raccon City.
pezus said:
I highly disagree with this. Games can definitely have a great single-player as well as multi-player. Naughty Dog did it, why don't you think SSM can do it? They are basically running the whole Sony games show. |
Sowwy, that is matters of opinions. Some of us prefer for a developer to put their total efforts into single player. A lot of these multiplayer feel generic. Its not needed. But from a business perspective its $$$.
For example a lot of us loved resident evil 1 &2. But Resident evil 5 did not feel like a Resident Evil IMO. They just slapped the name brand on the box.
pezus said:
Except sometimes a great dev can make a better single player with multiplayer than other devs can do with only single player. I fully trust in SSM to deliver here. |
It might for your expectations. But not for many of us. Some of us have a J psychoogcial trait which place great emphasis having things orderly and sytematically fursnished eg. story, sound, gameplay, control etc...
I wonder how the ending of Mass Effect 3 would be like if they removed multiplayer from the gecko?