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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Am I the only one worried about the future of Wii U?

I am not worried, I'd have to care for the WiiU for that, but yes I feel that it has an uncertain future.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

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davidd_err18 said:
DarkTemplar said:
It's hard to predict how it is going to performing without knowing what games Nintendo will release in the launch window.

What if they release New Super Mario World, Wii U Fit and Wii U Sports before the end of the year? With only 3 titles the Wii U can outsell both HD consoles combined during the holiday season.

However if they decide to release only games like Pikmin, 3D Mario and Metroid Other M even the Wii can outsell it.

I dont think  that even Wii U Fit or Wii U sports are gonna have that much impact as they had on the Wii, and even with both of those games they are not gonna outsell neither of the HD twins, let alone combined. But mario can make a difference.

This is why I said "can" instead of "will" =)

It's hard to predict what will be the exact impact of those games in Wii U sales.

Also Nintendo can bundle a new IP with the console. What if the new game becomes the new Wii Sports?

There are so many possibilities, unfortunately we will have to wait until E3.

RolStoppable said:
1) This is wrong. Both the 360 and PS3 are already considerably down in year over year sales.
2) This is basically your only good point.
3) Looks like a non-issue.
4) An extension of point 2, doesn't really matter on a broader scale though.
5) Another extension of point 2.
6) The casual fallacy in full force.

But despite half of your points being worthless, point 2) seals the deal. Nintendo is abandoning their audience in order to chase after a market segment they will never get. They did the same with the 3DS and it already hurted them greatly. The difference is that Nintendo's only competition in the handheld market is incredibly incompetent, so all the mistakes can be ironed out. The Wii U won't have that luxury though. We'll see at E3 how severe the damage that Nintendo will deal to their business will be. Maybe (hopefully) the 3DS struggles were a wake up call for them.

A succinct deconstruction of the weakness of many of his points. The critical juncture will be seeing exactly what kind of software Nintendo is putting out, however. I wouldn't get on the "they're trying to chase the hardcore" train quite yet. Multiplat capability allows the third parties to fill in the gaps, and if Nintendo then does what Nintendo does best, it irons out the weaknesses of the Wii

It all hinges on what kind of software they're making and pushing. A 2D Mario launch game would be a paralyzing punch to anything Sony and Microsoft could have to offer

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

I am very worried about the Wii U.

I am very very worried about Sony as a whole company.

I'm not worried at all about Microsoft and the NextBox.

i don't see how it could do bad but well see I suppose. I think it will outsell the Wii and be huge success.

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Here are my thoughts.

* Microsoft has picked up sales excuse cause of Kinect. I also wonder how much some of the PS3 and Xbox 360 sales are console replacements since (a) it is easy to transfer DLC and DL games and (b) because service time and/or quality is lacking.

* Why is it wrong to try to reach everyone. Having AC3 on the WiiU might stop me from buying a PS3.

* The $300 price tag will be fine.

* The competition will not be able to get too too much ahead on graphics as the TVs are still the same level as before (1080p is generally the max).

* Sony is in a real bad way finanicially. Baht could have an impact on its ability to compete in the arena.

Mike from Morgantown


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radishhead said:
I honestly think the WiiU is going to go down the same way as the Gamecube - they're not going to get this "hardcore" audience, no matter how hard they try, and Microsoft own the casuals now. The 3DS will remain very popular, but I don't see the WiiU passing 30 million units

Just for your information you can't "own" the casuals, moreless an audience. The casuals flock to whatever is popular. And the Wii U has the backing of the once popular Wii audience which is very large.


nintendo forever . . .

I don't see why to be worried on something you don't know.

Let's see what launch titles there will be, then you can be worried if you want.

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NintendoPie said:
radishhead said:
I honestly think the WiiU is going to go down the same way as the Gamecube - they're not going to get this "hardcore" audience, no matter how hard they try, and Microsoft own the casuals now. The 3DS will remain very popular, but I don't see the WiiU passing 30 million units

Gasp! How could you say that?! You better be one of those people that make horrible predictions, Radish.

I'm pretty sure my prediction success rate is lower than Pachter's, so you shouldn't have anything to worry about xD

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im not worried, so yes