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RolStoppable said:
1) This is wrong. Both the 360 and PS3 are already considerably down in year over year sales.
2) This is basically your only good point.
3) Looks like a non-issue.
4) An extension of point 2, doesn't really matter on a broader scale though.
5) Another extension of point 2.
6) The casual fallacy in full force.

But despite half of your points being worthless, point 2) seals the deal. Nintendo is abandoning their audience in order to chase after a market segment they will never get. They did the same with the 3DS and it already hurted them greatly. The difference is that Nintendo's only competition in the handheld market is incredibly incompetent, so all the mistakes can be ironed out. The Wii U won't have that luxury though. We'll see at E3 how severe the damage that Nintendo will deal to their business will be. Maybe (hopefully) the 3DS struggles were a wake up call for them.

A succinct deconstruction of the weakness of many of his points. The critical juncture will be seeing exactly what kind of software Nintendo is putting out, however. I wouldn't get on the "they're trying to chase the hardcore" train quite yet. Multiplat capability allows the third parties to fill in the gaps, and if Nintendo then does what Nintendo does best, it irons out the weaknesses of the Wii

It all hinges on what kind of software they're making and pushing. A 2D Mario launch game would be a paralyzing punch to anything Sony and Microsoft could have to offer

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.