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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I think it's safe to say the PS3 is the definitive graphics king for this gen

BHR3 said:
lol at some of the pics in here most are representative of whats seen in game most pics on the net are touched up with AA.

I think it's risky to say the PS3 is the definitive graphics king for this gen

when people refer to something as graphics king or whatever they usually refer to PC they do this b/c pretty much every game on PC is superior then it is on consoles both exclusives and multi its the pinnacle of the best gameplay experience in terms of graphics

sonys PS3 doesnt offer the best graphics for about 90% of the SW being released on it, going strictly console vs console excluding the PC for this gen it would be the X-box 360 that offers the best graphics on consoles for the majority of the SW being sold

there are only a few exclusive games on the PS3 key word a few that are graphically superior to the 360s exclusive library, forget about the 3rd party its a rap most all are graphically superior on the X-box there are plenty of comparisons on the net for most of the major 3rd party releases for you to see this.

imo the few ps3 exclusives that are graphically superior also sacrifice some gameply elements that are found else where for one gow3 doesnt even have a free moving camera, KZ is not as open as halo or has campaign coop , gt5s car list isnt as diverse as forzas, its back drops arent as good either, uncharted doesnt have as much content as gears ie enemies, boss battles, coop campaign, horde mode.

if you also look at the sales of the top 360 exclusives and compare them to the ps3s that are slightly graphically superior then you'll also see that the public also chooses gameplay over graphics.

Sentences in bold are irrelevant to this thread title..remember its "definitive graphics king" just incase you failed to notice.

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usrevenge said:
leo-j said:
Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
Exclusives.. yes

Multiplats no

okay? Some multiplats shared with the 360, presumably the bigger ones like CALL OF DUTY look almost half a generation behind graphicly compared to some ps3 exclusives....

yet most the wanted games out there are multi plats
mass effect
dragon age
elder scrolls
all look better and play better on 360, PS3 is more powerful but no one cares because lets face it, the vast majority of games people care about are multi plat.

Uh... no, BF3 looks amazing on the PS3, since when was it inferior to the 360 version lol? Since when are CoD games inferior on PS3? because of timed exclusive DLC?? I agree with Bethesda games, but they're all crap becoz Bethesda can't code for PS3, those games are best played on the PC anyways, just like Dragon Age. Not much is left from your list, you still think with your 2007 mindset that 360 multiplats are somewhat superior to PS3 versions, using this argument is really old. I enjoyed every PS3 multiplat I bought last year: Portal 2, AC Revelations, Batman Arkham City etc

BHR3 said:
lol at some of the pics in here most are representative of whats seen in game most pics on the net are touched up with AA.

I think it's risky to say the PS3 is the definitive graphics king for this gen

when people refer to something as graphics king or whatever they usually refer to PC they do this b/c pretty much every game on PC is superior then it is on consoles both exclusives and multi its the pinnacle of the best gameplay experience in terms of graphics

sonys PS3 doesnt offer the best graphics for about 90% of the SW being released on it, going strictly console vs console excluding the PC for this gen it would be the X-box 360 that offers the best graphics on consoles for the majority of the SW being sold

there are only a few exclusive games on the PS3 key word a few that are graphically superior to the 360s exclusive library, forget about the 3rd party its a rap most all are graphically superior on the X-box there are plenty of comparisons on the net for most of the major 3rd party releases for you to see this.

imo the few ps3 exclusives that are graphically superior also sacrifice some gameply elements that are found else where for one gow3 doesnt even have a free moving camera, KZ is not as open as halo or has campaign coop , gt5s car list isnt as diverse as forzas, its back drops arent as good either, uncharted doesnt have as much content as gears ie enemies, boss battles, coop campaign, horde mode.

if you also look at the sales of the top 360 exclusives and compare them to the ps3s that are slightly graphically superior then you'll also see that the public also chooses gameplay over graphics.

Killzone does have campaign coop.. And how can u seriously say forzas car list is more diverse?

Chark said:
This is still going on? Both consoles look great. PS3 has more graphical potential than 360 but its not always taken advantage of. This difference can be hard to tell apart with an untrained eye and especially by those who don't play both systems or the games that specifically show graphically achievement. Multiplatform games are not a valid argument except for those games, because often times the difference has everything to do with developer, not the hardware. If you really want the best graphics in your games, then buy both systems and take advantage of the multiplatform difference, while still having the exclusive glory of each.

Where did you hear this bullock?  The PS3 and Xbox 360 share the same Memory/Graphics limitations.  Neither console can actually "best" the other at raw graphics power.  If Microsoft had first party developers that can fool people into believing their game is better by using cheap motion tricks, the Xbox 360 would have the "best" graphics of this generation.

errorpwns said:
Chark said:
This is still going on? Both consoles look great. PS3 has more graphical potential than 360 but its not always taken advantage of. This difference can be hard to tell apart with an untrained eye and especially by those who don't play both systems or the games that specifically show graphically achievement. Multiplatform games are not a valid argument except for those games, because often times the difference has everything to do with developer, not the hardware. If you really want the best graphics in your games, then buy both systems and take advantage of the multiplatform difference, while still having the exclusive glory of each.

Where did you hear this bullock?  The PS3 and Xbox 360 share the same Memory/Graphics limitations.  Neither console can actually "best" the other at raw graphics power.  If Microsoft had first party developers that can fool people into believing their game is better by using cheap motion tricks, the Xbox 360 would have the "best" graphics of this generation.

You sir are completely ignoring the power of the CELL.

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Michael-5 said:
Mad55 said:
Man we need more 360 fans to defend against these laughable ps3 pics lol.

Please, I'm not even mainly a 360 fan, I like Wii the most, and then specific HD franchises (Mass Effect, Fallout, Forza, JRPG's like Tales of/Valkyria Chronicles, etc)...

No need for the please, I wasn't referring to you. When I said we need more I meant some in general. Im a fan of all three systems so its not like im rooting for a specific winner, but please continue. 

errorpwns said:
Turkish said:
Sevengen said:
when do these silly comparison threads stop?
truth is, both consoles are so close graphically that there really is no way to definitively prove which one has the edge, so that leaves personal opinion and bias as the deciding factors, which, in the end prove nothing.

for every screenshot of Uncharted 3 on the PS3, there's a shot of Crysis 2 on the 360, or even Battlefield 3 for that matter which beats both of them hands down for lighting, shading and textures. Now, you can tell me I'm wrong or crazy, but it's my opinion... afforded me because of the rediculously close tech output from the HD twins.

there are no nails. no coffin. just opinion.

LOL! Are you serious about Crysis 2 or BF3 on consoles looking better then Uncharted 3 or God of War 3? Get real man, mutliplat titles on consoels are inferior to PS3 exclusives. Unless you play Crysis 2 and BF3 on Ultra with 8xAA on a PC then there is nothing that comes close to PS3 exclusives.

Sorry, I'm tired of your selective screen shot picking.  Be honest about your games before trash talking.

I can pull a gears of war screen shot that looks better than that.  Blurry wood textures, muddy floor, blurry books.

Muddy desert textures, blurry plane.  Low polygon trucks.

That train man, low polygon rocks in the background, blurry tiny blades of pathetic grass.  I can get better looking graphics by running Crysis on medium with 2x AA.  


Here is the train level from Uncharted 2, put into Crysis


So what about Uncharted 2 looking better than Crysis without 8x AA and on max settings?   Quit making a fool of yourself.  Completely bias man.


This is Witcher 2, it is beginning to look better than any God of War or Uncharted game so far.

In my opinion, I think Red Dead Redemption looks better than the uncharted games.

I've played Gears and Uncharted 3...and way Gears looks better than Uncharted 3. Gears 3 didnt even look better than Arkham City.  Hold on a sec, did you say Red Dead looks better than Uncharted? I cant even give it a graphics win over Uncharted 2, maybe part one but not two. Thats it I need to start overlooking posts.

errorpwns said:
Chark said:
This is still going on? Both consoles look great. PS3 has more graphical potential than 360 but its not always taken advantage of. This difference can be hard to tell apart with an untrained eye and especially by those who don't play both systems or the games that specifically show graphically achievement. Multiplatform games are not a valid argument except for those games, because often times the difference has everything to do with developer, not the hardware. If you really want the best graphics in your games, then buy both systems and take advantage of the multiplatform difference, while still having the exclusive glory of each.

Where did you hear this bullock?  The PS3 and Xbox 360 share the same Memory/Graphics limitations.  Neither console can actually "best" the other at raw graphics power.  If Microsoft had first party developers that can fool people into believing their game is better by using cheap motion tricks, the Xbox 360 would have the "best" graphics of this generation.

I think Halo 4 will be the best the 360 will ever do as far as games made to show the power of the console. It looks really nice, but still hard pressed to beat a lot of PS3 games that exist or that are still coming in graphics.

errorpwns said:
killerzX said:
Michael-5 said:

It's not a smooth curve. Having sharpe edges in a constant motion isn't deliberate, it's a limitation (Like jaged polygons on a round object). It's small, just like the Halo mesh, not worth arguing about. geez, just pointing out every game has imperfections.

thats purposeful. it comes from kratos, pulling out the blades, pulling foward and then jerking them down, it creates that bent arc. it makes perfect sense with the animation he makes, and is in no way a fault, nor does it have anything to do with bad AA which is what you are implying.

also that image is from in game, gameplay, unlike the nothing special or impresive halo bullshot.

Wow, you people really are blinded by sony fanboyism. 

Lol thanks mate. Yea, for anyone whose played GoW3, they would know many of the motions just don't make sense. Often times Krot's blade on a chain make sharpe angle changes in direction (according to the light path) and then follows a straight line. This is physically impossible by the laws of physics (I'm a physics specialist so just trust me on that one), and just looks sloppy. It's not a big deal, it's done to make gameplay smooth, and GoW3 is still a great looking game. Just saying there are imperfections.

Arguing this is like telling me Kirby is suppose to be an Octagon in Super Smash Bros for N64, or a higher grade polygon in Melee and Brawl. It's a limitation of the hardware, it's harder to make smooth surves then it is to make sharpe angles.

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thehusbo said:
Michael-5 said:
thehusbo said:
Michael-5 said:
thehusbo said:

Seriously mate, just give up.. You can't win with this guy. Put as many facts as you want and he'll still sit there arguing. He says forza 4 is the best looking game this gen? Smh..

I also said that's my opinion countless times.

Seriously, just because I have a different opinion then you, do you really need to chastize me? What your doing is trying to make my opinion worth zero compared to yours and Aldros (who clearly have a bias towards Uncharted as both your gamerpics are Uncharted).

I even said Uncharted 3 has #1, despite my opinion being different, what more do you want?

If everyone shared the same view on video games...we would all be playing Mario Kart, which isn't a bad idea.

I would like to tell you both to grow up, and just accept others have a different opinion

P.S. winning Best graphics in 2009 does not make a game better looking then a 2011 game. What facts are you claiming change this? None, it's all opinions, and seriously, learn to accepts that other people have a different one then you.

"opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one.." seriously though, your opinion is fine. Just stick with it and don't let others pressure you. 

So then why are you pressuring Aldro and basically stating that I'm an asshole that won't accept other peoples opinions as facts? I'm standing up for my opinion, and you're insulting me for it, then telling me to keep standing up for my opinion?

LOL I never called u an arsehole.. And what do u mean pressuring aldro? I don't really care for what your on about. If that's what u believe in then that's fine. I may not agree with u but that's how it goes..

You don't agree with me, but you're telling me to take my opinions and to can them, and telling everyone else one by one to ignore me because my opinions are somehow fundamentally flawed. Then your telling me hold onto my opinion. You are a hypocrite for chastasing people for expressing their opinion.

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