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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Ranking Game -- Deus Ex: Human Revolution *RESULTS*

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I played this game because...

I loved the old Deus Ex games 4 10.26%
the gameplay looked unique and awesome 16 41.03%
someone suggested it to me 1 2.56%
Adam Jensen looks cool 0 0%
the trailers were awesome 3 7.69%
I was looking for an RPG fix 2 5.13%
I got it cheap/free 2 5.13%
I didn't have much else ... 0 0%
I got paid to do so 2 5.13%
I'm Rol so I "play... 9 23.08%

Just got the game recently from the amazon digital sale =P. But boy have I been missing out not getting this game earlier. Stealth is awsome, gunplay is awsome, equipment is awsome, everything is simply awsome. Very suprised how much I enjoyed this game. My only complaint is that the switch between third and first person is rather choppy but that might just be my computer not being up to par.


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9.5 My favorite game this gen.

Slightly worse than the Original Deus Ex which is my favorite game
+Story (not perfect and has a number of flaws), But aside from bioshock, there's not many that I think are definitely better this gen.
+Music is aweseome
+Gameplay and Level design, is great especially compared to another game I'm playing now(level design in ME3) >_<
+Art Design
+Good Hacking Mini-Game
+Neat consequences such as if you get by the cop, he comes and is pissed at you later because he lost his job, on your return. You spare a gang guy, he comes and gives you extra information later, and then re-appears if you choose to go find his brothers secret base. etc.
+The icarus landing system, and the Jump aug is cool, especially in hengha it makes the game feel vertical.

-No Melee
-Skills and Augments are 1 tree.
-Animations (the graphics don't really bother me)
-Too much Hacking
-They should give you less praxis kits and make choice of augs more important however a mod fixed this.
-boss battles
-the ending(s)  

pezus said:
One thing is predictable, and that's KylieDog's score

I think I've come up with a way to decipher his scores. The lower his score is, the better the game is

RolStoppable said:

I am not going write a review, because I just can't be bothered anymore as could be seen by most of my last few reviews. Instead I'll just throw a few questions out there.

1) Why did yet another game that boasts about freedom, but in the end offers barely any, score so highly?
2) Why is it almost always only KylieDog who isn't a blind sheep and actually dares to point out flaws?
3) Who besides me voted the last poll option? Show yourself.

I listed like 7 negatives. And only like 4 people rated it.

I know you're rol. 

9.6 hopefully I remember to write the pros and cons tomorrow morning. Pretty sure John or Tads will quote me or message me later, saying explain your score.

Allowed you to play different forms of styles, to complete mission. I love when you can have game that does stealth in method of it actually working.
Story was excellent and very nice
The city felt very well done, and didn't feel excessive or too little.


Ending was pretty bad, but really that seems to be the trend in games that Western RPGs.
Boss fights seem to be very poorly done.


Around the Network

8/10 Good game with some flaws, boss fights and ending in particular.
Loved the stealth game play and sci-fi setting. The game was open enough and offered enough options to keep up the illusion of freedom for one play through. Enough for me, but I can see how it would disappoint when you play through it a second time.


Hacking computers was meant to get access to passwords in order for you not to have to hack the things requiring passwords. Having to shoot the bosses wasn't very good design.
Graphics on pc weren't very good.
I liked the trailer better than what the story turned out to be.

Got the game recently, just finished it a while ago.

Highly enjoyable, but there's a few glaring issues. For example, the boss fights don't really seem that great. And the combat system (and, heck, the game in general) is too confusing. There's also some pretty terrible textures (I know that's the point, but still, it's a bit annoying from time to time!)

I did enjoy it, but the most I can give it is a 7.4.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Oh, how did I miss this?

It was a great game through and through. I loved it.


RolStoppable said:

I am not going write a review, because I just can't be bothered anymore as could be seen by most of my last few reviews. Instead I'll just throw a few questions out there.

1) Why did yet another game that boasts about freedom, but in the end offers barely any, score so highly?
2) Why is it almost always only KylieDog who isn't a blind sheep and actually dares to point out flaws?
3) Who besides me voted the last poll option? Show yourself.

1) Because "barely any freedom" is still 99% more freedom than most games contain, and the game is fun regardless of apparant lack of freedom.

2) Because people who enjoyed the game evidently didn't experience all the flaws someone else listed, and people who don't enjoy the game tend to not care enough to post.

3)It was some of the millions of users you've tricked to reply to your comments. So I guess now it could very well be me.