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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS Vita to be the number one selling console/handheld in the new gen

Agreed on all points. I think you may be on to something sir. With great games, features, and controls, the Vita may very well be the best selling console of all time. All it needs is one good price cut. That'll probably happen sometime this year. 

By next year, expect the Vita to fly by the 3DS in install base easy. Nintendo, you've had your time to shine, now it's Sony's turn to show you how to dominate a market the correct way.

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I'm not sure if this is supposed to be serious, but I'll respond as if it is ...

I think most people will acknowledge that the 3DS has a massive lead and will probably outsell the PS-Vita by a substantial margin until Sony cuts the price of the vita. Third party publishers have (probably) estimated the market through the end of 2013 and may expect the 3DS to be selling substantially more software than the PS-Vita simply because of how much larger the userbase will be, and they will have allocated their resources towards projects to maximize their sales (effectively meaning they will be targeting the 3DS). The combination of lower price, larger library, less expensive games, and greater third party support will make it nearly impossible for the PS-Vita to consistently outsell the 3DS; and the massive userbase and (likely) regularly higher sales will prevent the PS-Vita from getting much closer to the 3DS than they already are.

bonkers555 said:
CaseyDDR said:
All I really gotta say to the haters, this will be bigger. Word of mouth is HUGE when it comes to these things... I was the first of my group of friends to buy it, them calling me a fool. Now 4 of them have already bought one after playing mine.

The Vita is here.

Oh, and as for COD, I've NEVER bought one, but this'll be the first for Vita.

You are absolutely right about word of mouth. I was the first to get the Vita in my family and friends and they ended up canceling their Vita pre-order from Best Buy/Gamestop after I gave them my honest opion about it.

They say you have gone bonkers! Hehehe! :P


bonkers555 said:
CaseyDDR said:
All I really gotta say to the haters, this will be bigger. Word of mouth is HUGE when it comes to these things... I was the first of my group of friends to buy it, them calling me a fool. Now 4 of them have already bought one after playing mine.

The Vita is here.

Oh, and as for COD, I've NEVER bought one, but this'll be the first for Vita.

You are absolutely right about word of mouth. I was the first to get the Vita in my family and friends and they ended up canceling their Vita pre-order from Best Buy/Gamestop after I gave them my honest opion about it.

Thats the exception, everyone I talked to all week, loved it and now want one. Cannot see how any gamer could not love the vita, seruiously it has everythign a gamer could want.  Word of mouth is about as good as I have heard for any launch.,  I find  your post hard to believe.

leper-apostle said:
bonkers555 said:
CaseyDDR said:
All I really gotta say to the haters, this will be bigger. Word of mouth is HUGE when it comes to these things... I was the first of my group of friends to buy it, them calling me a fool. Now 4 of them have already bought one after playing mine.

The Vita is here.

Oh, and as for COD, I've NEVER bought one, but this'll be the first for Vita.

You are absolutely right about word of mouth. I was the first to get the Vita in my family and friends and they ended up canceling their Vita pre-order from Best Buy/Gamestop after I gave them my honest opion about it.

Thats the exception, everyone I talked to all week, loved it and now want one. Cannot see how any gamer could not love the vita, seruiously it has everythign a gamer could want.  Word of mouth is about as good as I have heard for any launch.,  I find  your post hard to believe.


Don't get me wrong, I love my PS Vita and the 4 games that I purchase with it. But when friends and family ask me was it worth it and I must reply with a no. You are looking at a $249.99 machine and you must have a memory card to play any game so that range from $24.99 to $99.99. You also want a game with it so that with be $29.99 to $49.99 range. Assessories like screen protector and carrying case add up.  At the end depending on what you get it will be close to over $350.  I told them to wait and see with the Vita.

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bonkers555 said:
leper-apostle said:
bonkers555 said:
CaseyDDR said:
All I really gotta say to the haters, this will be bigger. Word of mouth is HUGE when it comes to these things... I was the first of my group of friends to buy it, them calling me a fool. Now 4 of them have already bought one after playing mine.

The Vita is here.

Oh, and as for COD, I've NEVER bought one, but this'll be the first for Vita.

You are absolutely right about word of mouth. I was the first to get the Vita in my family and friends and they ended up canceling their Vita pre-order from Best Buy/Gamestop after I gave them my honest opion about it.

Thats the exception, everyone I talked to all week, loved it and now want one. Cannot see how any gamer could not love the vita, seruiously it has everythign a gamer could want.  Word of mouth is about as good as I have heard for any launch.,  I find  your post hard to believe.


Don't get me wrong, I love my PS Vita and the 4 games that I purchase with it. But when friends and family ask me was it worth it and I must reply with a no. You are looking at a $249.99 machine and you must have a memory card to play any game so that range from $24.99 to $99.99. You also want a game with it so that with be $29.99 to $49.99 range. Assessories like screen protector and carrying case add up.  At the end depending on what you get it will be close to over $350.  I told them to wait and see with the Vita.

Actually the cheapest Vita memory card is only $20.
Vita also has free AR games so buying a game at launch isn't a necessity. Kids can be entertained for weeks with these mini games.

Welcome back brah

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

leper-apostle said:
PSP was poorly launched and was poor for years yet managed 80 million, its not that far fetched with the right software. But laugh away, time will tell.

73 millions. Not 80...

By the way, I don't think Vita will ever outsell 3DS.

To the people that bring up the PSP/DS argument, has this gen taught you anything?? The one thing we all know is that history rarely repeats itself. Anything can happen and simply saying that because DS (one of many big handheld's Nintendo came out with and dominated) beat PSP (Sony's first real handheld and only handheld to put up a fight with Nintendo's handhelds) is just stupid, it's invalid.

Gilgamesh said:

I've said it many times Nintendo has held the handheld crown for far to long the Vita is hear and it's a force to reckon with. What with the perfect controls to a handheld gaming device, great new app features and some of the top graphics out there it's only a matter of time before it begins to outsell the competition. Price is a little to high for now but as price cut's come sales will explode time after time.

Games like Monstrer Hunter, Resident evil and Final fantasy hit in Japan there's no telling how high sales can get, and Call of Duty in Amarica, now finally with the perfect controls and portability it's going to be a huge hit. And of course the one and only big game Gran Turismo would be absolute devine in Europe, throw in some Fifa games and we once again we got some big system sellers. 

Now I can see the 3DS market drying up within a few years, there main seller is the 3D and there really isn't much potential there, a lot of complaints of head aches and limiting age group, the updated graphics isn't huge and from what we seen from the Wii it limited the amount of quality games from other big companies, there's a huge library of games out now can be ported to the PS Vita with similar graphics, huge potential. And honestly I dunno how long Nintendo can keep up the remakes and sequels to the same games they have, how many more decades are people going to buy basically the same game with updated graphics and a new name of console next to the title, not saying they don't make new IP's but they really should invest more money in it.

Yeh the PS Vita has a way to go but give it time, soon enough it'll take over, much like the PS3 many more price cuts left to come.

Sounds overly optomistic, and seriously lacking in seeing what Nintendo has up their sleeve. 

Nevermind the Vita has to overcome 3 MAJOR obstacles: 3DS head start, Price gap, and having no flagship on the level of Mario. 

- Monster Hunter, Resident Evil, and Final Fantasy have allready released on the 3ds. Vita wont benefit as much if 3ds gets them first.

- COD will be console based and thats how its gonna stay. COD vita will be as relevant as the Wii dead serious. 

You see the 3ds market drying up in a few years...I see the Vita market drying up in a few months. I just dont see this thing being successful when you could buy a Wii and 3 games, 360, a PS3, or a 3ds and 3 games. Nevermind the tablet and smartphone industry only leaving room for one dedicated game handheld to thrive.....and that spot has been reserved for the 3ds. 

Cant tell if this post was serious, but if it is someone has to tell people like you that the PS2 days are looong dead. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.