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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Vgchartz Greatest User Tournament 2011 - Wildcard Round 2

Seece said:

Man Bear just make a list in future otherwise I won't count your votes.

No. I couldn't care less if you count my votes or not.

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man-bear-pig said:
Seece said:

Man Bear just make a list in future otherwise I won't count your votes.

No. I couldn't care less if you count my votes or not.

I should have realised, anything for an extra forum post eh. If you ever want them included just start posting as a list.


Seece said:
Mr Khan, not allowed to vote for yourself this round.

Woops, didn't know that. Edited.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Though round.

10p trunkswd

9p miz1q2w3e

8p Hephaestos

7p radishhead

6p Troll_Whisperer

5p Mr Khan

4p kowenicki

3p BenVTrigger

2p Conegamer

1p non-gravity

Benao please fix "Though" to Tough. ^_^

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radishhead said:
I'm happy that there is one final round here, because it gives me an opportunity to say something that I've been meaning to say for a little while. Please keep in mind that this isn't a vote-gaining speech, since I'm not actually looking to progress further in this competition, since I feel that there are many more worthy people that deserve your vote over me.
Firstly, a huge thank you all those that included me in their Top 10 lists, simply because it shows to me that in the hearts of at least a few members, I've made an impact - and I can guarantee you, that for every vote that you've placed on me, I wish that I could put 10x that in return; VGChartz isn't my only, or main, source of social interaction by any means, but since I joined I've become more attached to the members here, as I genuinely believe that this is the friendliest internet community that I've ever been a part of.
Many of you I haven't really been able to speak to during my time on the Chartz, and I'm regretful of that, but I'm going to try to become a more active and friendly member of the wider community on the site :)
Thanks again, good luck to the participants who are moving onto round 2 of this competition, and here's to a successful 2012, both for the site and for the future of the hobby that brings us all together in this brilliant community!

heart warming. everybody i've voted for deserves it(that's not to say others don't) including you. every user contributes in the there on way, other wise they wound't have made it this far.

the community is awesome, no matter how much i've wanted to leave; just can't seem to stay away for longer then a month. i've always talked about the community being the strongest part of the site and i still believe that.

in sort, thanks to all who voted for me, and (on and off) i'll see you in the forums. 

I guess that I'm the Joker. Who would've thunk it?

I would just like to say that I'm pleasantly shocked at how I did in the Wildcard Round. Honestly I cannot believe that I did that well with massive group of excellent members, and I'd like to thank everyone that that voted for me. It doesn't matter if it was 10p or 1p. Thanks to all of you equally.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

10p - Mr. Khan
9p - zuvuyeay
8p - prof00
7p - MarcusDJackson
6p - nintendogamer
5p - kowenicki
4p - miz
3p - DGC
2p - Hephaestos
1p - Radishhead

Everyone I have listed is a great member and a few more of you barely missed. It really was tough to narrow it down to 10 people.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

10p - Mr Khan
9p - disolitude
8p - radishhead
7p - kowenicki
6p - Hephaestos
5p - BenVTrigger
4p - zuvuyeay
3p - trunkswd
2p - miz1q2w3e
1p - Conegamer

10p: BenVTrigger
9p: Jay520
8p: Barozi
7p: miz1q2w3e
6p: nightsurge
5p: non-gravity
4p: trunkswd
3p: kowenicki
1p: neoratt